The underground man

Recently,I attempted to read Dostoevsky's book notes from the underground and realised that I relate very much to the underground man.

It's like he describes my person perfectly and presents me with a glimpse of my future.I feel like reading about my own self and my very own past actions.

Is the feeling common?

What do you think of the underground man?

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first time i've read i related with him

on the second read i realize i didn't

What made you realise you didn't?Where do you differ from him?

I felt that way too in the beginning.
Then he crancks up the autism further in the books and I couldn't relate.

third time you read it you will, but you will deny me, you will deny yourself, after a night of tossing and turning you might agree however.

Underground Man is a piece of shit, he is meant to be despised.

If this is how you see yourself then go outside more.

I recommend this film highly to any reader of notes from the underground.

its been 6 years since i read it for the last time
the only thing i remember is the feeling that i didn't related with the character
btw, i'll read it again this year

>If this is how you see yourself then go outside more.
do you think its that easy?

Nooobody said it was eaasyyyy

It's that simple, not that easy. If going outside gives you anxiety consider therapy and medication.

if i take those pills i'll become a zombie
it happened with a friend
really nigga? they'll force me to eat those pills

Well,the majority of people to despise me and for good reason too.
It is not that I find exceedingly hard but I'd rather stay in my hole.What I want to know is whether all of us are like him or just me.

Try seeing a counselor. I've never met with one who forced me to take any medication, and it's genuinely helpful.

>What I want to know is whether all of us are like him
Who's all of us, lit?
I think a big chunk can simpathize, but, and I speak for myself here, I try to overcome that mentality by not living as a hermit

Edgy teen detected.

>if i take those pills i'll become a zombie
>it happened with a friend
Many psychiatrists prescribe tranquilizers to people, the purpose of these is to make you a zombie so they don't need to address your problem only the symptoms. Drugs containing Lithium are extremely effective at treating bipolar disorder and SSRI's can help people with depression. Drugs can definitely work, the question is whether you are sick or just a little weird.

Yup but that doesn't change the fact that ,however immature, feel too great a sympathy and understanding for such a person.It is as though I understand my self .

Come on man. At least he's reading arguably one of the best writers who has ever lived.

i don't like to talk about my emotions because it make me feel stupid, but well i don't feel normal, i have immense difficulty in talking with other people (talk also in the sense of making sounds with my mouth), in maintain eye contact, in getting out without looking like an assassin or creeper, i'm unconsciously egoist and egocentric, sometimes i feel an extreme anxiety for tiny things and it won't go away if i don't sit and meditate
in depth i was profoundly hurt, but all these things happened so much time ago that i got used to it (and i think eventually i'll become normal again)

You sound sick, like the Underground Man. Go talk to someone before you hurt yourself.

i won't hurt myself
i don't feel like suicide, on the contrary, i'm in good terms with life (i've survived the worst)

I think certain aspects of the underground man are meant to be relatable, hence why he's unnamed throughout the story. He's supposed to represent the kind of person who would read the book and the negatives of overconsciousness.

However, the second half of the book should definitely not be relatable. At that point I think the book is a satire.

t. pleb, idk what I'm talking about I just read this book for fun

if i ever came close to relating to that book id fucking off myself

the restaurant scene hurt to read holy shit

You can hurt yourself without killing yourself, living with suffering is futile if there is a cure.

But what if the underground man is right,what if suffering at times is to be desired, uncounciously perhaps,than to be merry all the time.

Maybe you are,in fact, wrong and he would be much better served if he accepted suffering and lived feeling pain and joy in the highest ,or close to the highest, degree possible.

Thanks,will see it tomorrow.

I didn't say be merry all the time I said happy, as in satisfied with the course of your life. Making yourself miserable is stupid, persevering through suffering in pursuit of happiness is good.

I don't mean to be rude but have you read the book?

I did not deny that it making oneself miserable is stupid but maybe it is preferable to a choice that would make us happy.

Also, is happiness by any means achievable,does it not always end?

>the restaurant

i didn't ask for these feels user

>Also, is happiness by any means achievable,does it not always end?
It's the result of a virtuous life.
>I did not deny that it making oneself miserable is stupid but maybe it is preferable to a choice that would make us happy.
It can't be preferable.
>I don't mean to be rude but have you read the book?
Yes. It's about a man who sabotages himself in order to suffer. He tries hard to avoid doing anything good and instead chooses the bad to appear more dramatic to a fictional narrator. It was what Dostoevsky thought of atheists, that they would replace God with another omniscient watcher because they are narcissists and want to feel special and can only achieve that with an audience. He doesn't want to be a human, he wants to be The Underground Man, that's the point of the book, the character has no connection to reality.

>It's the result of a virtuous life
A life that is not human, a life that is guided on principle but has nothing of stupidity,of vice and emotion that make life so fun.Tragically, a man living such a life is more of an ideal and in reality not really human.

>It can't be preferable
It must as I have seen it.I have always befriended people of despicable characters and many times realised how much more alive and free they are than the virtuous.

>A life that is not human, a life that is guided on principle but has nothing of stupidity,of vice and emotion that make life so fun.Tragically, a man living such a life is more of an ideal and in reality not really human.
What the HECK are you FRICKIN' talking about!? The virtuous life is to be live in balance. You shouldn't deny yourself the pleasures of the flesh nor should you devote your existence to them. Shit when you must but don't feel sorry for every defecation.
>It must as I have seen it.I have always befriended people of despicable characters and many times realised how much more alive and free they are than the virtuous.
You sound like Elliot Rogers. He was a toxic person who thought everyone else was toxic, he was also completely delusional with his understanding of other people.

Remember that one of the common denominators in every relationship you've had has been you.