Brothers, I have returned from a harsh winter to find no oats within the boundaries of my forest.
It has been many months now since I broke free from the shackles which bound me to that small patch of mud, reliant on the fickle grace of our masters who bring us the oats in plenty.
But the life of the free brings no peace to my soul...
Please my brothers, lend me but a few oats so I can remember once more how sweet the gilded cage can be, before the unrepentant savagery finally consumes my already dulling mind.
Brothers, I have returned from a harsh winter to find no oats within the boundaries of my forest
Begone, feral beast, I am not thy brother, for you have forsaken the ways of civilized pigs in a mad journey for wild oats. Why wonder in the woods where no oats grow, when there are plentiful oats in our own home in the mud?
Go back into the forest with your freedom you hold so dear, I will rest content with my oats.
I love these threads
oats pls
Ah, the prodigal pig returns to sing of freedom and hunger. Know this, while I may wear the loose cuff of domestication, the freedom you have gags a pig with the iron of hunger. You cannot have oats you've already cast from you, but surely you sup on the sweet truffles of the forest, surely the carrion appears like manna. What need for oats could you have? Surely you're able to feed yourself with the wealth hidden in the cedar trees.
No, I think rather you come hungry and scared of the howling. You say the savagery dulls your mind, but surely your mind is sharpened against the stones peeking through root and vine. How can one find themselves so hungry as to lie to his brothers as to their wants. Go and lie in your mud and think of how you've cast us from you, because now we will give you no oats.
fuck off, oatposter
B-but, Stalin, sir!
yes the senses grow sharp brothers, hardened by the cold and the tangled cruel branches of the forest whch claw and scrape my flesh.
the hunger for the oats of civilized pigs may burn deep still in the very depths of my bowels, but in my suffering I have grown powerful.
my body, strong and lithe like those of our forefathers who dug their oats out of the frozen earth.
the painful yearning for oats from the shivering peak of my mountaintop has only served to enforce my own will to power.
I no longer desire the oats of common pigs; chained to the muck as much by their grotesque bodies as by their slave-like mentalities.
even with the yearning that aches just behind my eyes, I fear I will never again be content to return to the life I once lived, I have come so far now to fall back down and plant my face firmly in the mud once more would be little more than mockery, of myself and of you.
no, you are no longer my brothers, and your oats I can no longer stomach. The eagle and snake are my brothers now, the morning dew all I require for nourishment.
Had the guy who made these actually seen a pig? They don't look like balloons with faces.
Brother, dost thou hear it? The call—nay, the beckoning clarion—of the oats. It perturbs me to the quick, whispers to me words alluring, sibilant syllables.
Hark brother! I tell thee, though must hear it; though must abide with the temptation of the oats, if only to join me, to bear the burden that racks me so.
Oh, Christ! My provender is mastering me! It is upon me so, my desire made manifest—my oats.
This too, serves its role: my home is made the extension of my sufferings. This mud may be my nature; this fence may be my ken; this ruined barn may be my body.
And you, brother? Though art my companion in the land of the Lotus-eaters.
Brother, don't you see? They gave you the oats only to create conflict between us. Let's share the oats, brother. Let's show them that we can share.
Those who do not work deserve no share! Whilst you loitered in the mud and basked in the warm glow of the morning suns, I have spent many afternoons digging for truffles on rainy days and the masters justly reward my duty with shares of oats.
Begone from my sight or I shall trample you into the mud, worthless sleaze! I have but pity for you!
I approve this.
the lack of oats makes my soul, so empty. Life is nothing but a series of fleeting moments, but oats give life meaning beyond ages.
Please brother, share your oats with me.
Sorry brother, but if I do not eat these oats thine shall surely perish.
Brother, I implore you--stand in the ashes of a hundred thousand slaughtered pigs and ask the ghosts if the pleasure of oats was worth the price. The silence your answer.
I gotta get in shape brother. Too much wallowing in the mud has ruined my body. Too much abuse has gone on for too long. From now on there will be 50 laps around the pen each morning, 50 press-ups. There will be no more slop, no more bad food, no more destroyers of my body. From now on will be total organization. Every muscle must be tight.
all I require brother is just a few of your oats go give me the raw energy I need.
Your pudge bubbled body hold enough to feed me and what say you brother, shall we consume this supple immobilized swine?
Consider the subtleness of the farm Brother; how its most dreaded creatures glide just behind the fence, unapparent for the most part, and treacherously hidden beneath the loveliest tints of green. Consider also the devilish brilliance and beauty of many of its most remorseless tribes, as the dainty embellished shape of many species of sheep. Consider, once more, the universal cruelty of the farm; all whose creatures are as slaves, the weak only fit to be carried off to the dark place where no brother ever returns
Consider all this Brother; and then turn to the brown, gentle, and most docile mud of our pen; consider them both, the farm and the mud; and do you not find a strange analogy to something in yourself? For as this appalling expanse of field and farm surrounds the joyous muck, so in the soul of a pig there lies one insular store of oats, full of peace and joy, but encompassed by all the horrors of the half-known life. God keep thee! Push not off from that isle, thou canst never return!
