Can one find meaning in life?

Can one find meaning in life?

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For me it's love.

Love is also my god.

If this isn't bait then please expand on this.

It was bait, sorry user :^(

It's to acquire money. Money is literally the high score of life.

It's hard to touch upon but for me the closest I've been able to get with god is the pure emotion of love. There is a more complicated thing I've had difficultly recently touching upon in which it relates to love and the actions that come out of it and how people handle and deal with love. I'm still learning.

My truth in my own life is that I give all that I'm capable of and hope someone gives me what I can't give myself. It also makes me feel worthy to receive these things I can't give myself because I've given all that I can to the people around me.

Everyone has their own truth; doesn't really matter.

the overman shall be the meaning of the earth and we will live for him

Money is a tool, monkeybrain.

I personally don't believe in an objective meaning of existence (or at least not one humans can understand) but I believe one can find it by full dedication to what will make you the happiest.

Am I destined to be cucked if I search meaning in another person?

Honestly I believe almost all relationships will disappoint in one way or another in the long run.

Minor disappointments are okay I guess. I never had a gf (I'm 21) and I think if I find myself a loyal qt I can devote my life to her. But this isn't a book, but real life, so I think she'll just leave me, because I'm ugly, poor and boring. Fml desu, but maybe one day.

The problem with this is that you fall in love with a person before you can decide rationally that they would be a good match for you to spend your life with. When you meet someone you either fall in love or don't. But eventually that first romantic love will wear away no matter how much you think it will last forever, and then you'll be together with someone who more likely than not will not be a very good match for you. Or worse, the girl will fall out of love with you first and break your heart somehow. This is why so many relationships are doomed to fail.

Life already is the meaning. The sole fact that you haven't killed yourself proves it.

Love God with all your heart and dedicate your life to him OP

Watch JP's videos. Especially this one.

>I'm ugly, poor and boring
Well, you deserve being cucked them. Imagine you are a cute girl, wouldn't it be unfair to chain said girl to you? Be honest. By the way, i recommend you this book

To get more swole than the day before.

That's my goal.

Meaning is found by living your life. If you keep chasing meaning, you will get lost cause you will lose the focus on your own life.


dat Chrischan pic is pure nightmare fuel

You can find meaning in life but there is no inherent meaning to life.

>there is no inherent meaning to life.
how do you explain species breeding then

like by default they breed
life breeds
progresses onwards
marches onwards despite anything

whats that then? or is it not breding and living, is it something else then?

It's a biological instinct you stupid fucboi, would you say breathing is also an inherent meaning of life?

why did the process of evolution bother with is my question

why isnt everything dead

>progresses onwards
Towards what?


who the fuck knows but for some reason life keeps on living and death of everything is hard to come by and thats fucking weird man

That doesn't mean it's progressing towards something, which it isn't

The process of evolution doesn't "bother" with anything because it's not a conscious and deliberate process. The first prokaryotes may and probably did die off with no way to propagate until one emerged with the ability to divide via binary fission or another method. It shouldn't come to you as a surprise that thereafter the lifeforms that are still around are those that can propagate themselves further beyond one generation

Yes, but why did it happen
why didn't everything just die
why was there a random gene change that made continuing your ballsack juice onwards as new specimen of your species

why isnt there a random gene that makes everything fucking die rn and go kaput

what the fuck if atoms just decided "i got a´s908gahs radiation I stop existing" and then we just fucking are gone

True Meaning comes from you and you alone

The literal answer to your question is because it doesn't. If you have any further questions I will refer you to your middle school Bio teacher

In Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God.

>it doesn't.
? why isn't there evolution where everything fucking dies

You missed the point of his post. There's no evolutionary reason to survive if there isn't some end goal to it. Life isn't inherently better than death or not existing at all, unless of course there was a reason to keep on living. Why do we function the way that we do. Why reproduce if not for some end goal? You can't just say biological instinct because that doesn't explain what's behind the instinct or why that's even desirable. We know that things function a certain way. If a woman is barren or a man is firing blanks, their reproductive organs aren't functioning as they ought to function. But why ought they function that way? By saying they ought to function that way you recognise a purpose to it.

Why couldn't sex be pleasureless and all women be barren? Is there an evolutionary reason why that's not the goal? Why is survival desirable? For what reason do we survive?


I done think there is one beyond what you want to believe. I tried to find one. I didn't. I got close to killing myself but pulled back because I figured if I could kill myself at that point, I could do it again if it ever got worse. So I keep myself around with a fall back on suicide.

The meaning I've given myself is to read, collect/shoot guns, and save money to buy land in Alaska. If I make it to Alaska, I will plan on exploring the uninhabited parts until I die.


