
>różewicz (genius)
>gombrowicz (genius)
>irzykowski (first modernist in whole world)
>god-tier poetry, best in europe (from rennaisance like kochanowski (guy who def started with a greeks) baroque like drużbacka, romantcism like słowacki, ended at richest modernist movement like wojaczek, krynicki, herbert)
>philosophy like tatarkiewicz, kołakowski, and got-tier logicians like kuratowski)
You have 10 seconds to justify why you dont learn polish right now.

Other urls found in this thread:


I can't
Going to learn Polish for 2017.
Starting with Duolingo. Any recommendable resources? Duolingo is only good to get to kindergarten level, desu


If Poles are so smart why did they get invaded so quickly?

Because your language looks/sounds so fucking ugly. Same goes for Irish/Finnish and few other ugly European languages.

Frederick the Great had the right idea:

>Frederick had despised Polish people since his youth, and numerous statements are known in which he expressed anti-Polish prejudice,[54] calling Polish society "stupid" and stating that "all these people with surnames ending with -ski, deserve only contempt"[55] He passionately hated everything associated with Poland, while justifying his hatred and territorial expansion with ideas of Enlightenment.[56] He described Poles as "slovenly Polish trash";[57][58] referring to them in a letter from 1735 as "dirty" and "vile apes",[59] and compared the Polish peasants to American Indians.[60]

if germans are so badass why have they been resolute cucks for two generations?

>SEVEN (7) cases
>Three genders
There is my justification

Doitch are terribad too, but Polags are no better.

Meant to quote OP, sorry
Disagree, For me Polish and Czech are probably the only european languages that come close to romance languages in terms of sound


but i already know polish...but i cbf to read polish literature desu english is just easier

yeah when you read old american anthropology books from the early 20th century they say poles have equal iqs with native americans and negros, lol

>Polags are no better.

haven't heard about any rapefugees giving polish chicks the kebab lately, which is more than i can say for germany

eh ostatnio przeczytałem Masłowską i bardzo się dla mnie podobała, tak rzadko czytam polską literaturę eh ;_;
>learning polish alone without a tutor
well, good luck

The only languages I know well enough to feel like I'm actually getting anything while reading their literature are English and French. My Greek is conversational but it's modern anyway.
I am working hardest right now on Chinese but also picking away at vocabulary and syntax in Norse languages (Icelandic to start but also Norwegian).

I have a mostly Polish family. I'm the only idiot who cannot speak it.

I read a little on these people and got legitimately interested, thanks.

Listing literal nobodies trying to impress everyone is so typically polish. Your country needs to collectively get over itself and recognize its station in Europe.

>not including Gołubiew

kys please

you always judge literature on how popular it is? enjoy your 50 shades of Twilight then

bro recommend me a history of poland, is some oxford concise intro to polish history or something ok as an overview? is "god's playground" good? when u search for polish history most of the stuff that comes back is ww2 related shit which is understandable since that's what sells, but i'm more interested in early polish history, which from what i understand begins with their conversion to christianity around 1000 or so

I can recommend whole series of books on that, but they're in Polish.. otherwise I would say God's Playground is your best bet. It's really good

It's not that I don't appreciate polish literature, but why does every name have to look like someone bashed the keyboard and added ski or cz at the end?

Probably gonna read Gombrowicz eventually since he influenced so many Frenchies. I'll read translations.


lol i might have to read this just cuz i had some relative, a great uncle or something, with that surname, we just peasants who came to america tho so def. no relation, but like i never even seen a dude with one of my family names do anything good ever so now i'm curious... oh god, i just looked at his picture, i've just seen myself 15 years into the future, that is eerie...hmmm, gotta find a sick herringbone jacket like that

A magyar nyelv best nyelv.

oh no wait, the great uncle's name was similar but slightly different, damn u, long ass polish names! for a second there i thought i found someone with my surname who did something patrish, nope we just peasants, oh well, i'm still kind of disturbed by how much he look like me tho

Are any of these worth reading in English translation, are the translations good or poor?

I know that Polish literature needs to be read in Polish, but does it hold its own when in English?

has there ever been a english translation of Pharoan by Pruisz or whoever? All i could find was a french translation from like 100 years ago and my french is real shitty, so reading a translation of something in it is just going to lose too much probably

Îmi place ce zid ați construit. Trump ar fi mândru.

>tfw native polish speaker and haven't read any polish lit


I'm a burger and I recognize most of those



>>irzykowski (first modernist in whole world)
his first novel was 1903; knut hamsun had already produced Hunger over a decade prior

who /prus/ here? he's the only one I liked of the ones we had in a polish school, none of them are on this list though. At the time I thought his "The Doll" and "Pharaoh" were pretty good, was a long time ago, though

Some white races are dumber than others on average, Europe is a pretty diverse place.

