How do you lads do it?

How do you keep reading and understand what the hell you are reading. For me it takes 200% focus and effort just to follow the story and i have to take regular breaks every few paragraphs. Anything longer words just enter from one ear and leave through the next. I just cant seem to get into reading.

Can anyone relate

It's simple, read more and it'll get easier with time.

smoke heroin

Remove distraction. Get off Veeky Forums, stop vidya, anime, any instant gratification activity. They lower your attention span.

Continue to try to read, it will eventually come. If you're having trouble cutting out Veeky Forums etc, leave the house and take only a book. Read on the bus, train, cafe, park.

I can relate but is correct, it gets easier as you read more.

Hi OP here. I read book pdf's i downloaded online on my computer. Should i declutter my desk?

Try to get the actual books. I would find it hard to concentrate with a pdf.

Do you have a local library? It should have a few classic books in it. Some old, very good books you can find cheaply at a second hand shop, and paying for something can help you stick with it.

I still recommend you go outside - put the pdf on your phone or something if you can'r get physical copies. Scene change can be good for concentration. I imagine you aren't used to concentrating at your desk. imo clutter has nothing to do with it.

What are you reading rn?

friendly reminder that Veeky Forums became the worst board on Veeky Forums because threads like this were encouraged

>friendly reminder that Veeky Forums became the worst board on Veeky Forums because threads like this were encouraged

To get rid of threads like these, it's as easy as making a guide and putting it in the sticky. Make a thread about that if you like.

Veeky Forums is the worst board on Veeky Forums because of its superiority complex.

>what I'm reading is better than what you are reading!
>reading this book makes you a retard!

It's cheap, repetitive and boring shitposting. The same cancer killing /g/, except their battlefield is operating systems, not books.

>elitism is bad

just kys my pleb friend, elitism is the only way forward out of decadence

elitism != shitposting about elitism

Veeky Forums wouldn't be Veeky Forums without elitism. But constant shitposting "what I'm doing is better than what you're doing" to get attention discourages good discussion.

Fuck off you physical book faggot. I hope you die in a fire caused by your tons of useless paper.

I am of good european stock, and have never been known to have an unnecessary conversation in my life.


fuck off elitist scum

Great advice but how exactly does one accomplish this?

In the past few years, I've become a total failure. I can't get through a book, a music album or a film: It's not like my tastes have changed, since I always preferred complex and classic works, I just stopped. Completely. I spend my days constantly seeking instant gratificiation (masturbation, random web surfing, spinning on my chair and eating). I'm getting more depressed and lonely every day and although I really want this to stop I just can't. PLEASE HELP

I'm diagnosed with ADHD, but I highly doubt this is the problem. I've been able to paint hours on end and have been able to read books like the Da Vinci Code and Robinson Crusoe in one focused sitting at age 12.
Now it's just a desperate and vicious cycle of sadness and distracting myself with web. The strong feeling of guilt and the need to get myself together comes often and I go and open a book, but I struggle for a few pages, lose focus, begin to doubt myself, open up the computer and WHOOOOOO there goes another day or week or whatever.

The key is to use as little willpower as possible. It's easy to make promises to radically change yourself, but later you won't feel as motivated. Willpower is like a muscle, it gets tired after constant use.

>go outside
If you are trying to change yourself, a scene change is important. Cut off distractions. Wandering around and thinking all day is better than web surfing. Bring a book and a packed lunch and go to a library, a cafe, even riding around on buses and trains all day is good.

>eliminate distractions
This is SO important.

>gradual change
Don't try to change everything in one day, that's not sustainable. Ease yourself into good habits - pick one until you have got the hang of it

>wake up early
Puts you in a good and productive state of mind.

>i will eat three meals a day, no snacks
>i will browse the internet only one hour today
>i will spend >2 hours outside today
>i will get 8 hours sleep (shitty sleep patterns are inefficient - believe me ive tried both)

tldr self help bullshit but works for me

good luck user its something many people have to struggle with but it's not impossible

Thank you very much.

read them on tablet, or crop out headers and footers and read on kindle, or just get them on reserve from your library.

I could never read on my computer.

t. prolific reader

Honestly I don't. Sometimes I'll go read a summary of a chapter I just read and I'll think "Oh, when did that even happen?" I retain very little of what I read.

Jesus Christ, why do kiddies nowadays do this? Read an actual physical book. Get a Kindle if you have to. Don't listen to other user and put it on a tablet. You need to get away from your internet machines.

Reading is a skill lad, and all skills must be honed.

You have ADHD, the inattentive type

Maybe it makes me a physical book fag, but i agree. When i first started reading i was using Google play books and pdfs because you can get a lot for free. But after a while of reading that way, it hurts your eyes. Also there's so many more distractions that way.

The only good things about it are the price and a good backlight