Im new and I was just wondering why Veeky Forums seems to really appreciate philosophy

Im new and I was just wondering why Veeky Forums seems to really appreciate philosophy

Isn't it just empty thought / contemplation. I get thinking is important (ofcourcse) but you can just think logically and get a greater understanding than just guessing?

pic unrelated

All thoughts are empty until applied to a driving motivation.
t. arm chair philospher

Yes but thats assuming that the driving motivation is real and since nothing truly is, why would this driving motivation matter.

>nothing truly is
If nothing is real then what are qualia?

>when Jaden Smith drops by to say hello

>Veeky Forums seems to appreciate philosphy
>Veeky Forums is one person
Fuck off and die. Philosophy is an obfuscated notation of pure logic, without any practical uses. Mental masturbation for brainlets who fail to grasp that they are just playing with their own axioms.

We couldn't possibly know... none of this has to be real

Good philosophy is useful for countering bad philosophy. Sure without any, we'd be fine, but the fact that exists necessitates that we should not fall into mental traps such as nihilism or other such philosophies which lead to states of depression and/or insanity.

It didn't occur to you (being the none "brainlet" you are) I was talking about the majority?

The last part of your scentence was actually meaningfull it's a shame you had to include the first bit

Yet you have an awareness of your thoughts and senses? How can you deny the ever present existence of your own reality when it stares you right in your face at every waking instant?

There is no way to find out by just thinking. You could accept the working hypothesis that the observed universe is real, and use that working hypothesis as an axiom to study neurology and maybe find out. But you won't, because you're a useless faggot.

Insanity is always a good source for inspiration tho. much like psychedelics are

Does realizing the futility of infinitely recursive axiom-less logic, and accepting some basic foundations for understanding the inputs my conscious being is receiving, make me a philosopher? Most people realize that "yea, I can't argue with your "nothing is real" crap, but I still wanna eat and survive" on an intuitive level.

Yes but there isn't any proof is there. I feel that in a way exepting your existance is almost like why people become religious - to give themselves meaning and feel secure

Proof is observation, and you are observing right now. You observe reality? That's the best proof you will get and you should happily accept it and move along to do things that actually matter.

>getting triggered over a trivial insult
Please leave, beautiful Hitler trips notwithstanding.
>I was talking about a majority
Every time philosophy gets brought up, there is a ton of shit flinging. Which means there is no board-wide consensus. It's generally the more down to earth people calling philosophers useless faggots, and more introspective, lofty individuals assuming we just don't understand them and are therefore plebs. I'd guess it's about 60-40 against the philosophers, but all the ironic shitposting makes it almost impossible to discern accurately.

I probably did over react. Forgive me?

My only belief is that all time should be spent aiming to improve the human race and yes i do belive eugeniks could help.

But don't you understand that your observations could just be just well fake? You cant prove that you are even observing infact you right now reading this dosent have to be real

didn't mean to add that >> at the end

What does it matter if they are "fake" whatever that's supposed to imply in this context? I immerse myself in reality because it's all I have ever known and almost certainly ever will know. It doesn't matter that the rules in a videogame are arbitrary, they are still rules and have order and meaning. Therefore if reality is just some game or stimulation I still don't care because the fun comes from immersing yourself in it, not trying to futilely deny it's true existence. Even if it was a stimulation, it would still be real in the sense that the information truly exists "somewhere"

You really need to lurk more. A top tip, just this once since we're on a relatively normalfag-infested board: tone down on the individualism, identity. You're just anonymous here, no need to beg for attention or ask for forgiveness or whatnot. People only look at what you posted, not who you are. I might tell you to kill yourself in one thread/board, right before sympathizing with your feels in another and praising your idea in yet another. Neither of us would ever know. This makes imageboards the patrician form of social interaction

Isn't it ironic that in people's thoughts about why philosophy is stupid to think about, they actively engage in philosophical thought?

This is bait.

Higher quality bait than usual, but still bait.

The point of philosophy is to increase understanding of the world around you and people's thinking/reasoning skills. It's humbling.

What you need to realize is that you do not know if what you are observing is altered or fabricated entirely, and therefore cannot say that your observations prove anything. The only thing we truly know with every ounce of certainty is that we cannot be certain of anything. What you said is valid though. This really doesn't affect us, and the only thing we can do is live on and accept what we can prove within the parameters of our observable world.
The first part of this post answers why these ideas are important to think about.

That just makes it even more shit, doesn't it?
Everything is bait on Veeky Forums. Just take it in stride and fling shit at it regardless

>greater understanding
philosophy and science answer different questions. Science can't answer how long a convict should be in prison. Science can't answer if abortion is right or wrong. Likewise philosophy can't say what the universe is like.

>just guessing

You're dead wrong if you think philosophy is "just guessing". All academic philosophers must make use of logic in their arguments, and many draw from other fields, even science.

This board is for the discussion of science, not philosophy. The only reason philosophy is mentioned here is because people like you make these bait threads saying hurr durr humanities are useless stem rulez.

Didn't say it was stupid just wanted opinions to help form my own