Though even the Anglo-Saxon or German people in the U.S. mostly came from the lowest levels of their countries.

You mean becoming one of the most developed countries in the world after two decades of independence?
don't take bait stupid
Trying to force the Latin alphabet over a language with more consonants than Latin had.

hungarian and romanian?

>eh ostatnio przeczytałem Masłowską i bardzo się dla mnie podobała, tak rzadko czytam polską literaturę eh ;_;

wojna polsko-ruska?

Because we sound like fucking vacuum cleaners? I personally love the language but it's not hard to understand how it sounds to people from different countries.

Because the intellectual elite of Poland was erased by Nazis and now our country is a steaming pile of shit full of fucking retards?

Pozdrowienia z Krakowa.

>Though even the Anglo-Saxon or German people in the U.S. mostly came from the lowest levels of their countries.

No, they did not.

intellectual elite would make your language sound better?

No, it would make it worth learning. Polish literature has no future and old works are going to be translated.

I'd rather learn French first

true patricians learn lithuanian

What about Russian? I feel there's great russian works, however im uninformed on this. Regardless, id like to learn tge language

tak, lubię takie potoky słów, bardzo skojarzyła mi się z Burroughsem.
If you were to learn russian only for literature then yes, I think it's worth it, but to me russians seem dumb and vulgar and I would practically never use it to communication. I kinda regret I have chosen to study french instead of russian doe

Anytime someone speaks a slav language I get an urge to throw up. Seriously.

The Manuscript Found in Saragossa (French: Manuscrit trouvé à Saragosse; also known in English as The Saragossa Manuscript), is a frame-tale novel written in French by the Polish Enlightenment author Count Jan Potocki (1761–1815). It is narrated from the time of the Napoleonic Wars, and depicts events several decades earlier,[1][2] during the reign of King Philip V (r. 1700–24, 1724–46).[3

I recommend the movie of a same title. Considered as one of the best of polish cinematography. Inspired many american directors.

Why are their woman so attractive though?

If u want to read Prus, read Lalka first. Faraon isn't that great. He wrote it just to not be worse than Sienkiewicz.

Hunger is child's play compared to Pałuba.

It actually would.



is Ghaeilge álainn í

nil aon breithiúnas agat, tagann teanga síofrach de Fionlainnis

kurwa ja pierdole

>being /pol/ on Veeky Forums

polish intellectual at his best

spierdalaj do chuja

Spierdalaj ty chuju

>muh Witkacy
>muh Różewicz
>muh Berent
>muh Brzozowski
>muh Słowacki
>haven't produced any work of art, besides music, of any merit, in almost hundred years

truly a subhuman nation


Fuck you, Stanislav Lem is god-tier author

>andrzejewski over miłosz

I like the mentioning of drużbacka tho

>only worthwhile not ancient polish literature is sci-fi

his "sci-fi" is full of philosophy

Parnicki is polish Pynchon

complex historical novels

Dobra, Anoni, trzeba się rozkręcić z polskimi threadami. Wiem, że dobre w tym celu są tego rodzaju wyliczanki:
>kierunek studiów
>ostatnia książka, którą przeczytaliście
>książka, którą czytacie
>książką, którą macie zamiar przeczytać następną

Ja zacznę:
S. Brzozowski, Płomienie
W. Benjamin, Twórca jako wytwórca
W. Benjamin, Ulica jednokierunkowa

btw. wiem, że to strasznie chujowe, już się czuję brudny, ale jestem ciekaw, jacy Anoni przeglądają Veeky Forumsa. Wybaczcie.

If Polish is so great why did Joseph Conrad learn English in his twenties to avoid writing in that hideous language

He was just sailing with english crew. He worked in english fleet for living, that's all.
His prose is this magnificent, because he thinks in polish, while writing in english.

fil francuska
>przeczytana ostatnio
The picture of Dorian Gray
American Psycho
>mam zamiar
Catch 22 chyba

Co je "wiek" po polski? "years old" ali "your favorite century"?

Cześć. Studiujesz w Szczecinie? Jeśli tak, to jak oceniasz poziom romanistyki? O tej warszawskiej słyszałem, że lektorzy i dydaktyka językowa są na wysokim poziomie, ale zajęcia z literatury na wyjątkowo niskim.

Lektury: amerykański kanon zawsze spoko.

Someone's wiek is "years old". Wiek without that connotation means "century".

Tak. Kadra jest bardzo dobra, ale program studiów już nie. By dostać się na studia nie trzeba było znać francuskiego więc na trzecim roku jest bardzo mizernie jeżeli chodzi o poziom językowy i w sumie nie robi się nic by to zmienić bo oczekuje się od studentów że nauczą się go sami w domu a z francuskim to kiepsko w taki sposób się go uczyć. Ale w sumie nie narzekam. Poziom literatury był dobry dopóki mielismy zajecia z profesorem Swobodą z Gdańska ale że musiał tam wracać to mamy teraz z babką która prowadzi jakies żmudne wykłady i co dwa tygodnie robi sprawdzian z opasłych lektur ktorych i tak nikt nie czyta bo nie ma czasu, więc literature oceniam naprawdę bardzo nisko. Zajęcia z językoznawstwa były za to na 1 i 2 na wysokim poziomie.

