I'm an atheist/deist/pantheist. Why should I read Kierkecute?

I'm an atheist/deist/pantheist. Why should I read Kierkecute?

So you can take the leap of faith :^)

>I'm an indecisive faggot

I'm a deist and do it for the sake of hearing about a opinion and philosophy differant than yours

No, it's that I'm unsure which, if any, my view falls under, nor if those are even reasonable categories.
It's somewhat like Spinozism.

Fucking jewish hack who got BTFO. Although he did write some cool philosophy. Nonetheless, pantheism is a meme.

so you read the ethics and now subscribe to a literally contradictory ontology

there's no reason to read kierkegaard if you haven't read schelling's freedom essay then

What even is pantheism?

Because it's interesting

>Spinoza jewish

He wasn't jewish you fucking retard.

His writing is better when its poetically psychological and he isnt trying to ape Hegel.

Also, he's a crazy writer that invented different heteronyms for himself to try and encompass clashing worldviews. Even if you dont take the religious message, his writings on the dreariness of the aesthetic life are chilling.

>He wasn't jewish you fucking retard.

he doesn't know spinoza was jewish, holy shit, ten seconds on google could have prevented this foolishness, but instead u just had to hit "post" first

He was literally banned from his jewish community and claimed to be an athiest.

But instead you just had to hit "post" first.

>He was literally banned from his jewish community and claimed to be an athiest.

yeah and marx and trostky weren't jews either since they did so much work to eradicate christianity from europe right?

What's a good entry point for Kierk that isn't as long as Either/Or? Should I just get an essential writings collection, or is that pleb?

Because he wrote interesting analyses of topics that were found in Nietzsche as well to a great degree and comparing the two might prove fruitful (heh) for understanding things which are not limited to religion. Not that Kierk doesn't stand on his own, but it's ridiculous how well he goes with Nietzsche despite the obvious differences.

This tribalism is so tiring. Do you really believe that Marx was attacking religion (opium of the masses and all that) just so he could secretly promote his Jewish plan? Not that it worked, but if it's Jewish to want a better society then oy vey!

This has to be trolling...

communism is totally a jewish scheme to control and suppress the goyim, though.

t. self hating jew

So is liberalism apparently and everything else which doesn't involve gassing the Jews.

>gassing the jews is the only thing we can be sure isn't a jewish plot

sorry but they used the holohaux as a justification for the creation of israel, so even that is in doubt

I'm a dentist. Why should I eat charcuterie?


how do threads manage to crash and burn so quickly these days


I'm a fascist/maoist/epicurianist and Kierk is a cuck.

just read "either/or" desu; i read it at 15 and it saved me from being an edgy nietzschean atheist.

if you're well-enough versed in the binding of isaac, read fear and trembling, then sickness unto death. "either/or" goes by quickly, though, so you should really read that.

I guess I'll ask here since this thread is so pointless: are there any good writings on animism? It's interesting to me but I don't know much about it.
thanks for the laugh mate

/pol/ has grown in popularity and their shit is leaking through all of Veeky Forums.

Sadly, the best of /pol/ left to Hotwheels since the SJW mods took over.

>I'm a pseud who needs labels to define my person

You need Kierkegaard.

"If you label me, you negate me." - S.K.

>i haven't read kierkegaard
>i'm an atheist

that figures