Not "done"

>Why couldn't sex be pleasureless and all women be barren?
This. Some reason sex feels really good, rubbing benis and klit feels good so those were passed on but why, for reproducing but again how and why was this the beneficial path for nature, for species, instead of just 1 year lifespan and death

I guess it's sort of elliptical stupid issue where the only answer is "meaning of life" whatever that is

for some reason it is shooting your sperm and birthing other peeps?

Reminder that EACH women you see in the street was fucked and sucked off penises recently.

>There's no evolutionary reason to survive if there isn't some end goal to it.

The evolutionary reason IS survival, full stop.

Life is a chain reaction. It didn't start with some conscious organism thinking "Hey wouldn't it be great if there were more things like me?"

It was just clumps of matter that tended replicate their own structure, like crystals. The patterns of matter that are make lots of copies of themselves and aren't easily destroyed tend to become more common, and the other ones disappear. No end goal is required to explain the diversity of life.

As plan-making, tool-using creatures we are predisposed to conflate the origins and objectives of complex events. You might say a rock is sharp IN ORDER that you might cut things with it, but really its sharp because it fragmented in a certain way. You could also use it as a paperweight. The rock has no objective for its state of existence, and neither does life itself.

>The evolutionary reason IS survival, full stop.
So, how? Why?

Why isn't the evolutionary reason to die, full stop. Why is this more beneficial for nature

>>The evolutionary reason IS survival, full stop.
you do not even know what you want to survive and you cannot even show a successful survival and you cannot even state a method to survive from whatever fantasy you take seriously enough to pass it as ''great danger that I am scared of so that I want to see what is next''.

A sharp rock is still a homogenous simple object. It doesn't require a design or end goal because if you break rock down, you just get smaller pieces of rock. A sharp rock is the dumbest analogy I've ever heard. You think fingers arranged on a hand are in any way comparable to a rock that somehow got broke? And that asking questions of the rock's design is any way similar to asking questions about the purpose of a composite heterogenous thing?

What you say about a sharp rock cannot be said for limbs and reproductive organs. They are arranged for a purpose. It makes zero sense if you don't look at it teleologically.

Survival is a fucking stupid reason. Why is surviving desirable at all? And for what purpose do you survive? You can't even prove that surviving is better than not surviving.

The problem is that idiots like you can't into basic philosophy.

"In reflecting upon the different degrees of enjoyment presented to us in the contemplation of nature, we find that the first place must be assigned to a sensation, which is wholly independent of an intimate acquaintance with the physical phenomena presented to our view, or of the peculiar character of the region surrounding us. In the uniform plain bounded only by a distant horizon, where the lowly heather, the cistus, or waving grasses, deck the soil; on the ocean shore, where the waves, softly rippling over the beach, leave a track, green with the weeds of the sea; every where, the mind is penetrated by the same sense of the grandeur and vast expanse of nature, revealing to the soul, by a mysterious inspiration, the existence of laws that regulate the forces of the universe. Mere communion with nature, mere contact with the free air, exercise a soothing yet strengthening influence on the wearied spirit, calm the storm of passion, and soften the heart when shaken by sorrow to its inmost depths. Every where, in every region of the globe, in every stage of intellectual culture, the same sources of enjoyment are alike vouchsafed to man. The earnest and solemn thoughts awakened by a communion with nature intuitively arise from a presentiment of the order and harmony pervading the whole universe, and from the contrast we draw between the narrow limits of our own existence and the image of infinity revealed on every side, whether we look upward to the starry vault of heaven, scan the far-stretching plain before us, or seek to trace the dim horizon across the vast expanse of ocean." -Von Humboldt, Cosmos, vol. 1

i miss moot

why did the jews have to take him away

Why is it more beneficial to nature that raindrops fall towards the earth instead of away from it? There's no Natural Selector keeping tabs on what's beneficial and what's not; things just survive or die depending on their own attributes and the environment around them.

Patterns of matter that are good at replicating themselves become more common, and the other ones go extinct. It's not based on any outcome being more desirable than another (Desirable to whom?), its just a description of what happens.

>It makes zero sense if you don't look at it teleologically.

Sure it does. People have reproductive organs because they inherited the genes that caused them to develop reproductive organs. There's nothing stopping you from becoming a celibate priest, just like there's nothing stopping you from using a sharp rock as a paper weight.

The telos is in the mind, not the thing itself.

1. Those things aren't in any way comparable. A rock doesn't need to be looked at teleologically because it's a piece of rock. A sharp rock doesn't have any specific function as a tool. Using a sharp rock as a paper weight is no worse a better a use than using a sharp rock as a cutting tool. Unless man broke and sharpened the rock for the purpose of creating a cutting tool, it may as well be a paper weight. Penises don't have a whole lot of uses beyond fucking and pissing. Using your dick as a paper weight would not make sense. You could do it, but it wouldn't alter the telos.

