What if viruses are "living" as in when they put the dna in the cell, the cell becomes a living "virus"

What if viruses are "living" as in when they put the dna in the cell, the cell becomes a living "virus"

like the dna in the virus put into the cell to change it's dna structure to make the cell a different living orgasm, a living "virus" organism

does it matter?

>>disinfo agent

A virus is not considered alive because it can't replicate itself. It's similar to life, but not quite. It's really a matter of definitions - not like a virus changes its properties depending on whether you define it is a living thing or not.

Why aren't viruses classified as alive anyway since they literally have their own genetic code?

Fucking biologists are retarded lmao

ok so the virus isn't living but it has dna in it, the buiding blocks of life. when it enters the cell, it changes the dna in it and turns it into a "different" living organism.

read this lol, also I'm interested in if there are viruses that change your brain cells turning your consciousness into a different consciousness, like mad cow disease. or swine flu, or fucken zombies or some shit.

Because they lack the means to reproduce that genetic code internally. They can be reproduced by a live cell.

But it's really only a matter of definition.

did you guys know that there's something called toxoplasma Gondi that cats poop out and when you clean the liter box and rub your eyes, the toxoplasma Gondi enters into your eyes and eventually the brain and takes control over your brain changind your consciousness and behavior.

Guys act more subtle while girls act more alaive and outgoing if they have it. Also it makes you like cats more.

it's probably why we have so many caturday threads.

You're fucking stupid, buddy.

Don't listen to this guy, he's the fucking devil

The infected host cell is not a virus, the virus only infects it. The host cell is indeed alive



no when the host cell is alaive, the virus changes the dna that makes it alaive and changes it to virus alaive.

>google disinfo agent

>tfw cats literally own us

You're so subtle it could be toxoplasmosis.

This is a bait thread, but a really subtle one. OP is so far above us brainlets that we're just left confused.

The virus affects the DNA of the host cell
The virus is still just A virus


What if Chemical substances are "living" as in when you spill them on yourself, the cells become a "living" chemical.
Like, the chemicals in the substance put into the cells change it's dna structure to make the cell a different living orgasm. a living "chemical" organism

Mad cow disease is a prion, not a virus. Swine flu is just the flu, nothing more. Zombies dont exist. If you want an answer to your question try asking it in a less completely retarded manner. Rabies would be the obvious go to choice but i think cordycepts fungus or toxoplasmosis parasites would fascinate your tiny mind much more.

They arent classified as alive because one of the requirements for our definition of life is the ability to self replicate. A strand of DNA is genetic code, does that mean its alive by your definition? Its just a chain of amino acids but if genetic code is all thats required then those amino acids constitute life.

As other anons have said its just a matter of definition. Just because they dont fit a definition doesnt mean shit. You are like those morons who were pissed off that pluto is/isnt a planet. They are all just giant rocks floating through space why the fuck do you care what label we decide to slap on it?

Yes, toxoplasmosis has been shown to change the behavior of infected mammals.

Imagine that thing sucking your penis.

Spat my coffee out, asshole

Thats a parasite not a virus.

What if viruses are "living" as in when they infect you, you become a living "virus"?


you must have a very small penis, the sheath is tens of nanometers wide.

I would also argue that wanting your dick sucked by a T4 bacteriophage is technically gay. T4 bacteriophage is essentially drills through the cell wall of bacteria and injects its genetic material, making it roughly equivalent to a dick

this looks designed as fuck. couldn't aliens be more subtle about it?

What if they are the aliens?

Still waiting on OP's 'then' statement...

I like to think of viruses as rogue component-keys of life.

No, a human infected with Toxoplasma are a bit more "fearless" as the parasite has adapted to make rats and mice not fear the smell of cats, and that makes them more likely to be eaten so the parasite can continue it's life cycle. I'm not sure how long they can last in the host's brain.

They look so artificial. Every time I wonder if they're some left over of an artificial alien immune system or some shit.

You mean nucleic acids.

Why do viruses look like robots?

>genetic information is contained in amino acids

The late 19th century called, they want their theory of heredity back

Hi /pol/

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>consciousness into a different consciousness
no. your consciousness cells are protected by a blood-brain-consciousness barrier.

you would die before they were affected by a virus.

>waiting on your proof, buddy

no you guys, what if viruses mutated and found a way into our consciousness cells and altered it and our awareness turns into whatever the dna of the virus "dna consciousness replacement cells" without killing us.

>the toxoplasma Gondi enters into your eyes
Not quite accurate, it has a faecal-oral route of transmission.

Also, having read the literature, I am not too convinced about the parasite having effects of the magnitude people are suggesting. The studies are pretty poorly controlled, so it's hard to know what is an effect of the parasite and what is the result of other variables.

pseudocysts can lie dormant in the brain for extended periods of time, avoiding the immune system. The time scale is that of years, but in many cases reinfection is common due to consistant contact with the reservoir host (in this case, cats) so infection can last decades because of this.

lol what if there's virus that do that and the goberment just don't tell us.