Why does the earth only have one moon?

Why does the earth only have one moon?

It shouldn't even have one.
We got ours by happy Accident and so did Mars. Phobos and Deimos are captured asteroids.

Apparently there's a chance that the impact that created our moon also created a second one, which either crashed back into earth or flew away after its orbit decayed.

They were saying about a 15% chance based on computer modelling.

Early Earth was hit by a large meteorite impact that sent a large amount of molten material into space which then became the moon. We're not close enough to the asteroid belt to capture stray asteroids or large enough to have rings/attract things further away.

Because there is only one sun.

>Why does the earth only have one moon?
The better question is:
Why is the moon PERFECTLY sized for solar eclipses.

it's not

How is that a perfect size?

Here is better image

It isn't.

What would happen if the sun was completely blocked out? I think he means it's perfect for an eclipse itself, not blocking out the sun.

>What would happen if the sun was completely blocked out?

It could be observed on any point on the Earth that's facing the eclipse.


you mean sister planet

It's amazing to think that the probable reason Earth has seasons, has a strong magnetic field, has its characteristic tilt, tides from the moon, etc. was all due to a cosmic accident. It also transferred an absolutely massive amount of energy into the Earth that remains today in the form of trapped heat, which powers the geology of our planet, giving rise to plate tectonics, volcanic events that renew and give rise to all the dynamic processes we see today. Blows my fucking mind.

Fuck, I wonder what Earth would have been like had this event never occurred. Would life have ever evolved here? Makes me think that planets like Earth are even more rare than we believe, because so many properties of this planet are likely a result of that collision.

They won't like you for this even if that's the truth.

trips confirm

The moon is just sized correctly that we can see the solar corona... smaller and we only see a darkening of the sun, larger and the sun would be completely blocked off.

>inb4 it wasn't a planet but an rkv

Why does the Earth only have one Bill Cosby?

It won't be in a few million years. The moon drifts farther from earth every year and eventually it won't be large enough for a total eclipse

>Why is the moon PERFECTLY sized for solar eclipses.

It is close to perfectly sized at the present moment -- it has not always been, nor will it always be. The distance from Earth to the moon has changed over time, and will continue to change. The fact that we are alive in a time when total solar eclipses happen the way they do is a happy accident.

Which is called the moon.

God is merciful.

Is there anything that's just a little TOO perfect? I mean, the moon is really important and shit but it doesn't seem strange that it is. Is there anything in space or on earth that is TOO perfect to be accidental?

Look up "anthropic coincidences." You may find something on the list that strikes you as :too perfect."

>TOO perfect to be accidental?

what does it mean 'too perfect' ?

The important thing about the universe is that it is absurdly, unimaginably gigantic - therefore 'unlikely' things happen all the time. For example - the chances for any given star to go supernova at any given moment is tiny, but because we can see trillions of them we observe supernovae all the time.

>Is there anything in space or on earth that is TOO perfect to be accidental?

You mean like an ENTIRE continent (Antarctica) being placed in a location that NO humans can live on... almost like an intelligent being decided that a group hairless monkeys would get intelligent then pollute and waste resources until they desperately needed more, then they would discover an ENTIRE continent of raw materials that can only be tapped once they are of sufficient technology.

Let us not even begin to wonder that a huge asteroid would strike earth in a near perfect location to wipe out a stagnant branch of life (dinosaurs), allowing a new vibrant branch to thrive