Can art be detrimental to society?

Can art be detrimental to society?

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if its made by women, sure

there are some remarkably stupid things done in the name of art that are detrimental, in that local governments will sponsor them. that money could have done some good instead of pandering to the desires of arts faculty failures.

" In that year, Genesis & Cosey exhibited at London's Institute of Contemporary Arts in a show called Prostitution, which consisted of explicit photographs of lesbians, assemblages of rusty knives, syringes, bloodied hair, used sanitary towels, press clippings and photo documentation of COUM performances in Milan and Paris."

Yeah look at what MLP did to a bunch of innocent young men

Martin Luther Pink?


The infinite evil of this sculpture has corrupted the very souls of Chicagoans, causing them to become murderous maniacs.

when imbued with post-modern ideas like reductionism and irony (self-awareness) it becomes culturally and aesthetically corrosive/corroded

Plato certainly thought so.

I want to see it explode and the fragments to kill all the surrounding public.

>post-modern ideas like ... irony (self-awareness)

what do you mean
can you give an example

I'll use something like the original /b/ or modern /r9k/ and /pol/ for an example of both. I realize that Veeky Forums isn't "art", but it is a culture which is also reinforced by it's own generation of art (eg pepe and wojak, traps, trolling, nihilism, irony) so I'd say it's a fair enough comparison.

>Excessive Irony
Excessive irony allows people to hide their anger and frustrations via trolling claiming that it is always "a joke". As a result, most people can no longer tell what's irony and what's real, causing a division between people to believe either that "every is a joke" and shouldn't be taken seriously, or "nothing is a joke" and should be taken seriously. An example of this occurring would be Pizzagate, where joking about a pizza shop being part of a child prostitution ring was taken seriously and people were almost killed due to it.

Everyone there is reduced to a character rather than a human being. This opens up a wide variety of unethical behaviors, such as stalking and doxing, harassment bordering on death threats, and "lolcowism", which is the idea that you can even play god with a person if it is personally rewarding to you or others. Since you see people as characters rather than humans, it's ok to treat the characters as if they were imaginary pieces of fiction. Chris-Chan is a primal example of this, where he has been stalked for years and lead into pure insanity simply because he is not particularly bright.

Basically Veeky Forums was born in sin and it's sin is only growing with each day. To be honest I'm unsure why I still come here.

this post made me quit the internet

Real question is if art can be beneficial to society.

ebin simply ebin

Can you recommend some literature that talks about that?

Throbbing Gristle is great

Of course.

Art culture and elitism is detrimental to society. Just look at contemporary art museums.

Star Wars set back American culture by 30 years.

depends on what is society is trying to reach.

Martin Little Pony*

I was there once and there was a "stop da oil corporations" protest going on and they were all wearing Guy Fawkes masks. I would've gladly died so that they would be blown up.

Unironically, Infinite Jest

Rousseau says hi

It depends on the society. If you're unhappy with your society wouldn't you want to be a detriment to it? Your statement has the implicit bias that nothing in society is worth changing.

Veeky Forums isn't "art", but don't you think t's still as relevant in this day and age as Impressionism was in the 19th-century or Pop Art in the 20th?

you're being dishonest

You are mentally ill.

Rousseau was a fucking idiot who couldn't even sovle the chicken and the egg problem.

what is drill rap

what is performance art

What is eugenics?

pizzagate wasn't a joke on /pol/ though. I lurked those threads and people believed it. People were generallly cautious about the evidence (all circumstantial), and there was some weird stuff there.

Why would it be bad that there is Irony? Sure, Irony can be used as a coping mechanism. This blurring of the lines between what's serious and not doesn't cause two camps to form where one believes nothing and the other everything, that's just hyperbolic and silly. This obsession with irony and truth is mostly here on Veeky Forums, i don't think it's really a problem elsewhere.

Reductionism is also in no way POSTmodern, it is just modern. Look at all the scientific advancements during the enlightenment. All thanks to reductionism. You concept and investigate the parts to understand the whole. pic related, this is an 18th cecntury(!) machine that was supposed to mimic a duck. It took food and it could shit, and that's al it could to. But the makers of this duck believed, even then that animals are basically just machines, and one day we might build an animal. This is obviously reductionistic. Reductionism also isn't always bad (scientific advancements etc). If anything, postmodern is mostly critical towards a reductionistic view of the world (see hippies- we are all one, people on all sides of war. New age spirituality etc). But reductionism isn't dead or anything, and so it can occur that people get reduced to a meme or whatever as you say.

I feel that this obsession with weird people is more due to our need to be stimulated than anything. Autists online are just like people that watch idol to laugh at others. You don't want to see this people as real people because that wouldn't be fun. People watch these things to feel better about themselves. Theres no empathy in a situation like that. It's not just reductionism, it's reductionism based in a need for diversions from your own life. It's for self esteem.

It (putting people down to feel better) also isn't really going to be something that is going to be present in literature. so your example really falls flat there.

