Science Fiction
NPR's Top 100 Science Fiction & Fantasy Books:
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Science Fiction
NPR's Top 100 Science Fiction & Fantasy Books:
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Is the Golden Compass one of those books that's aimed at kids but acceptable to read as an adult?
Are there any fantasy worlds where drug use, prostitution, and other 'social degeneracies' are prevalent?
>POV character complains about coffee
Shaeönanra did nothing wrong.
I've been reading David Gemmell's stuff recently and it's struck me that his stuff feels like the first two JoJo's Bizarre Adventure arcs in a way. A handful of characters facing insurmountable odds, and winning through guile, luck, pluck, sacrifice, and speeches about heroism.
Except fuck a horrific space rape monster
thank you. I was doubting myself but after my latest reading session it strikes me that this is the book I should have read decades ago
A YA fantasy book where elementary particles are a plot point? Why have I been wasting my time trying to write that when I could have read it any time since the 90s
I like the artist's attention to detail. Look at that bronzed infant skull.
What did you guys think about The Green Brain?
So I've been reading about fantasy books for a while and it seems there's a huge difference in opinion about which series is GOAT.
Out of the following, which series would you recommend as the best?
The First Law trilogy- Joe Abercrombie
The Malazan Book of the Fallen- Steven Erikson
The Kingkiller Chronicle- Patrick Rothfuss
A Song of Ice and Fire- George R R Martin
The Stormlight Archive- Brandon Sanderson
The Wheel of Time- Robert Jordan
remove rothfuss
Because the ending absolutely blew. You have been warned.
>POV character mentions a cigarette brand
>POV character is getting sunburned
None of them. Fantasy as a whole is a enormous genre, but you've limited it to the most boring and comically generic examples
It's all epic fantasy, all european, and all boring as sin. do you people even realize there's other fantasy out there, or are you still stuck in the 1960s
It's okay, I'm used to it.
I vote Malazan.
unambiguously ASoIaF. passable prose, fantastic plotting, good characters.
all of the others are pure shit, esp stormlight and rothfuss
You're the one stuck in the 60s m8
Alright, what's your favorite piece of fantasy?
What are the differences between these series?
Also, which fantasy series is most Elder Scrolls-esque?
How can I pick just one?
>The Golem and the Jinni
>Fevre Dream
>The Grace of Kings
>The Orphan's Tales
>The Ballad of Black Tom
>The Dresden Files.
There's mythopoeia, vampire novels, magical realism, weird fiction, urban fantasy, fairy tales, epic fantasy series drawn from sources other than the dried up well of pre-colonial europe, but all you do is read the same goddamn story over and fucking over.
If I have to read about one more kingslayer or one more bastard prince I'm going to fucking lynch myself
>There's mythopoeia, vampire novels, magical realism, weird fiction, urban fantasy
Stormlight. It's anime but entertaining.
ASIOAF is overrated shit.
Rothfuss can't write his way out of a paper bag.
First Law only has one great character (Glokta).
This one because it gets me back to my Veeky Forums roots.
>ballad of gay tony
that's a video game mate
>Stormlight. It's anime but entertaining.
>ASIOAF is overrated shit.
>hipster crap and the literal Dresden Files
Look dude, you're a poseur. Just accept it. You read what you like, we'll read what we like, and you stop acting like your taste is any better than anyone else's because you obviously don't know the first thing about the books you're insulting. Deal?
Fine by me. Go back to your scheming advisors, and your sadistic princes, your bored noblewomen and your whorehouse heroines.
It's literally all the same garbage, but if someone just wants to eat stale bread for the rest of their life why is it my business.
Oh wait, it is my business because I've got nothing to fucking read, becuase fantasy writers have realized you're all fucking suckers and willingly abandon any semblance of originality because they now you'll eat up whatever derivative drivel they shit out
The only GRRM book I like is Fevre Dream. ASOIAF can go fuck itself in the ass. Overrated. Shit. Pulled down by its disgustingly poorly managed multi POVs.
Any good fantasy novels with a little girl protagonist?
>look at all my better-than-you-taste
>but I've exhausted it all because you like epic fantasy
Just go back to goodreads already.
Witches of Karres.
This is my favorite SFF. Please rate my taste and also recommend me a trilogy (or a quartet I guess) based on what I like.
>The Chronicles of Amber
>all the Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser stories
>The Magicians Trilogy
>the Stainless Steel Rat series
you literally think anything that isn't european epic fantasy is hipster shit but you call be the poseur?
Congratulations fuckface, you've literally missed the entire point of fantasy. Just read some fucking medieval history books and leave actual fantasy to the people who have some semblance of imagination
I want to see your thoughts on this:
You literally think anything with 3+ books and no scratchy-voiced detective is european epic fantasy. Yes, you're a poseur.
tell me about those amazing stormlight POVs.
prelude: "muh shardblades" uh okay
prologue: fucking worthless animu battle. zero plot progression except for one line said by a dying charater at the end. zero interesting characters.
chapter 1: big ass battle. zero plot progression. zero interesting characters.
chapter 2: kaladin and a sprite. nothing interesting happens whatsoever.
chapter 3: shallan. fucking dropped.
Dude, when Shallan ate jam and bread. That gave me chills.
>ate jam and bread.
>gave me chills
my god, kind of amazing books are you guys reading?
Tell me more about GRRM's amazing ASIOAF writing dicksucker or fuck off back to your shitty general like all the other pleb trash >>>tv/78442225/
and seriously compare the synopsis for both chapter 3's, or any other chapter. its fucking laughable how much of stormlight is padding.
