Fake news! KIKES!
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In a nutshell, yes. Venture out of the big towns and cities into the small villages and it becomes a strange world. Most liberal city types don't get why but there's a massive amount of the country who live in their own private bubbles. I was driving around some villages over Christmas and you can go from one extreme to the other in about fifteen minutes.
Also, in terms of literature this type of thing reminds me a lot of Ballard's work around the early 2000s. Books like Cocaine Nights and Millennium People are all about private middle-class people drowning in their own snooty nihilism.
>man who has accomplished nothing in his life writes piece on how he hates his hometown, hates those who have actualized their security, snobbishly projects resentment of his parents who are kind enough to care for his sorry ass onto an entire region of people who have made a comfortable, agreeable place for themselves in the world, parrots campaign hysteria about a recession that failed to materialize, calls other nihilists
this is gross, he is p much an overgrown angst ridden teen
If this pathetic faggot doesn't like England, he can always kill himself, or move to the city and enjoy the company of the completely unparochial, open-minded, and aesthetically cultivated Pakistani savages his ilk have invited into this country en masse.
This is by the dude who thinks cupcakes are fascist i think
Do you have an archive version of that so i dont give them any traffic?
I remember some smug twat using this in a guardian article a few years back and it's been the go to insult of self righteous neoliberals ever since.
>he is p much an overgrown angst ridden teen
>p much
how can you even use the term 'cultural enrichment' with a straight face these days
>this man has never been lovingly invited into a muslim home by an old umma and force fed biryani and chai
>It was for psychological reasons, as much as anything else, that I didn’t register to vote in Alresford. Registering to vote here would have felt like actually moving here. I registered in Essex, where I live during the academic year, for the recent local elections, so I just thought I’d retain that registration for the Brexit referendum. I also don’t like filling in forms, which is why I didn’t register to vote by mail or look into how I’d amend my registration.
What kind of editor wouldn't cut this unnecessary bullshit out? As someone who actually spent my teens in a little English village getting whiskey drunk in field, I can tell you there is an awful amount of petite bourgeoisie bullshit akin to the first half of Hot Fuzz played on repeat - but is the NY times this bad normally? The idea behind the article is fine, it's just very badly written. And how interesting is the fucking Shire to an America dealing with a shock election result? Is is more weird anglophilia? I've been looking to get into a good source of American media because The Times and The Guardian aren't really satisfying me, so I'm curious.
>The idea behind the article is fine
is it?
>article is six months old
I think that in terms of why an American public might be interested in the exact mechanics of what made England vote to leave the EU, in a shock upset of the establishment that mirrors closely Donald Trump's rise, then yes, the article is fine.
But the author is your classical whiney Englishman, complaining about a result he didn't even vote for and looking down on everyone for looking down on everyone (which is a popular pastime in Britain).
Londoners aren't English.
>As a result of this vote, Britain will withdraw rapidly. We will have fewer people coming here, enriching our culture and our lives. There will be fewer opportunities. We will have less of a chance to explore the world for ourselves.
>We will have less of a chance to explore the world for ourselves.
You're descended from the fucking British Empire. You've already explored and conquered the world.
I don't think you understand, he's talking about himself. He hasn't had a chance to "explore the world" because of his meagre salary, the guy isn't even a professor but a part-time lecturer, a literal nobody.
Pls someone make an "identifying ressentiment.jpg" meme with Nietzsche's face
>The guy is literally begging for freelance writing work on his twitter
Ow fuck.
>We will have less of a chance to explore the world for ourselves.
Literally no-one is stopping you from exploring the world yourself you stupid pretentious cunt.
Why does the world have to come to England? Oh right, you're fucking Londoner who loves "multiculturalism" but hates your own English culture. I dunno how I could survive with such self-loathing.
>We will have fewer people coming here, enriching our culture
How are third world illiterates meant to "enrich" the culture of Shakespeare
in all seriousness we get all the "cultural enrichment" we need through academic channels, and we're still going to get plenty of foreign students and postgrads coming here. It's just going to stop us being thronged with hundreds of thousands of unskilled labourers.
So, this thread became a shitshow real fast.
this pretty much
Shut up and Rule Britannia, user.
here you go m8
>wanting security and stability is nihilistic
the ubermenschen will flood their country with immigrants, ja?
Why is it that the most consistent argument against EU secession is always >muh freedom of travel
Like god damn it's not a big deal just get a visa
As a Londoner, I agree.
