>this is the current state of literature
This is the current state of literature
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you are just jea-
That's actually fascinating as fuck. It's like the Minecraft subculture is developing their own mythologies set in a completely virtual universe. Something-something-dreamtime.
Even then EVE Online did a better job of it. How Warcraft can get a movie and EVE doesn't is beyond me
>I read kid fantasy like TLWW and deltora quest as a kid
>kids this generation read about youtubers in minecraft
makes me think
>spreadsheet simulator vs shitty LotR knock-off
Same in Latinoamerica.
Because autists don't go to movie theatres
>how can somethong more popular with a bigger international market get a movie over something not as popular
And warhammer fags still wonder why their shit hasn't been turned into a movie kek
>book sales smashed all records this year
everyone is finally reading, what are you complaining about?
there are tons of books like this in my country, which is quite unusual for me
i live in the countryside and i watched kids talking about minecraft and other computer games some other day
but looking on the top 10 sellers of the week it seems that these are the most popular fiction in brazil:
>jojo moyes
i never heard of this girl, and there are 3 (!!!) of her books on the top 10 (it seems female teens surely have money to waste on books)
>w. bruce cameron
i never heard of this guy, theres a dog in the cover of the book and it seems generic
>augusto cury
this is a self-help author, no surprise he has 2 books on the list
>paula hawkins
another english woman on the list, i also never heard of
>e. l. james
its the 50 shades of gray author, a book that 5 years ago was extremely popular around here (every girl had one copy)
>paulo coelho
another self-help author
>george rr martin
top kek
Fucking hell, I remember five years ago the infestation of chubby kids in glasses with buzzcuts and asspergers hadn't taken over Minecraft yet and it was the cool thing in high school, even some of the girls played and were actually among the most active players. They weren't even fat, they were 6 or 7 out of 10. We had a contest among us who could write the best minecraft fiction. It was entirely for fun and not for any kind of legit writing, we all knew that was the stupidest shit ever.
In retrospect we could have made some cash if we didn't have actual integrity and a sense of quality.
> not adjusted for population increase
> including meme picture book shit from Barnes and Noble bargain shelf
that sounds made up.
fuck off.
>going through highschool my friends and I used to go to the computer lab during sport days and set up huge matches of CS 1.6, urban terror, halo, etc
>tfw going in there just before I graduated when minecraft was coming into popularity and it was fucking packed full of kids playing it
One thing you'll notice is that YA will always, ALWAYS be on the top of best sellers
Brother, may I have some oats?
>going through highschool my friends and I used to go to the computer lab during sport days and set up huge matches of CS 1.6
>counterstrike came out 17 fucking years ago
good god
I could find the files somewhere on my hard drive, it was a three page story about "steve" waking up and discovering the strange new properties of mine craft world. Written HG Wells time machine style.
Yeah, but this is clearly aimed at kids and the intellectually bankrupt. If you wanted to go reread some beloved childhood book, say redwall or harry potter, you might enjoy it you might not but you certainly did then. That's all you understood at the time. You can't just give a kid the illiad and expect him to read it and understand that shit.
When I was a kid, if I had minecraft instead of legos I'd probably buy a book like that too and completely miss out on the redwall series.
It's been happening since publishing. Now that you have all these fantastic kids novels that expand their consciouness and help them grow as people both morally and intellectually, it's inevitable that trash like this will be the first to their hands.
It's only a matter of showing them all the good shit out there and then you have someone who will be posting on Veeky Forums when they hit 14 and think Infinite Jest is the coolest thing ever. It's the circle of life.
All the old Veeky Forums posters will retreat to the eternal lurking or only post to prove that they still have relevance as they watch the kids run around and act stupid. Their nostalgia will be Minecraft fanfics instead of whatever you grew up with.
For the record I read some really good World of Warcraft fanfiction that pretty much was a fantasy novel in it's own right.
>yeh bro people are on facebook all day so glad everyone's reading!!
Just found it: pastebin.com
It's quite terrible but we did write this kind of thing. This was before any of the books came out, either.
>little children like awful stupid shit
You don't say