Have the French ruined philosophy?
Have the French ruined philosophy?
americans who stood in awe of french philo did
No because they don't do philosophy. Some things they do are interesting but it's definitely not philosophy.
French "intellectuals" are just real life shitposters. Don't pay attention to such scum.
only correct answer
only american to get the french right is jameson, precisely because he doesn't give a shit about their personality cults and recognizes that a lot of their language games are closer to parlor tricks.
That's because real, quality philosophers who were also radical and left-wing in their politics were hugely influential up until the 80's, until the media decide to diminish their influence by dumping the "intellectual" market with any mediocre philosopher who didn't pose a threat they could find. Then, suddenly, people who would be laughed out of any intellectual circle started being featured everywhere, and real philosophers took the backseat. And this is not unique to France: this is how the countries that led us towards the Enlightenment are now famous for producing cultural critics who hope to generate controversy through their shitty op-eds, something that a third-rate stand-up comic would do.
And that's the thing about today's elites. They would rather completely plunder society of the hability to make any cultural or scientific contribution than allow contributions that contradict them. This is also how through think-thanks and mainstream media everyone's idea of "economics" is becoming Austrian astrology, global warming denialism is consistently high, etc.
Everything went to shit when the French decided German philosophy is actually Marxist friendly for some dumb convoluted reason.
>until the media decide to diminish their influence by dumping the "intellectual" market with any mediocre philosopher who didn't pose a threat they could find.
Why would they do this?
>i-i-it's all a conspiracy guys, honest!
pick one
more like philosophy ruined the french
that and the revolution. everything was going so well
at least we have paradox games to remind of when france was awesome
life peaked in the enlightenment
They didn't diminish their image. They just tried to remarket them for mass appeal. French philosophy became more of a bourgeoisie image than actual political thought.
is that how guys like that Bernard-Levi or whatever douch have a career? Saw interview with him on Charlie Rose and I was like ...this is an "intellectual"? I'm like damn between converting to Islam and promoting idiots like that as "philosophes" France really fell off!
oh shit, the guy i was talking about is in the OP image, which i skimmed passed cuz i figured it was a le-funny-meme
things really werent going well
wars of religion were bad but assassination of henri iv was the end
You mean everything when to shit when the French decided Heidegger's work was Marxist friendly.
thing is tho, Zizek isn't really much better...he just strings together random namedrops "something something Freud something joke about sex something something Heidegger something joke about trains being on time something something Marx something something I like Trump pay me to be on Foxnews something something
Nice critique! I really liked your penetrating insight into the core of Zizek's argument.
This. Deny all Heideggerians. Reject all Heideggerianisms. Ruthlessly attack all Heidegger-influenced philosophy.
Separating religion and philosophy is just not something people should monkey around with. Too much religion leads to stagnation; too little leads to degeneration.
Someday we will actually study the dark arts of civilizational engineering but it won't be for a while yet. The French memed themselves into irrelevancy trying to be the most existential guys on the block. That worked on insecure Germans, boring English, and rustic Americans but Islam will be their kryptonite. That's why the alt-right is surging there now. Secularism is pointless if people can't bring themselves to defend it.
At least Dominique Venner knew what the stakes were. The best part about 21C life is that it will be too simple for French philosophers to fuck up.
>Dominique Venner
Yeah, an idiot who committed suicide because of immigration are truly the people you should listen to.
derrida ruined thinking for the last few decades. i have a feeling we're beginning to escape his wrath though. thank god.
Zizek himself said he hated making jokes but it was supposed to make his point clearer to plebs like you who haven't actually read a book in his life. Zizek has multiple grades, including a phd - and here you come as the biggest sheep and trying to shit on Zizek. Disgusting, leave please
Both Jews, lets not pretend there is anything French about them.
woah, zizek has a phd? him and a couple million other ppl, who gives a shit
>Jameson looking down on others for language games
>Zizek himself said he hated making jokes but it was supposed to make his point clearer to plebs like you who haven't actually read a book in his life.
