So Norm is kind of losing his mind on twitter and has been the last 24 hours

so Norm is kind of losing his mind on twitter and has been the last 24 hours

some pretty funny wreckings of idiots but mostly some weird shit

he recently just claimed his new book was "the best comic novel ever written"


Other urls found in this thread:

he's just a little eccentric and kind of a genius, that's all

he's just a little attantion-starved, that's all.

He read tons of Tolstoy and started taking himself seriously
On the other hand his comedy is entering a new golden age, or the 3 minutes of it hes done in the last few years at least

Social media was a mistake.

It's nothing but trash


Those who call themselves users, they sicken me deeply

Literally plebbit: the comic


more like wilhelm whiter am i rite?


How is Justin Trudeau different from any of the other limousine liberals who ran our country? I swear to fuck, it must be written in the Charter somewhere that every PM has to be a rich cunt from Quebec or Toronto. Preferably a lawyer. If it were up to me Quebec and Ontario would have to pay reparations to the rest of the country for spawning so many shit tier politicians.

>this guy seems exactly like all before him

Saw him live at the Largo last week and he came on slurring incomprehensibly with two cans of red bull. My heart kinda dropped because I'd heard tell of Norm's alleged benzoed out too fucked up to perform escapades before. Luckily, he mostly cleared up quickly and fucking killed it for an hour and a half. The special he's taping end of january is going to be incredible.

His book is fucking hilarious as well. Not enough "literary substance" or what have you to be considered a "great" novel but it's one I thoroughly enjoyed.

Is Norm our guy? He seems self destructive and likes to lie about his needs and addictions

He lies about everything
There is not a single part of his background that he hasnt told wildly inconsistent stories about
Hes on like, at least 8 layers of irony

Id say the opposite. Too much literary posturing for it to be truly great.

I'm growing to dislike Norm, beginning to see him as a charlatan.

Where the fuck is the podcast? Why doesn't he say anything about it?

He legitimately doesn't know when it's coming out. It's out of his hands and into his producers who are likely working on a deal with Netflix or something.

>Shakespeare wasn't alive to sperg out on Twitter
Imagine the difference on his legacy...

norm is a druggie?

And Mark Twain, probably Dostoyevsky too.

And he says when he writes his comedy, he takes more inspiration from literature than comedians, because they are better writers

Is he Veeky Forums?

he always says no, and doesn't drink either. He just slurs anyways. I kinda do the same thing and Im much younger than him

norm is routinely fucking wasted and is addicted to pills, he lies about being a teetotaller

He wrote one book and he let it go to his head. I miss it when he was humble and not always self posturing.

well prescription pills yeah. Like when he flies

THAT part is joking, obviously

Has anyone read his book btw? Recommend?