>he thinks in polish, while writing in english.
What did she mean by this?

>tfw you want to learn Polish and move to Kraków and find a polish qt but you realize that Polish is hard as fuck and the country is run by retards and you are a beta faggot who gets laid like once a year anyways

Any books for this feel?

I was confused because "21" can be both age and century, but ofc the second meaning doesn't make any sense in this context

>kierunek studiów
>ostatnia książka, którą przeczytaliście
that was to long ago to remember
>książka, którą czytacie
>książką, którą macie zamiar przeczytać następną


he's bilingual, thus gramatic structures of one language influence structures of the other language, producing extraordinary outcomes, you stupid monkey

Polish ancestry?

You would know if you weren't a monolingual pleb

only (((polish)))

Niskie oczekiwania wobec studentów są tym, co zgubi nas jako naród.

Polish (and Russian) Jews are the best desu.

*were. We, sadly, have got none left.

meh, 30% of Israel speaks Russian

I was talking about polish Jews. Murdering them was the best way to mutilate us as a nation. To make this post in any way related to thread's topic, polish literature that is, let me list some of best polish jewish heritage having authors: Schulz, Leśmian, Lange, Tuwim, Wittlin. The list could go on for long. Hell, even The Greatest, our national bard, Mickiewicz, was a jew (and yet fashi-fags like Kaczyński adore him).

Why did Poland have so many jews?

It's not simply the number of cases, but the fact that there is basically no real rule to decline the nouns. Every fucking Polish grammar I've read has a different set of (usually very long and convoluted) rules, but it doesn't matter what table of rules you follow: you will still decline every third noun wrong.

>kraj bez stosów
It's basically religious tolerance. We welcomed all jews banished from Western Europe. The opposite of what wee're doing now. Add not giving about a shit about their stetl businesses, while remaining open to integration, which resulted in maintaining both jewish orthodox culture and a fair ammount of assimilated ones, enriching national culture, such as authors listed above.

Partially usury laws but it wasn't really that ridiculous an amount.



Smutno mi Boże! Dla mnie na zachodzie
Rozlałeś tęczę blasków promienistą,
Przedemną gasisz w lazurowéj wodzie
Gwiazdę ognistą,
Choć mi tak niebo ty złocisz i morze, 5
Smutno mi Boże!


Jak puste kłosy, z podniesiona głową,
Stoję roskoszy próżen i dosytu,
Dla obcych ludzi mam twarz jednakową,
Ciszę błękitu: 10
Ale przed tobą głąb serca otworzę,
Smutno mi Boże!


Jako na matki odejście się żali
Mała dziecina, tak ja płaczu bliski,
Patrząc na słońce, co mi rzuca z fali 15
Ostatnie błyski,
Choć wiem, że jutro błyśnie nowe zorze,
Smutno mi Boże!


Dzisiaj na wielkiém morzu obłąkany,
Sto mil od brzegu i sto mil przed brzegiem, 20
Widziałem lotne w powietrzu bociany
Długim szeregiem.

Żem je znał kiedyś na polskim ugorze,
Smutno mi Boże!


Żem często dumał nad mogiłą ludzi, 25
Żem prawie nie znał rodzinnego domu,
Żem był jak pielgrzym co się w drodze trudzi
Przy blaskach gromu,
Że nie wiem gdzie się w mogiłę położę,
Smutno mi Boże! 30


Ty będziesz widział moje białe kości
W straż nie oddane kolumnowym czołom:
Alem jest jako człowiek co zazdrości
Mogił, popiołom...
Więc że mieć będę niespokojne łoże, 35
Smutno mi Boże!


Kazano w kraju niewinnéj dziecinie
Modlić się za mnie codzień... a ja przecie
Wiem, że mój okręt nie do kraju płynie,
Płynąc po świecie... 40
Więc że modlitwa dziecka nic nie może,
Smutno mi Boże!


Na tęczę blasków, którą tak ogromnie
Anieli twoi w niebie rospostarli,
Nowi gdzieś ludzie w sto lat będą po mnie 45
Patrzący — marli.
Nim się przed moją nicością ukorzę,
Smutno mi Boże!

Pisałem o zachodzie słońca, na
morzu przed Alexandryą.




We got tricked by the Germans. They moonwalked through our borders and said they were going away.

Poland will never forget that treachery.

You know I've read a few polish wirters and they have wonderful names but their books aren't that great come on