What is the hardest class you have taken?


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philosophy of underwater basket weaving

Principles of Economics. Not even joking.

Probably statistics because i wanted to blow my brains out listening to my FOB curry instructor do matrices at the pace of a snail without linear algebra. Didn't go to class except for the exam dates. Also the class was filled with niggers.

Public speaking.

Javelin Toss

That fourth year signal analysis class. Had to know Laplace and Fourier like a pro.


Race and IQ

I was a libcuck before but now that I am aware of the racial differences in intelligence I feel much better.

Professor kept dropping redpill after redpill, so the SJW kept sperging every class I think they dropped it out.

But the exams were very hard tho.

I bet you're an excellent tosser.

Principles of advanced quantitative gender spectrum theory

not really taken anything hard yet, although my embedded systems course was artificially hard.

Also who is this nut ninja?

statistical mechanics what a nightmare

cool class anyway

maths for physicists for grad students.

Physics 2, electricity and megnetism. Fuck that class.

>mfw my electrical engineer roommate tells me his complex "analysis" course was hard
>mfw they spent the whole fucking semester finding laurent series, calculating a few residues and then finding möbius transformations

electromagnetics 2

its not even hard, i just sucked ass at math and i couldnt figure shit out.

Same here bro. I got absolutely ass raped on the exam.

My PhD time-series statistics course. Didn't realize that it is super easy until I finished my final project due a week after the final.

9/10 would recommend course.

If you try to teach a monkey multiplication it too will think it is too hard.

The Vagina in Post-Post-Patriarchal Western Civilization

introductory analysis

it wasn't that bad but nothing before it was really too bad either

Embarrassingly.. Calculus II. Had to take it a second time. Uni phy II was kinda hard, but just took a lot more studying and how different it was from uni phy I

Probability. I have a new found respect for actuarial science and statitians. Though half of the class that passed were physics students like myself.

electrodynamics with the jackson textbook

Did you use Probability: For the Enthusiastic Beginner.


General Relativity

I used Ross and one book written by a professor here at my uni.

Statistics no doubt

did you like the course?

I'm planning on self studying it in the summer

Ive never taken stats, what was difficult about it from your point of view user?

I've taken stats twice and I don't know shit.

It's really challenging because there are a lot of problems with really subtle shit in them. Two almost identical problems can have dramatically different results so you need to do a lot of problems and exercises. Though it really is a powerful tool with many connections to higher level math and has some really beautiful results. I recomend it completely, but I suppose it's better with a teacher because there are many fallacious arguments you can make without eveb noticing. At least that's my experience, I know some people have a knack for it.

analysis in several dimensions

Operating Systems 2


The final exam was a round robin tournament of the 8 of us in the class. I finished last.

>sci always bashing engineers
>"dur i failed the calculus and the libarts free A's"
its always worth it to come back every few months

My calc 2 was pretty beastly, now that you mention it. Instructor was a sub par lecturer and assigned completely unreasonable amounts of work. Only reason I got an A in that class is that our final got cancelled due to a 2 week long ice storm.

All you guys saying stats- what level of stats was it? Did you take it before calc or after?

I took second year stats and third year stats for science (basically the same course).
This was after calc I. I still don't know shit.

3 way tie between point set topology, differential geomtery, and algebraic number theory

Seriously, fuck algebraic number theory

Real Analysis.

thank god i don't have to take that, only gotta take an intro to complex
Same user, i had the dumbest idea of taking a fast track compressed semester of cal 1 for 6 weeks followed by cal 2 the next 6 weeks.
I had gone 1 whole year without math before that class and it kicked my ass, the professor who taught it was extremely thorough and he went through everything, I have to thank him for that though, i ended up getting a C in both courses. To this day it was my hardest semester.

Ohh shit m8 is that your car?! What the hell happened?

I got a C in both courses too. I only fast tracked calc II though.

I remember this also, by the end of the cal 1 section their was only 5 of us left and by the end of cal 2 their was only 7 (some people joined mid term not knowing it was a fast track course), shit was wack yo.

yeah your lucky man, (undergrad) complex is both easier and more enjoyable than real analysis imo

>complex analysis is easier than its prerequisite which is basically topology of R^n
if you want to do complex you need to REALLY know your R^n analysis well. cauchy theory is really not trivial if you haven't studied differential forms, and I don't think most people have at that point, especially if you're just taking the first real analysis. or is it something like complex calculus with plug and chug and shit?

>Babbys first anal course.

Welcome to the big leagues son.

Anyway hardest course ever was Point set topology. Fuck that course.

>I have no idea what I'm talking about
The post.

yeah very good answer you retarded fucking baboon

Took a graduate math logic course as an undergrad.

It made me realize I was a brainlet and switched fields.

Good class though.

>hardest class right now
general topology or algebraic number theory
>hardest class next year
algebraic curves with focus on elliptic curves and their arithmetic

What did you make in it?
What was the hardest thing about it?
Would you take it again?

Stochastic Calculus
Or maybe decision theory, fucking topologies and affine spaces man

Got a B+
Mostly I just lacked the experience. I had only taken real/complex analysis and abstract algebra. I really needed more algebra experience.
I would take it again. The material covered was fascinating, and I had been primed to switch fields for a while then because I was just depressed and most of our math faculty and grad students were not particularly happy or socially healthy people.