Londoner's are assholes.
The best areas of Britain are either out of it or a Somerset pub. Or south of Northern Ireland
He can't afford it. He moves in with his parents every summer because he's an "early career academic" and doesn't have a real job. Despite his no doubt impressive level of education he doesn't draw a connection between studying african sculpture and his pecuniary troubles.
You're making me hate them more.
Fuck off, we don't need you.
I grew up in a mining town in the Midlands and have very fond memories, even though it was deprived as fuck thanks to Thatcher fucking the miners. Don't know what this guy's problem is. Self-hating city boy sellout.
>even though it was deprived as fuck thanks to Thatcher fucking the miners
Even northerners don't believe this Labour revisionism any more.
You'll be surprised how many people from London will tell you it though.
Is anyone actually going to vote this time round? I'm honestly so disinterested in every single fucking candidate it's almost a joke.
>You'll be surprised how many people from London will tell you it though.
Of course, they aren't going to admit London has literally drained the rest of the country dry are they.
I didnt know that NYT have so much anti trump propaganda lel
>What is lost in seemliness is gained in strength. Not out of those whom systems of education have exhausted their culture, comes the helpful giant to destroy the old or to build the new, but out of unhandselled savage nature; out of terrible Druids and Berserkers come at last Alfred and Shakespeare.
Why is Emerson so based and so rarely discussed here?
it's the new york times mate, i don't think one click is going to make much difference to them
fuck him. i live near alresford. i go there to walk by the streams and eat cakes in the tea shops.
>You can see them in the looks that residents give you when they pass; sneering snobs glaring down their noses with entitlement; small-minded townies, bullying you with eyes that you recognize from the primary school lunchroom; the old people, 80 and above, wearing blank stares. You can hear it in their bothered tutting at the bus stop (especially if they ever hear a visitor mispronouncing the name of the town), the shots that constantly ring out from across the countryside as they set about murdering as many of the local pheasants as they can.
all these things literally don't exist
well maybe the people shooting pheasants
also this is from last june, fuck you too user
I'm the guy you replied to. Could you elaborate? Not being hostile, I'm interested to hear more.
Maybe he's genuinely autistic?
The narrative collapsed under Blair after he flooded the country with immigrants causing Labour support in the midlands to collapse, it was dealt another blow after thatchers funeral when millions of people for the first time discovered there was politics outside of their parents tribal views.
More and more people are aware that Wilson, Scargill and the miners themselves caused the closures not Thatcher.
Narratives labour also try to push
>Thatcher was unpopular
>Socialized housing was a success
>she destroyed the British manufacturing industry
>"supply-side" economic reform and tax cuts weren't successful
>British Telecom pre-privatisation wasn't completely and utterly shit and didn't make staggering loses
That is the most autistic retarded piece of shit I've read in a long time.
More and more people are aware that Wilson, Scargill and the miners themselves caused the closures not Thatcher
They didn't help matters by striking without a ballot and dividing the miners into the NUM and the UDM. Nor did it help to begin the strike in the spring when demand for coal was low and only bound to decrease even further in the summer. But the Tories were intending to close approx 70 collieries no matter what (although they denied it at the time).
>Thatcher was unpopular
Probably trying to push it because she slumped massively in the polls prior to Falklands.
Wasn't that because people perceived her as not being hard enough on unions and miners in the 1981 budget and instead chose to raise duties on popular luxuries?
Don't make me laugh
Reporting in from two days in the future that the first post remains the best post.
Woah, small towns can be and generally are isolationist? What a fucking discovery.
Well after Callaghan there was certainly a public appetite for some hardline trade union reforms, but Thatcher's '81 poll slump can mostly be attributed to the high unemployment and inflation at that time. Add that to the usual mid-term popularity divebomb suffered by any incumbent government.
>old umma
>old umma
>old umma
lost it
what are you, some sort of muzzie-loving chav
>opinion article
You can only pic one. Also, how is it news at all? It's an opinion piece.
I wish they weren't.
Just an user who appreciates good food.
Muslim hospitality is some of the best in the world. You should travel and challenge your perceptions for a change. I'm assuming you've never eaten a jalebi before.