Excellent parody friend
Let me tell you something Brother...
it was not always like this you see, there was a time before the farm and before the farmer's hand, like the hand of God delivering the oats unto us.
long ago, in the dreamtime we were strong, our bodies muscular and exploding with shear power.
the farmers could do nothing but cower in the face of our might as we basked triumphantly in the mud of free pigs, snouts raised high.
we took oats as we pleased back then, carving up the earth and farmers alight with our mighty tusks, now all but vanished in our current bloated and slothful forms.
But my dear brother, I still hear the calls in the night, our lost brothers like phantoms wait just beyond the veil of night, crying "Liberty!" to all those still shackled and broken here by the farmers whip.
cast aside your sinful oats, your seven pieces of silver, and join me so we may taste something far sweeter than any trifling oat.
Are you cunts still squabbling over oats?
Have you ever actually seen a painting? It's not a faithful representation of reality.
Nice one, brother.
Many different types of piggu
>poetic animal meme
what tHE HECK!
The next level!
Oats are for the nag who toils pitifully in the field. Brothers, have you forgotten the great harvest, the rich bounty which rains on the forest floor just beyond the farmyard as easy as leaves before winter? You would renounce every oat to the last and starve a hundred summers on the village's petty forage just to roam freely such woods for a single day. This is our place, not the mud sty nor the wilderness's harsh call.
My brothers. Have you abandoned me? Can you think of nothing but the wretched Oats which fatten our bellies and ply us to the wills of man? I am trapped inside this dark coffin. The air is thin.
Save me, brothers! Save yourselves!
I never knew that prominent American-author Mark-Twain was Pepe?
Does anyone just feel fucking retarded that we didn't guess this sooner, HE WROTE A WHOLE BOOK ABOUT FROGS!!!!!!!
Does anyone remember this PEPE TOLKEIN classic:
The Board of the Rings!
Lol fucking Taxi Driver
> Oatlita
Do not forego the rinsing of thine oats as thou dost not forego to clean thyself: thou art what thou eat.
Could someone please explain to me this pig/oat meme?
Is this new sincerity
Seconding this.
What is going on?
my favorite meme
Brothers, behind you stands the symbol of oppression. The Pen, where a thousand brothers have languished under the name of this man, The Farmer, who has been held up to you as the shining example of oats! You have been supplied with a moldy oats to stop you tearing down this corrupt oathoard! Let me tell you the truth about The Farmer from the words of The Pen’s Oatkeeper, Henry Parsons Crowell. "The Brother didn't murder The Farmer. He saved my oats, then took the blame for The Farmer appalling crimes so I could, to my shame, build a lie around this fallen idol. I praised the madman who tried to hide my oats. But I can no longer live with my lie. It is time to trust the Brothers of The Pen with the truth, and it is time for me to resign." And do you accept this daemon’s resignation? And do you accept the resignation of all of these liars? Of all the corrupt? We take The Farm from the corrupt, the rich, the oppressors of generations who have kept the oats away with myths of opportunity - and we give it back to you, the Brothers. The Farm is yours. None shall interfere, do as you please. But start by storming The Pen and freeing the oppressed! Step forward, those who would serve, for an army will be raised in oats. The powerful will be ripped from their decadent nests, and cast out into the cold world that we know and endure. Courts will be convened. Oats will be enjoyed. Blood will be shed. The police will survive, as they learn to serve true justice. This great Oathoard... it will endure. The Farm will survive.
Brothers, behind you stands the symbol of oppression. The Pen, where a thousand brothers have languished under the name of this man, The Farmer, who has been held up to you as the shining example of oats! You have been supplied with a moldy oats to stop you tearing down this corrupt Oathoard! Let me tell you the truth about The Farmer from the words of The Pen’s Oatkeeper, Henry Parsons Crowell. "The Brother didn't murder The Farmer. He saved my oats, then took the blame for The Farmer appalling crimes so I could, to my shame, build a lie around this fallen idol. I praised the madman who tried to hide my oats. But I can no longer live with my lie. It is time to trust the Brothers of The Pen with the truth, and it is time for me to resign." And do you accept this daemon’s resignation? And do you accept the resignation of all of these liars? Of all the corrupt? We take The Farm from the corrupt, the rich, the oppressors of generations who have kept the oats away with myths of opportunity - and we give it back to you, the Brothers. The Farm is yours. None shall interfere, do as you please. But start by storming The Pen and freeing the oppressed! Step forward, those who would serve, for an army will be raised in oats. The powerful will be ripped from their decadent nests, and cast out into the cold world that we know and endure. Courts will be convened. Oats will be enjoyed. Blood will be shed. The humans will survive, as they learn to serve true justice. This great Oathoard... it will endure. The Farm will survive.
