How long did it take you to read it, Veeky Forums?

How long did it take you to read it, Veeky Forums?

Ten hours, like every book I read.

a week

About 5 months. I took too long. Would have enjoyed it more if I went faster. Read it at a nice clip and then read the beginning again when you're done.

1 hour, call me speedy

About a month

that's what your girlfriend calls you

Nah, that's what she calls me.

One week but I skipped about 200 pages.

>dfw I don't want to try reading it because I know at my pace it'll take a year
Four months and I'm not even halfway through Blood Meridian.


~a month
didn't read everyday though

>four months for roughly 350 pages
Are you retarded? Why bother reading at all?

as long as it took me to open the PDF and read the first page and close the PDF viewer and shift-delete the file
maybe 150 seconds

What the fuck? A small book and a long book both take you 10 hours? Is that what you're saying?

First time, about three or four weeks.

Not even that guy but fuck you.

75 days. Tho, English is my second language


i haven't read it yet

He's lying

three months

I figured that much but I am confused as to why. What is that statement even supposed to make us think? It just doesn't make sense and it is really fucking with me.

ADHD. I usually have 5-10 books on the go at a time.

2 weeks

Took me a couple months since there's A LOT of information to be taking in, like the whole history of the election, President Gentle and the whole people becoming self conscious about video Skype phone chapters. I don't think I would've enjoyed it if I just gorged endless on it.

i read the first 400 pages as night reading over spring semester, and then read the rest over a summer in tokyo.

i honestly (sincerely) enjoyed it, it was a very creative and sad and hilarious book.

i enjoy literature that tastefully transgresses boundaries (unlike MDE)

w-what did he mean by this?