How True Is This Image?
music so no. film so no. art kinda no. philosophy kinda no. literature so no. fitness? Who care about fitness?
Is this really literature related?
Also, the question is stupid. Fuck off
That small white dot right to the left of wittgenstein is triggering me so hard
>The left border in Arnold's pic
Did a syphillitic monkey make this in MS Paint?
At least it would explain the retarded choices
What's wrong with them :^)?
Warhol isn't an artist. He's a master of marketing. He could have been a better artist if he had stopped fucking around inside the Factory with rock stars and did more shit than his mechanical copy-pastes. His illustration was pretty good until he turned famous.
Literature: William Shakespeare
Philosophy: Friedrich Nietzsche
Music: Ludwig von Beethoven
Film: film isn't art
Art: Pablo Picasso
Fitness: who gives a shit
>Film: film isn't art
Where does it say art in the image? And if you don't think Film is an art form then you are a retard.
The Father of All Hipsters as the ender of art (in someways this is true, but not in the way you meant it)?!
Please, go commit seppuku as penance.
(The rest of your choices are alright.)
>film isn't art
It is absolutely art, and one of the most challenging fields of it.
Luis Bunuel or David Lynch is a better choice.
>Literature: William Shakespeare
>Plagiarized Greek writers
>Never wrote anything outside plays
>Philosophy: Friedrich Nietzsche
>I am not listening because it hurts my feelings :(
Unfalsible bullshit and opinions are not game ending opinions
Where's the love for my main man Bela Tarr?
She's a woman and therefore incapable of creating great art
Right here. Though I think I prefer Tarkovsky.
>Plagiarized Greek writers
Have you even read him? Do you not understand the concept of history plays or are you retarded? You'd be better off saying he copied Marlowe.
>>Philosophy: Friedrich Nietzsche
>>I am not listening because it hurts my feelings :(
>he took the continental vs analytic meme image seriously
>Have you even read him? Do you not understand the concept of history plays or are you retarded? You'd be better off saying he copied Marlowe.
I have.He is just a mediocre writer with cool quotes.He is far from "ending the game of literature" when his impact to future literature was fucking small compared to other writers.
I'm the person you originally said that to.
I haven't seen anything by Bela Tarr yet. I've only just gotten into film recently.
What would you suggest I watch?
No, this is just that really predictable sentiment where we believe we're at the end of culture.
Did Napoleon make music?
>film isn't art
consider killing yourself user
Literally none of those are true.
Probably not you you fuckin nu male asswipe
No it's Beethoven