How hard is differential geometry?
Geometry is my favorite area of math and I plan on taking as many higher level geometry courses as possible for my minor/ out if pure interest.

should be ok if you have the appropriate background in analysis and linear algebra

>Makes a claim that clearly shows he has no understanding of higher level Mathematics.

>Calls someone who calls him out a retarded fucking baboon.

>Proves that he has no idea what he is talking about, and also that he has the maturity level of an infant.

Good one kiddo.

Tie between Sensor Based Robotics and Advanced Dynamics (grad courses).

SBR wasn't so much difficult as it was exhaustive. The professor had no sense of what time management was/is and put everything near the last minute for no reason other than to fuck people over. One problem could take upwards of 2 hrs to solve and we'd typically be given shit like finding 6x6 or 8x8 matrices, and breaking down each equation in each column/row. It was pretty fucking infuriating.

The professor also didn't know how to teach. He thinks speaking wiki-style is teaching.

For advanced dynamics, the prof didn't even teach. He just repeated exactly the same shit from the text. Literally the same. I once saw him recite a paragraph straight out of the text without looking at it. That was fucking insanity to me.


Computational physics.

I know Veeky Forums memes CS a lot, but I can't code for shit. Given, the prereq was a bullshit class in Python which I passed by copy and pasting code from GitHub, and the class used Java, that shit was definitely harder and more time consuming than anything physics or math I've done before. Now I understand why those fags get paid so much money for such menial shit.

Pretty sure I didn't see anyone mention pchem

Wasn't hard per se but it was brain rape

>continuum mechanics
>deterministic models
equally hard, basically impossible problem sets.

>tfw next CM problems set is due in 2 days, already spent 20+ hours and did 1.5 out of 5 problems

>anything in Java

Pick one.

also complex variables with applications

bacterial pathogenesis, mainly because the tests were ridiculous rather than the information being hard to grasp

This, had a dickhead prof for it too which made it very difficult.

Quantum field theory

Chemistry 1 and Physics 1. I just don't understand any of it.

It's notorious for being the most difficult undergrad physics course

Where did you take this class? Was it a section of evolutionary psych or something?

about to start stochastic calculus next year, seems like a real bitch

how is 4sin(θ)/π just the same as sin(θ)?

>how is 4sin(θ)/π just the same as sin(θ)?
it's a fourier series of a square wave, showing sequential terms getting closer.

Pharmacology / Kinetics

No intuitive way to approach this information, literally just memorizing a massive amount of info

because it's just sin(theta) multiplied by a constant (4/Pi)
2x^2 looks like x^2 but it's steeper

A close tie between Electrodynamics and Quantum Mechanics.
The curve in quantum was practically life saving - ended up with a B without getting higher than a 50 on any graded piece of work

Principles of Weaving: Philosophical Basket Spectrum Genders

how did it make you realize you were a brainlet? what happened?


Special relativity
>tfw retarded

4th year (masters) organic chemistry

The rearrangement mechanisms are fucking nuts.
Stereoelectronics are fucked.
Spectra interpretation are fucked, specifically NMR.

Mathematical Logic.

If you're still here friendo, I'm taking a graduate time series course next semester. What sort of dank shit should I expect to learn? Already took an undergraduate version that was watered down.

Actually thought this was easier than thermodynamics.... lel


What sort of stuff did you learn in your undergraduate course?

From tutoring the undergrad version, the main distinction that I found was that the graduate version was more theoretical and covered a few more topics.

I'm sure you covered GARCH models, but there are really interesting extensions that fit more complicated behavior (e.g. the continuous GARCH, which feels a bit more like a stochastic differential equation).

Also, did you cover vector error correction models? Because those are the coolest shit in the world. The theory is more interesting than the practice IMO, so diving into that is definitely worth taking that by itself. If you have any more questions, I'm happy to answer them.

>this year

Growing Artificial Societies

>this coming year

idk probably time series econometrics or microeconomics with calc

>The curve in quantum was practically life saving - ended up with a B without getting higher than a 50 on any graded piece of work

>American Universities

It may be advisable to take a 2nd analysis course where you review measure theory and functional analyisis intro

Grasp onto the Rudin and Battle for reference, and Evans, Nualart and Oksendall for main topics

Also there was one book like Elementary stochastic calculus with finance in view, which was very good to read if you're new to this

Projective Geometry. What could've been an interesting class boiled down to "Memorise all of this bullshit and reproduce it on the exam."

Chem 1.

Out of Engineering differential equations, physics 2, and calc 2, which is the hardest?

Honors Chem 101 lel

The professor was a guy that was at Caltech for undergrad, and Harvard for his PhD. He was by far the smartest person I've ever met.

He just taught shit at a ridiculous level. My senior year I was finally making sense of concepts he tried to force in my stupid brain the first semester I was in college.

Mechanics II: Elasticity. Mostly because the teacher is a cunt and gives you no points if you answer questions in any way except for that one way in which she thought in class.


I'd have to say Physics semester I for undergrad. It's like you have to come into the class being a physicists or having studied physics and math years prior... And this was after I got my bachelor's in neuroscience (University of Illinois at Chicago - 2011).

you're retarded mate.

hate for you to find out like this.