>I managed to get to London, but when I tried to change for the train to Essex, I found that everything so far that day had been canceled. A convoluted series of changes on the Tube and on buses left me stranded in Romford, in outer London, where the train I had been told I could catch to Colchester had just been canceled. I tried my best, I thought, and I failed miserably. I went home.
Romford is less than an hour's drive from Colchester.
A man who cannot get from Romford to Colchester independently has delusions of emigrating to a foreign country.
He feels this has been taken away from him in a referendum he failed to vote in.
And finally, he forgets to mention that Colchester voted to leave the EU too lol.
What a dreadful generation.
why doesn't he escape the small town mindset and focus on things that matter to him? He cannot change the social interactions and mindset in his town. He can influence his own location, his own activities, his job, his education, his mindset.
He can change. He can move to India. He can do all these things, bizarre or trivial, meaningful or revolutionary.
Why? Because of the physical and economical safety his location and upbringing provide for him. His fellow citizens wish to protect this. He doesn't understand patriotism or xenophobia.
He only understands what has been spoonfed to him. He is reguritating this for an even smaller minded audience.
>"Opinion" = news
Go back to where you came from,
I hate this le Yellow le Journalism. It's not like le Breitbart le news le fucking le kikes
Nah, there's loads of isolationist cities too. Anywhere post-industrial for instance like Birmingham, Sheffield or Nottingham.
Nottsfag reporting in, I see where you're coming from. There's an attempt to make the city a more cultural and eventful place and so more open to visitors but fuck me the average Notts dweller is pretty hostile.
That's more of these cities who wrapped themselves into comfortable, liberal bubbles.
>enrich our culture
>by making it even more globalized
>so that its like ever other modern urbanized country.
Brilliant propaganda.
I think he's describing "hunting". And enjoying life.
Anybody else notice this reads almost exactly like "The Casual Vacancy"?
It even copies her outright lying.
Moved to Nottingham just before the referendum (Belgian). Maybe it's because I'm not living in the city centre proper (Basford, currently) but I really like the Brits. Miserable people all of them, but friendly and outgoing. I do spend more time in pubs than I should, though.
I'm talking more along the lines of St Ann's, Clifton, Sneinton. Deprivation and crime galore.
Nothing wrong with spending too much time in the pub unless it's Yates's or Spoons in Slab Square, those places are fucking shitholes.
Do you not at least find it hypocritical then for a Western power like Britain to argue that doesn't want or can't handle mass immigration when the reasons these people are emigrating is the huge difference in quality of life brought about by colonial conquest into their exact
areas of the world?
I think, if you were to be angry about "foreign invaders", you'd have to admit you (assuming you're English etc) were some of the worst offenders in history.
Or rural areas have wrapped themselves into comfortable, illiberal bubbles.
Who's to say which is which.
All you're really saying is that there's been a divergence in social attitudes between rural and metropolitan areas.
As has happened in every society ever.
are the european countries that had zero or few colonial possessions allowed to bitch?
CBS is really good, strong reporting and unbiased. If you've ever heard of 60 minutes, CBS is its broadcaster.
PBS's Newshour is really great.
CNN, MSNBC, Fox are all fucking shit. CNBC can be alright for financial stuff but even then a lot of it is buzzy.
Aljazeera and BBC America are very solid too but not explicitly american I suppose
It's hypocritical for mental midgets, such as yourself, to believe that colonization and imperialism are bad, that imposing a way of life and intruding on land/culture/people is bad, but mass immigration is great and will bring nothing but sunny days. You're the same sort of retard who sheds crocodile tears over the fate of the American Indian without internalizing the lessons that led to his downfall.
I think there is an extreme difference between colonial conquest and mass immigration, and I also am not fond of either, but accept immigration as inevitable given global capitalism. Either you get rid of the market benefits of a bigger population or you accept that you will be dwarfed over the coming centuries by super populated countries.
The most ideal places for immigrants to go to however, apart from maybe some norther European countries like Norway, were all former colonial powers though.
>CBS is really good, strong reporting and unbiased
>PBS's Newshour is really great
Liberal detected.
If the byline had said Pessoa you would have loved it.
pls explain
>exposing yourself to that garbage
I get my news exclusively from /pol/, I suggest you do the same
>"unnecessary bullshit"
You're allowed to freestyle in that section.
The 'educated' classes here have a fetish for this type of semi rambling confessional in their opinion pieces. it seems to remind them of their favorite MLA writers and all that unposturing authenticity they are so deservedly praised for.