I see a preference for the old and cheap stuff. Pulp, comics and the penny dreadfuls, with a slight tendency towards clever and crafty protags over those who are honorably and dumb as bricks
I respect your tastes even if I don't share them myself. I think you might like Latro in the Mist, in any case you'd get more mileage out of it than I did
I mention one detective and suddenly that's all you seem capable of imagining. I was right about you
GRRM isnt god's gift to mankind but he btfos these meme "authors"
It's not a trilogy but if you want something that's fantasy/horror then try The Library at Mount Char by Scott Hawkins.
I thought you understood hyperbole, you know, after you made a list of epic European fantasy with an epic non-European fantasy on it.
Today's /sffg/ thread seems pretty vitriolic, doesn't it?
Just the one guy that wants to proselytize everyone away from Straw Euro Fantasy. He'll probably disappear if we ignore him.
Thanks for the recommendation. Also, the Magicians trilogy is contemporary portal fantasy. I think you might like it.
Magicians shitty character power ranking
Jannet, Eliott
Did you finish the trilogy? Quentin grows as a person substantially. He doesn't just "feel remorse" but ceases to be shit.
Also, Penny is a tool.
You also forgot:
>accidental marriage to a tribal
>crashing a wedding before a forced marriage
>power couples on adventure honeymoons
When will these memes come back
Nah man I just finished the first book. I'm probably going to read the others real soon though, are they better or worse than the first one?
>POV character is told they should go into politics
This happens at least 20 times in Southern Victory
>are they better or worse than the first one?
In my opinion, book 3 > book 1 > book 2, but I liked all three. I think you'll probably feel some degree of affection for every character you listed there by the end of the series.
Fuck you
>Shit tier jannet elliot
So I get that it's an insult, and I'm not at all interested in Sanderson anyway, but I've never watched an anime in my life so I don't know what it means. I'm not a faggot so I'm not going to watch one to find out. Explain it to me.
>Explain it to me.
His books are anime
>I'm not a faggot
>I'm not going to watch anime
Your own words betray you.
Anime is literally just cartoons from Japan. It varies wildly in quality.
But the reason Sanderson is called anime is because his books have over-explained magic and lots of people shooting beams of energy at each other like Dragonball Z or something.
It's like reading a chinese cartoon. You know, that.
shit taste desu
ok what subs did you use for Bernard-jou, tough guy?
I think it's because Sanderson explains what's going on in his fights as if video game constructs like power levels, MP, spell levels, etc. are literally real, which is characteristic of a lot of shonen anime like Naruto, DBZ, etc.
Kellus can fly now? What is going on in Prince of Nothing series?(Read the first trilogy)
Power levels in the old long-running shonen were at least a little mysterious. Isekai protags literally level up now.
Was alright but would rather the Winter character had been cut entirely or, dare I say it, written as a man.
forgot image
Read this and you will know what anime in prose is.
>the character is female so I can't
Malazan Book of the Fallen, in fact a good chunk of book 2 is the PoV of a 14 year old noble girl who fits both your conditions.
Out of that list only 3 series are completed. Of the ones that are completed, only Malazan Book of the Fallen is worthy of being considered GOAT. Of the unifnished ones, Stormlight Archive is the most ambitious and impressive so far, and also the only one that stands a good chance of being finished by the author.
I fucking hate that fukcing cunt felishit fuck her fuck her so much i want her DEAD forever in hell
Yeah, like any sorcerer.
But that's not kellhus on the picture. It's from a short story about the consult
>The Golem and the Jinni
I loved this. Highly recommended for anyone who has not read it.
is a quality work yeah. Getting a sequel supposedly.
How much do you like Narnia?
I heard. I hope it's not bad.
The Grace of Kings had a perfect, self-contained story and happy ending but despite ruining everything the sequel managed to arise naturally and be better than the story that preceded it.
The Golem And The Jinni on the other hand... It was one of my two favorite books of all time, but how the hell would a sequel to that even work? Where do you go from that perfect ending?
Any fantasy with litlte girl protagonist?
>Shit tier jannet elliot
this desu. 2nd best characters.except mayakovsky
I wish scifi was as well organised and easily to follow trends as with fantasy. Fantasy seems to have much more decipherable work, with plenty of big series by authors who've written tons.
I just made the strange journey from Dune, to Foundation, then weirdly onto Hyperion then Revelation Space, all under the "Space Opera" title, but they were all so wildly different I couldn't help but feel it wasn't a good recommendation.
Am I just autistic? Specifically what SO should I read to get a good feel of the sub-genre, but more generally where's a good flowchart or direction-ed reading list for scifi categories?
This is what anime is:
what's wrong with them being different
i can't decipher what you're going for here or want to read
What is a novel that takes place in a society where "progressive" and super "liberal" principles are seen as bad and even the MC thinks so.
I see these themes in various books and just feel like something different. I am not one to say that authors are pushing their agenda in their work. I just want something that genuinely feels different when it comes to what is bad and what is good in society and in MCs head.
The Consult may be a pack of /d/epraved assholes, but they really make an effort, and you have to appreciate that.
Brave New World?
lmao go back to /pol/ you pathetic dipshit
Any recs for good sci-fi about AI which either relegates humanity to second class citizens, and an underground human resistance forms.
Or where AI plans to overthrow humanity generally.
Dan Simmons' Hyperion Cantos
Horrible cliché-ish book.
I usually don't drop books, but the beginning of that one is terrible.
>he dropped biology at 16
sorry it was a bit too much for you, Veeky Forums senpai
as a hard scifi fan the beginning in my opinion is one of the strongest bits of the novel
the only books that qualify for GOAT tier are the ones that were actually finished. books written by actual writers and not money grabbing attention seekers.
What amuses me the most is that you're calling a "biology" book a novel.
Which fantasy / sci-fi book is this picture from?
>as a hard scifi fan
Who wants to bet when Winds of Winter comes out? My guess, 2018.