Have you read any of Zizeks books? Because he writes about jokes in them. He believes they are funny to everyone exactly because they hold great analytic worth.
yes and you can thank derrida
Marxism ruined France.
>have the french ruined...
Yeah even though the media shills at their best for leftwing suiciders its clearly someone oppressing them once again, the poor souls. You fucking faggot mongoloids deserve to get shot on the spot.
>Great writer/philosopher/artist comes from France
>"Bet stupid Americans wish they could be this great."
>Shitty writer/philosopher/artist comes from France
>"He's only popular because of stupid Americans."
I think he was diagnosed with a degenerative condition
What did Derrida do that was so bad
>Best french philosophers today are those that reject the left-right paradigm; Alain Badiou, Alain de Benoist, Paul Virillo
Prove me wrong
>looks like a 1980s glamrock queen
Who shall I read to escape him?
Reminder that German philosophy is LITERALLY a satanic tool of the Illuminati and always has been.
For all his faults, BHL has less blood on his hands than Hegel.
Do not study German philosophy. I am warning you!
this de su.
german philosophy is autistic just like their people are.
the french have got it right because they actually have emotions.
What the fuck are you babbling about?
Badiou is a fucking Maoist.
De Benoist is the father of the Nouvelle Droite.
Deleuze. Kant. German Idealists. Lacan. Levi Strauss. Anything structural. Try to avoid all the pitfalls of post structuralism. I wasted (well it wasn't a waste, I learned a lot) a couple years obsessing over it.
"A specialist in farcical media stunts, you dishonor even the white shirts you always wear. An intimate of the powerful who, since childhood, has wallowed in obscene wealth, you are the epitome of what certain slightly tawdry magazines like Marianne still call "champagne socialism" and what German journalists more astutely refer to as the Toskana-Fraktion. A philosopher without an original idea but with excellent contacts, you are, in addition, the creator behind the most preposterous film in the history of cinema."
French philosophy is complete shit.
>Sartre, Camus, Derrida, Foucault
All try to destroy collective identity and replace it with hyper-individualism. Also known as "I don't understand metaphysics." The history of mankind, the history of life, is the collectivization of existence. Single cellular life to multicellular, human tribes to city-states to nation states, all of existence bends towards unification of reality under one 'self.'
The french deny this because their nation is dead. deader than the average european nation, and Europe is absolutely dead. And its no wonder: WW2 was a shot to french pride. Who wants to identify with a nation that rolled over, that stood for nothing? So instead they deny collective ideology in favor of existential-self worship, or try to usher in a whole new system (communism) to escape the shame of the old.
just curious, not b8: who do you obsess about now, after what i am assuming ended with you getting spat out malkovich-style next to the new jersey turnpike? anyone? no one? just work stuff?
it's a toss-up between taoism & roman catholicism for me desu. it's not philosophy that's for sure
Derrida and Foucault are fine, you douche, stop falling for the nationalism meme
>tells somebody to stop falling for a meme while recommending Derrida, the memer's meme
It isn't about nationalism, its about collective identity. Nationalism is just one form of this.
An athenian is an athenian first, and a greek second. When greece is under attack by persia, an athenian now becomes a greek first and an athenian second. The collective identity that is most useful becomes the primary identity.
Larger identities have more power, but are less stable. The power creates an arms race of ideology that forces competing nations/peoples to unify for survival.
Derrida and Foucault think that this identity is useless, or malignant. That we can escape identification with our collective identities. We can't. They're destruction of tradition ironically aided the most powerful by destroying the people's greatest strength, collective unity.
And they both state it has no meaning today
>writer and intellerecturel
>writer and intellercturnal
>Who shall I read to escape him?
Jung. Best cure against nihilism.
spot on
it's sad thought that the (((academia))) won't help escaping it