Great art is always detrimental to society.

There's all the suicides due to Goethe.

profane heretic decadent art, yes

>putting people down to feel better isn't really going to be something that is going to be present in literature
try ancient greek comedy as a starting point, it pretty much marks the beginnings of the decadence of their culture

I guess you're right. I think it's only possible in drama, not books. But drama is art, which is what the thread is about.

b-b-but pizzagate is real user.

Art doesn't exist, only artists. Artists is ultimately the state of man after sense. It is the translation of sense into craft.

Eventually medicine will substitute art with chemically controlled aesthesis, no need for artists, just a balanced sensory diet. Artists will cease to be creative ivory-tower mongers, they'll work at the local hospitals, they'll massage your ears until China's birds be heard, your eyes until Sirius be seen. They will study at Art Universities the art of optimising sense rations, they'll make your all ears if dark times come, they'll make you blind, temporarily, if the lights be bright, they'll make you numb if a fall might happen, and you'll feel that same thrill, of falling in love, the unexpected counterpoint of a clarinet and a flute, aye, the content gone, all pure sense alchemically induced.

Basically. I'd say that Veeky Forums has really spurned a culture of its own that is ironically becoming mainstream. This is hilarious because it was seriously the last thing I ever expected to become "mainstream."

No, but neither can it be beneficial. For poetry makes nothing happen; it survives.


you do this in every thread. Sad.

>Aldous Huxley/10

Novel idea stolen

Yes. I don't think it's reached that point. I believe video games in there current state are relatively harmless (in terms of being conducive to violent behavior) but when it become Call of Duty full immersion VR, then it will be a real primer for murderous psychopaths.

There were a week or two I dreamt hiding from school shooters etc., in a futuristic atmosphere of sorts, and the worst of it was, in all its vividness, it felt, for us all, kind of like a banal thing. We fled as in logistics, still the nervous impulse of getting-the-way-outta-here, but even that faded away eventually. At a point we gathered around the window, watching this guy with a weapon taking the students as prisoners, looking at what he'd do to them.

Virtual reality technology might have to deal, paradoxically, in abstract space. It's been around for long, but successful integration of it in society requires careful planning

Kind of. Nerd culture in general is pretty much refusal a to accept adulthood mixed with rampant consumerism.

That's a startling idea.

I think virtual reality will make all past art seem obsolete. As someone highly invested in film and literature I find this distressing

I'd almost say that IS what art is about. Creating and consuming art is a huge waste of time, if we took no pleasure from it. It is basically a waste of time anyways.
If I weren't so busy consuming art in its various forms, I might have done something with my life.
>video games
Even when I try to create art, I fall short of my lofty expectations and wonder why I even bothered.

Art ruins people, when it confers more than a simple image. Ideas are a poison, that seeps into the mind and warps the thoughts.

Only if your definition of "adulthood" is entirely arbitrary rejection of certain bits of culture based on societal whims.

If one could go back in time only once, it wouldn't be wasted by going back in time and stopping m00t from making that shithole of a board


Can OP's faggotry be detrimental to society?



Are memes art?

Shhhhhhh the girls is just a pretty realist painting there's no conceptual work going on befre the 1950s (when postmodernism begin with the likes of Marcel Duchamp and Dada, the french performer) :::::::::::^^^^^^^^^))))))))))))

I'll say it once again, you people have no clue about fucking classical, modern, contemporary or proto-art, you're just a bunch of autists incapable of realizing maybe the whole world isn't driven by a vector spawning from you and art has no need at all to catter to your weeb interests.

Fuck off, representational painting should've ended during the baroque, and all we had from rococo onwards was self referential ecletist wanking for the arrival of modernism.

I guess, if we use a relatively broad definition for the word "art" and especially on the idea of it being "detrimental to society"

you need some sort of poetic, romantic feeling in the people for things like (aggressive) nationalism, fascism - surely this would be impossible to generate without the aid of art, surely art played a role in preparing Europe for the world wars, etc

Currently writing a article about this, my point is that memes, specially on sites like Veeky Forums, are actually one of the definitive forms of anti-art.

You should definitely let me take a look at that, it sounds delightful.

>that url

This is the same argument as "guns don't kill people, people kill people".

Art is just art. It's humans that interpret it to mean x or y.

>the evidence
>there was some weird stuff there.
What? Like what?

Why? Do you like oil corporations for some reasoon?

it can get quite tedious and annoying

Omg this. Was reading the plays of Aristophanes this summer and between all the jokes about fags and dildos and boners, all the pop culture references and mud slinging, all I could think was "why does this seem so familiar?"

Not that I didn't enjoy it desu. But at least it was novel back then.

yeah. i thought that, too, when i was 22 years old. then i discovered melody, rhythm, harmonies and lyrics. i would trade a hundred TG albums for one more song by The Clouds (the ones from Sydney).

what socoiety?

Society is evil.

This is stupid.