2. A celibate priest still has sperm in his balls. Just because he's choosing not to fuck, doesn't change the purpose of his reproductive organ. What's in his mind has no effect on its natural purpose. You can choose to keep a gun in a holster or use it as a paper weight, but as a composite object, it was assembled to effectively kill. Choosing not to shoot it doesn't make it less of a gun.

the question is itself meaningless

There is no inherent meaning.
So you are left to choose your purpose.


Where in the object is the telos/purpose contained? If a boulder falls off a cliff and fragments into sharp pieces, do those pieces have a telos? If a person smashes a boulder with a sledgehammer to make a makeshift knife, do those pieces have a telos? Seems like an awfully spooky concept to me.

Everyone has sex.


hmm, this seems to be a subtle affirmation of my unconscious feeling that existential crisis and patriarchy are linked.

Because if everything was dead we wouldn't exist. Look up the anthropic principle. Because we exist we have to live in a world where we can exist.

I don't know and I want to die


I've found meaning in life by believing that the universe is run by NAMELESS horrors.
For some reason I think that's wicked cool and that makes it a fun ride.

Reading and listening to barely of-age undergrads wax platitudes that aren't even wrong on """love""" that always rings so false to me is an exercise in absolute self control. Do you people have any self awareness? Is this really what you worry about?

all existence is meaningless. the purpose of something existing is it's own verification or for the verification of other things.
the meaning of life is life. any other answer is verification of the former.

it amuses me how plebeians think that meaning is something to seek, rather than something to negate

you lift until you're so big you can't fit through normal doors

and then you lift some more

The fourteen words.

organs are arranged the way they are because it's a good way to do certain things which generally result in the propagation of the organism, because the strains which mutated into doing these things well propagated more and out-competed the other ones until they were the only ones left

i don't get how there still are people who can't wrap their head around basic evolutionary concepts

Yes, it's called mathematics, the fabric of existence itself.



There fucking is, we just haven't experienced it because it's dead. We could all die sometime, there's no guarantee we will survive. And in the infinite stretch of eternal void then physical matter might emerge into something else. We just happen to be this form talking about it.

The problem is you can't into basic evolutionary theory.

Pretty sure you were responding to bait.

>implying romantic love exists

It doesn't. It's just a meme that we desperately fight for but will never find. No wonder there's so much divorce. Without religion twisting people's arms, they're getting divorced left and right

>acts as if nature gives a shit about his philosophy

I hate to say this, but actually learn something about basic evolutionary theory.

Things that survive stay around longer. That's it. Nature doesn’t give a fuck about "how it benefits" from certain animals surviving (see: extinction of so many spceies). Remember that meteor that killed the dinosaurs? What's to stop another one from coming in twenty years. What's to stop a meteor from coming and destroying the earth?

survive the suffering enough time and you'll find your answer

It's a subjective question so it's pretty much whatever matters to you desu.

People do things that feel good. Having sex feels good. People have sex. Species that don't have sex don't make babies and die out. Species that do have sex continue on. Either way, nature does not care.

you think the eye just evolved? intelligent design bro

our purpose is the creator's purpose
Yes. Do you have an actual argument besides, "Whoa, this eye is, like, so complicated, maaan. Can't be natural."

Enlightenment comes from asking for meaning in life. Read the religious texts. Hell, read dianetics. Youll get more enlightened by learning, then teaching

no but she can find meaning in muh dick

Hell, sometimes, organs aren't arranged well (recurrent laryngeal nerve, for instance), which is exactly what you’d expect if evolution by natural selection was true instead of intelligent design.

>tfw three months away from wizard

Time for a belated Xmas prozzie.

I'd hate myself forever if I did that.

>tfw 10 years away from wizard
feels good man

Humans do have a purpose and that is
>life after death

We can do this in two ways
>reproducing and spreading our genes
>leaving behind a legacy that will long outlive us

But you could also argue that with the heat death of the universe none if this matters but fuck that mentality, that's too far away.

Holy fuck im losing iq points I gotta fucking bail before I become more retarded than I already am

This is bait stop replying

You haven't studied Darwin, don't you?

You guys need to read Mark Twain's Five Boons of Life. The ultimate pill.

He is the Way the Truth and the Life

life is meaningless as fuck, there's no point to anything

Stop asking such stupid questions.

There is no meaning beyond the self and there is no self, ergo there is no meaning.

people have been questioning the meaning of life for a long time, retard
>there is no self

>people have been ignorant for a long time
Of course, they spend more time questioning being rather than actually being.

You heard me, there is no self. It does not exist, for your essence is always in flux and there is no way of ever knowing your self. If there is no self, there is no meaning, there is no purpose.

Who are you, user? Describe your essence. You aren't your thoughts, ideas, desires, wishes, beliefs or actions. Who are you?