IIT: Three books you think everybody should read.
The divine comedy.
Les Misérables.
War and Peace.
IIT: Three books you think everybody should read.
The divine comedy.
Les Misérables.
War and Peace.
>Infinite Jest
>Gravity's Rainbow.
Lord of the Rings 1
Lord of the RIngs 2
Lord of the Rings 3
The Bible
If I could extend the list I would add Paradise Lost and Moby-Dick
My diary t bh vol. I, II, & III
Thus Sprach Zarathustra, three times
>tfw overflowing with golden gifts for humanity, why can't i hold all these parables
1. Faust
2. Das Kapital
3. Critique of practical reason
Diary of a wimpy kid, 3x
The Bible
Crime and Punishment
The Glass Bees
1. The Hunger
2. The Hunger
3. The Hunger
Picking the whole Bible is cheating, choose at most three books from the Bible. Also
If you're going to read from the last couple thousand years, the Bible should be in there.
Heart of Darkness
all to be considered from a post colonial perspective.
Hamlet is fucking clutch though, despite being a play.
The Classic of Poetry
The Analects
The Daodejing
>The Holy Bible
>Martin Luther's Commentary on St. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians
>Hegel's Phenomenology of the Spirit
- The Brahmajala Sutta
- David Copperfield
- The Avataṃsaka Sūtra
>- The Avataṃsaka Sūtra
Poo in the loo.
Ripley Bogle
Any collection of Eliot's poems that contains Prufrock
>The Bible
>Journey through genius
>Epictetus' Enchiridion
The 21st Century Meme Trilogy, i.e:
>On the edge
>House of leaves
Wouldn't choosing The Divine Comedy also be cheating then?
AFAIK that was originally written as a single work, so no.
The Guns of August
The transcendental temptation
Metaphors we live by
harry potter 1 english
harry potter 1 british
harry potter 1 spanish
Care to explain/ go into detail with those choices?
>Alastalon salissa
>Sinuhe, the Egyptian
2.The Declaration of Independence
2.The Bill of Rights
3.45th President Donald H. Trump's Inaugural Speech
What a glorious time to be an American. :-)
read gr, then ij.
started up ulysses for 3 times, and i just cant go on with it. im too lazy to read a guide, and without it, i dont understand shit.
am i pleb? (i dont care)
look at you with your number and middle initial bait
Capital: Critique of Political Economy Volume 1
Capital: Critique of Political Economy Volume 2
Captial: Critique of Political Economy Volume 3
I haven't heard of this one before, what is this Captial it's about? Guessing it's sci-fi
Why should I read the divine comedy?
Not interested in Christian fan fiction, not interested in poetry and I can't read Italian.
What does it offer me?
Encyclopedia Brown, Boy Detective
Garfield Chickens Out
The God Delusion
Well the Italian set the standard from that point on, so linguistically it is extremely important.
It has also became the standard for the Catholic conception of Hell in popular culture.
Dante essentially tells the papacy and many politicians of his time to fuck off. Look at how Boniface VIII is treated in Inferno. Many of the punishments are derived from biblical tradition which is a bit like pottery. You also have stuff like the two sun theory, which lead to him being labeled a heretic. Monarchia was censored because it triggered the papacy so much. Dante was based.
You could say that it is the sort of thing that most moderns won't find super riveting, but is historically extremely important. Beyond that, it is just written pretty well.
Cervantes: Don Quixote
Dostoevsky: The Brothers Karamazov
Jane Austen: Emma
Pretty well rounded I think.
I'm currently reading the translation by John Ciardi. The notes and overviews help a lot.
I'm really just in it for the poetry. It's surprisingly easy to read (this translation anyways) and I'm enjoying the story.
I don't think I'm going to read the other two parts though.
The wasteland and other poems
>the Bible is a must read
Which Faust?
The left one.
You're fucking retarded user. That's not an American sentiment in the slightest. The Bible is extremely important to the western canon.
A Long Way Gone - Ishmael Beah
The Qu'ran
Love in Times of Cholera - Gabriel Garcia Marquez
>The Qu'ran
Why would you pick the third part? The desert trilogy is not like lotr films
It's a one-size-fits-all book
If you're a believing normie then it does a great job of incentivizing you to explode in the cause of God
If you're an unbelieving normie then it's hilarious that 1.6 billion people subscribe to the teachings of this book and the prophet who enforced it (hadith)
If your a 4chin autist you'll love it because it promotes slavery, beating your wife, fucking barely pubescent children and murder of degenerates such as gays
>important to the western canon
Please, stop using this vague bullshit. Personally, I'm interested in religion and it's history, so I've read plenty on the subject including the Holy Scripture, and would never recommend it as a must read to anyone - it's a dull, tiring religious text, which should itself be of no interest to anyone but religious people and ones with special interest. A far saner choice for a regular reader would be the works of Eusebius or Saint Augustine as they provide a much more lively interesting look at Christianity and it's nuances. Recommending the Bible to everyone is just nuttery.
I don't wanna explode 4 god
If you don't like Eccliastes then you can't feel.
It's a good rec for understanding why poetry is worthwhile
just think of the virgins waiting for you
>poetry is worthwhile
Stopped reading there.
It's clear you stopped reading user
thats one book
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
The Culture of Critique
Behead All Satans
Yes my well endowed maidens.
I can't wait
Is the British edition just the regular one, but in your head you say things with a British accent?
Mein Kampf
Protocols of the Elders of Zion
Atlas Shrugged
I'll just see myself out, thanks.
Three is just too few user, but here ya go:
>The Bible
>Republic, Plato
>An Introduction to Mathematics, Alfred North Whitehead
Sorry user (), it's not possible to choose only three from the Bible - you need all of it.
Oh c'mon, guy. Out of all Presidential literature you would choose Trump's inaugural speech? Really? REALLY!?
>tfw too triggered to not take the bait
Haha, got im, user. Poetry is the highest form of literature (Unfortunately, it is often the lowest as well).
The Ascent of Humanity
The World of Yesterday
my nigga
I'm assuming you mean Ovid and not Kafka
They are six books, actually.
The Tanakh, the Bible, the Quran.
Montaigne's Essays - Book 1
Montaigne's Essays - Book 2
Montaigne's Essays - Book 3
The Outsider
The Trial
Deutscher's biography of Trotsky (it's 3 books but counting it as one)
In search of lost time
Tristram Shandy
Saint-Simon's memoirs
You may not have much theology but you'll know everything there is to know of people and their ways.
how to read a book by Mortimer Adler
The New Testament of the bible (not narrowing it down to one book, all are important)
idk about a 3rd one.