Still no cure

>Still no cure

How much longer until hair follicle stem cells are a viable technology?

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just shave your head

Not a cure.
That's just a reverse combover.

Buzzcut + Veeky Forums

The thing we really need to cure is the socially-constructed fear of a natural process...

We can't even do that with breastfeeding when straight men like boobs.

>why me bald

not the problem scientists should be getting paid to care about.

Would stem cells really cure the balding or would they only delay it?

Yeah, it makes more sense to pay them to do x-ray diffraction studies of useless molecules and search trees in new Zealand for the 1.3 millionth species of beetle.

This made me kek. Good job user.

>being a hairlet

yeah. I was dumbfounded 4 years ago when I was 20 and started losing my hair. Like really? Thousands of years of men who are balding and the best we've got are some transplants and a drug that shrinks your junk and has a possibility of permanently fucking you up?

Fat people who ruin their lives and bodies by eating garbage and drinking alcohol for years can get bailed out but something cosmetic that is 100% up to genetics has no cure? That's fucked up


Wear a toupee or embrace it.

Those genes you have were passed down by hundreds of generations of bald men who managed to get laid, man the fuck up

Isn't it more likely that the vast majority of your ancestors had kids long before the reached the average age were men start balding?

I'm not doubting that it would have little influence on female sexual selection hundreds of years ago, but the fact remains it is a minor disadvantage in today's world.

Has anyone tried this and had it work?
Also, you need hair follicles for your hair to grow. No amount peppermint oil is gonna change the fact that your follicles have been destroyed by DHT.

>it's an "A promotes B" paper

The mice weren't going bald. This only proves that peppermint oil makes healthy follicles grow more hair. If you're balding, your follicles are shutting down.

Be a man and stop making threads about this. It's not a big deal.

>Not embracing baldness like a man

You are like a woman, want makeup too you little sissy?

Did you try the drug?

boldness is a spectrum so there is no cure.

Just stop masturbating.

could you, like filter the blood before it gets to the scalp? because we kind of know which chemicals in the blood do it