How to be aware of your ignorance as socrates was?

how to be aware of your ignorance as socrates was?

Learn to dialectics.

Socrates didnt go to Harvard

lmao what a retard!

by jumping into the unknown, into the obscure and mysterious, into the formless from which all forms come.

wrong. dialectics is just a way to avoid taking a real risk.

>Socrates didnt go to Harvard
my dubs seemed to imply otherwise

What do I know?
Answer: x, y, z, 1, 2, 3

Everything else is my ignorance

yes, he Was

knowing nothing works. socrates never met me

he wouldve eaten you alive and probably fucked u too cuz hes a crazy for sex guy

>by jumping into the unknown, into the obscure and mysterious, into the formless from which all forms come.
that sounds sly, my friend. What is unknown? What is formless?

Look what I found!


Play video games, and I am not even joking. Only competitive video games. One way to learn what you are doing wrong vs what you are doing right is competing against other individuals on a level playing field, and in this day and age video games such as Star Craft, LoL and Dota or CS offer this competition endlessly, about as much as you can take. Playing isn't enough though, you have to analyse not only your previous game plays but people whom you know are better than you. If you do this enough eventually you will be able to pick you own and everyone else faults out.

Studies are coming out which scientifically prove this.

what the fuck that's so weird. i dislike cs, played a little but i wasnt getting or something like that.
do you like my drawing? What do those number mean?

Vaporize DMT, and you'll realize you don't know jack shit. Socrates took part in the Eleusinian Mysteries and received some a psychedelic brew to drink--that is probably how he became aware he was ignorant about a lot of stuff.

You probably have a virus.

hhehe shit right on, but im already kinda crazy xD xD xD

like in the game or what?

just b urself bruh

precisely. you cannot define it using language. language fixes. life is in flux. you dont fix what is in flux by naming it, you just break yourself from it.