Isn't it about time you read The Tunnel, user?
Isn't it about time you read The Tunnel, user?
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"It's about time you read..." seems to be happening every single day, but I can read only that much.
No, because I haven't even started In the Heart of the Heart.
I bought it a while ago, so sure, probably. But I buy lots of books.
Sábato's The Tunnel, though
don't need to, i saw the tv series
newfag here i already did.
feels fucking good.
I wish he'd write one more novel before he goes ghost but he's in his 90's now
The Tunnel sucks, seriously. Gass's writing is incredibly forced. He only has a good grasp of the syntactical. All the similes and add ons are just empty fluff. This is what happens when a mediocre talent tries incredibly hard to pretend to be a superior one
fuck william gass
this, miles better
I poop in your mouth breston
I just finished it last week. Very interesting book. I'm glad I read it, but I can't really say I "enjoyed" it. Lots of really beautiful writing mixed with lots of outright nonsense. I'm reading Omensetter's soon and I'm thinking I'll like it a lot based on the sections of it I read.
Also it's helpful to listen to some interviews with Gass to better understand his philosophy on writing.
This is why modern literature blows. You can't write anything poetic, lyrical, or beautiful (beauty being art's only point to begin with) because a generation of plebs have been raised on shit advice like "adverbs are the devil, adjectives are the devil, never draw attention away from the plot with your language (lol)" and so on. We live in a fucking wasteland where literature is the bastard child of a homosexual love romp between Hemingway and Raymond Carver even though this board fellates Melville ten times every day.
No. I think no.
I'll rightly accuse you of not having read any contemporary literature based on your completely false assessment of it and you'll respond with something like "I didn't read it cause I don't read dogshit lol" when the more accurate response is just "I don't read."
Vomit's like gold for enterpreuners
it's not a great book
it's just well written and about nazis
you need more than that
he's great though
tried to read this
the prose is terrible
It's funny how people always get so pissy going to bat for contemporary lit but never rattle off a few examples of quality works.
You're right. contemporary lit is bad. And Gass is just another example of it. I hate to tell you, bud, but long sentences are not always a sign of good writing.
>art is just about being pretty
>objective aesthetic imperative
>also implying that flowery sentences are immediately beautiful
yeah okay, bud. I'm sorry for your undergrad-level understanding of literature, but you're going to have to read some more before pretending that you know what you're talking about
Wut? To pick examples who spring immediately to mind, Salman Rushdie and Martin Amis are two of the most acclaimed authors in the UK and they're -all- about style.
If I didn't know better I'd swear that you got criticised for 'purple prose' in a critique thread...
is gassposter just getting lazy with his attempts to convince us to read gass?
gass sucks holy shit
The Tunnel is garbage. Gass rambles on with half-baked philosophies which fail any discernable direction or relevance, with constant name-dropping of other authors (lol muh literary allusions), 100 similes per page, and too much fucking alliteration.
I enjoyed, sure, but I got almost nothing out of reading it. In that vein, Gass is in the same league as DFW, though not quite as overrated because Gass never achieved the celebrity status of DFW. They're quite same anyway.
Yeah, but the Sabato one.
the Tunnel is literally "long sentence repeating itself over and over, attached to mediocre similes and edgy comparisons to cunt, farts and cocks with a bunch of LOLSOWACKYANDQUIRKY gimmicky autistic formatting shit" the book
Honestly I like the repetition, because it served a discernable purpose. It just goes on dancing around too long, plus all the other stuff I said.
>all these plebs
back to stoner, siddhartha, or whatever other mentally cloying pity-wank the kids are reading these days
Lol, fucking psued.
Forget about Sabato and Gass
Kellermann's is the only one that's any good.
they all suck