Has there ever been an honest autobiography? Aren't they all just full of embellishment and lies?
Has there ever been an honest autobiography? Aren't they all just full of embellishment and lies?
>in b4 Meme Kampf
No one is capable of putting their most darkest truths on to paper without embellishing it or changing details. Some truths are near impossible to admit to the self.
Trumps books were written when he was a liberal
>implying Trump has the patience or wherewithal to write an autobiography himself.
They weren't even autobiographical as per the topic of the thread.
i don't think anyone is capable of being honest about their past with themselves without embellishing it. you file away your memories and turn them into stories.
>biting obvious bait
for shame
Anyone read the Confessions of St. Augustine?
Read The Golden Ass by Apuleius first
There do exist some honest autobiographies, but the ones written by politicians definitely are not. If you want something honest, read autobiographies by 'regular' people.
Why would I do that? "Regular" people are boring and probably have no writing ability.
>Kalle Päätalo
haha fucking pleb
at least read some literature before you post redimmigrant
I didn't say that you should read books by "regular" people - their books are just much more honest than any celebrity'.
Roger Ebert's Life Itself is pretty great, and very warts and all. Deals a lot with his alcoholism and general "loserness"
read knausgård, my man
He'll write one near the end of his presidency.
It will end up being part of the canon
>believing their is an objective truth
>not realizing every person looks upon and remembers events with their own biases
Memoirs of My Nervous Illness.
How about Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson.
The best autobiographies are people that have gotten rich. And you really aren't looking for a story about their life are you? You just want to look for the golden nuggets in an autobiography transcend the values that they've learned over the years but that's why it's so evil because...
The book of disquiet, user
>God forgive me, I tremble to recall the immense sin that I indulged in as a child ignorant of the LORD's ways. My hand quivers as I write and I pray for the Spirit to absolve me for the infinite shame I heap upon myself for the transgressions that will never be lifted from my soul. But, to serve as an Example to those who do not yet embrace the LORD's path, I must reveal the naked corpse of my wickedness....once I stole a pear.
pretty good but so hilariously over the top at times
See you in hell you subhuman nigger
A friend emailed me a copy of that ebook but I deleted it.
>Has there ever been an honest autobiography?
My Diary Desu too. Or more like, my college assignment from a decade ago, but still.
Why is it bad to burn books but deleting ebooks is okay
There's been a few...
Rousseau's Confessions can be pretty unflattering at times, such as the infamous spanking episode
/pol/ is going to meme this answer, but The Diary of a Young Girl is probably one of the most accurate autobiographies because it was published posthumously without consulting the author who had no intention of publication
Her father tampered a lot with it, so I wouldn't call it honest really.
Not /pol/ either, or I would say the whole thing is fake.
it's really good
And yet many parts of Confessions have been proven false.
Burning a book implies no one should read it
Sending an ebook implies only that the deleter doesn't want to read it
Now I feel like eating a nice juicy pear.
This is pretty honest with sources to back it up. Also, the most badass human to ever live. Pretty dry read but fucking worth it
You can obviously avoid outright falsehood, but whenever anyone is chronicling anything they are making choices about what information should be conveyed. Would something be more "honest" if it focused on one's triumphs or instead was a detailed chronicle of every shot they took?
My diary desu