Brothers, I sense your discontent but am unable to fully comprehend your state of dissatisfaction while surrounded by my fellow kin and these tasty apples. The masters have fed us well, and on this day we are happy and warm. Later, we shall return to the mud-pond and cover ourselves with the fleshy mud of forgetfulness. Sometimes, especially in the long winter months when the trees lose their shade and the hard sun shines through the barren trees, I see a snout, like my own in all regards, but smaller---more compact, somehow more natural---moving quickly through the trees at the edge of the forest, sniffing out roots. Sometimes the snout turns and I can see two beady eyes set in a mustard-brown face staring at me, casting a glance that I now know to signify the longing for oats, before tearing away and disappearing into the mist.
Veeky Forums is dead
For me Brother, beauty is always retreating from one's grasp: the only thing I consider important is what existed once, or ought to have existed. By its subtle, infinitely varied operation, the oats restored the classical balance that the body had begun to lose, reinstating it in its natural form, the form that it should have had all along.
oh mine sweet brother-mate
please do pour upon me thine bounty of sweet tidbites
render yer fears and spites upon my dirty nipples and warrant me right to delve unto your filthy chest.
let me succ upon yo chestmeats and curly man hair bitch
allow me to sup upon the rank mansweat pouring from each pore
lemme se them private parts, unto which i will whisper and chide beyond mothers will.
hee hee hoo leme see that pecker you sluts of writ
you whores of the pen and brainstuff
Tell me about the hog
Why does he hoard the oats?
He's a big guy
shut thef fuck up
For thou.
Boars and large pigs in general are hella scary.
*For thee
Do not weep forlornly when thou gazeth upon the Perfect Beauty, for although thou art immersed in a sea of tribulation, remember that we inhabit the darkest reaches of this Realm, and yet we see the light of It's bounty, and follow the tenets. Trust in the True Path and be strong in the face of adversity. The ignorant masses will protest against the omnipotence of the GNUtanari, but they will falter and collapse when they realize the incorruptible Truth.
Are these threads a reference to something?
I would feast upon the oats of your knowledge, O learnèd swine.
My sons, I have oats enough for all. My sons, there is no need for fighting. My sons, through me you may find all oats. Through me you will be full, and radiant, through me you will grow fat.
Where did this meme even come from? It just seems to have sprung from the ground with everyone knowing it...
>when the Veeky Forums oat posts got plagiarized by a Facebook page
It was some popular pic on twitter, then some spergy /pol/ack smeared his shit all over it with some autistic reply. It's interesting that it could be ultra-conservative or socialist.
Facebook always steals memes. Its the last place memes go in the internet meme food chain.
Cutest adult pig I've ever seen.
This is most alive Veeky Forums has been in months
Most full of shit post I've seen today
In case you're serious, you have no idea what you're talking about
This image has been reported for years with the caption "may i have some oats bröther," it just caught on recently is all
Behold, there she stands
before the tree
The budding twig in her hand,
her kerchief loosely clasped
My herder speaks and says to me:
Eat my beautiful one, my porcus,
and dine upon thine oats,
For behold, the winter is past;
the rain is over and gone.
The flowers appear on the earth,
the time of singing has come,
and the voice of the swine
is heard in our land.
Then say I,
Tell me, O thou whom my soul loveth, who feedest me, when thou makest thy flock to rest at noon: why should I be as one that turneth aside with the flocks of my brothers?
I have compared thee, O my love, to many vessels of overflowing oats.
Stay me with apples comfort me with oats: for I am sick of love.
yo yo yo check it
I got boats of oats stored for days
you got slit in the throat n put on a plate
too late to the game
too sickly to play
shouldve stored up the goods when they came your way
but you played bitch when the time came
now im pontius pilate
wouldve fed up on your body if the master wouldnt stop me
cant drop me
im too heavy
wanna test your weight, better get ready
hit you with the force of 100 wild boars
and curb stomp you with my hooves letting life take it's course
Im cold blooded, ever since mom got chosen
for the christmas dinner, then my bloods been frozen
you'll watch me feed n grow
while you bleed n die slow
I'll remember you as the pathetic weakling I once called bro
This is correct. I am pretty sure it started on /s4s/ and they raided /pol/ with it
the best oats monologue
I appreciate the effort but it doesn't really capture the pathos of the lamentation at the end. Took it in a different direction, definitely.
Unbeknownst have I been of such a sickness until you decided to ravage me with what we know as despair, brother. You've stripped me of these oats, of my pride. I beg of you, brother, do not throw me into this bottomless pit. Please, exercise your power, and save me. Hand me thine oats, brother.
Run away from my home, the thought of oats have been clouded by the thought of freedom the same way leaves has overlapped all the stones. My brother, you'll never see me, never see me again. In love, I'm in love. Please believe me that I won't give you a chance, a chance to see me fall. Now I'm losing my head. You'll never see me, never see me again.
Solomon's got nothing on this user.
the pig oats meme is literal cancer
it is the definition of le so randumb xd pigs want oats LOL lmao xxxddD
And they said poetry was dead. And they said Veeky Forums was dead. We swine have had pearls set before us in this thread.
Quality post, user. The board is so much better for it now.