Veeky Forums makes a poetry book

Ever since our successful foray into prose by the curtsy of The Legend of Totalitarianism in a Tundra, I feel we shall conquer the maiden lands of free verse poetry; with Cream et Suger, the new book by our new mascot!

We need you for this to work! Post your poetry, ideas for our outer-ego/mascot and artwork now!

Come on in,and empower, we will all be rich in no time!


the waves go forward
the waves go back

the waves go forward
the waves go back

the waves go forward
the waves go back

but still the little boat sails on

he jizzed
on my
but I
will not wipe it
I will wear it
for everyone
to see




aint nothing
brooks and floes

Isn't it funny
how men
grow beards

what have they got
to hide


holy kek

This shit never works bc dickheads keep deleting the text

You guys you can't use punctuation because she doesn't. Sheesh.



more like Rumi Kaur

haha, forreal


Kek'd I did. It could be possible that lit can't help but overshoot their targets. Reminds me of when Scorsese was shooting Raging Bull that he was supposed to shoot some home video footage that looked amateurish, but couldn't help but keep taking in these professional shots. So he gives the cameras over to the janitors and they have a ball

When it feels
like the whole world
is against you
just breathe
and know
The world just gave you strength to keep fighting

*insert drawing of corckscrew duck penis*

We make the memes, ya'll get paid
You'll get the money, we'll get the fame

Murder me
At the bird festival dear
My life cant go on
Pooping and farting
My stinky diaper
I need someone
To change it

So what youre saying is that we anonymous nobodies have more talent shitposting than a published instagram "poet"

Add a smudge of blood in her panties.

Thank you all for your help, I love how this is turning out!


Well again, that isn't saying a lot

this is the best one

Now these i actually like

>tfw to intelligent to write ironically bad poetry

This is what gets us the noble prize


When this is finished I will sort the serious imitations with the silly ones, from start to last (ending with creme et sugar as a final slap in the face) they will get sillier and sillier so there will be a sense of progression and structure; this will also confuse the readers.

Do do it now, because we need to finish it first

Compose a good piece, just for the fun of it.It will surprise people who read this for le irony XD!

don't do it now

best one

End with this'n

undercooked tumblr
sophistry with
line breaks and
targeted towards the most
gullible fucks
i'm the history of

Use the bees from her cover as the image

who wants to tackle the love letter to the reader at the end?


Did it!

Is it froze or something?

I've made my contribution...enjoy

> the caspian queer



We should split this up into sections when it's done. Love, struggle, sex, death, ect.

those from whom
you fear arrogance
advise them
if they persist
forsake them in bed
and finally
strike them
but if they obey you
once more
seek no means
against them

How long is this planned on being?


As long as you make it baby,
but we need a limit,
what limit shall we set?

How long was milk and honey?

194 pages

>194 pages of the same poem with the same sentiment

jesus what an afternoon that was eh Rupi?

when they mocked you
and made
you feel so so small
and them so big
but if they removed their masks they would die
for you


He thought
was a kart racer
like Super Mario
and I
was his

He got all
the bullet bills
I got
the banana

She just ran her computer to do it for her.

"If these kids
are reading
Harry Potter at 11 or 12,
when they get
they will go
on to read
Stephen King.”

And he was quite right.

When you read
“Harry Potter”
you are,
in fact,
to read
Stephen King.

this might be the only way any of us actually get published

We are multicolored cars
and on the road
forced into traffic while
those white painted ones
- really, no different -
get to ride quickly
in the HOV lane

It's a good thing that
there are less and less of those
now and that those quicker lanes
will be open
to all

I didn't know what it
meant. he told me again
and I said I
wasn't listening
because he
never listened to

It is good for experience, you might even use it for publishing experience to get further works out.

blood types
stories of protein struc
Our children, unable
to share
We are

I don't think we should have it immediately be know this comes from Veeky Forums.

We need a female stand in author, or the entire project will immediately be seen as a "joke" by us, rather than legitimate satire

this is a worse idea than the project itself

That is what we are doing, she is also going to be Veeky Forums's mascot (lit-tan).

He was a reader
his mind
expanded with thoughts
conceived mainly
white men.

I gave him
my entire heart
and he treated me
as his
Infinite Jest

You might want to get tested for autism.

i'm born
you look at my body
you force a gender on me
breaking the NAP
feminism is libertarianism

love it


But Veeky Forums-tan is a guy

does the world
let men eat as much
as they want
but women
get punished
for wanting to sample
cheerios and
whole-grain crunch


only one enemy
if you counted

why isn't it creme et sucre?

parce que Veeky Forums ne parle pas français



we do parlent fraçais and we're fucking parlenting right now

not even a pity kek
I feel embarrassed
For having lived a life
To which no virgin
Replied to my sadness

rough climate
tormented my soul

I was
looking for Alaska

alright, cool, i guess.

we bleed
and suffer
because men are too weak
and the weak drag down the strong

especially the white men
they are pigs

The best in the thread

I hope
to cut
the violents martinet,
like white seagulls
With the
sharpened edges
of my

rubi kau

as funny
They are
you must weed
out of you
they like to pluck, molest

rubi kau

my contributions

Posted 1 more poem, come on this has more potential than hypersphere

Just like
David Foster
Have no

-Rupi Kau


The poor nigger on the wall. Look at him.
Look at the poor nigger.
Look at the poor nigger… on… the… wall.
Fuck him… Fuck the nigger on the wall…
Black man… is… de… debil?

P. Bateman


This isn't gonna work, the poems aren't funny or insightful and nobody is gonna mistake it for the real deal. You have to be more intelligent than someone to properly parody them and the average Veeky Forums user just isn't that intelligent

Dear Veeky Forums
You are just
Like the douche
I dated my
Freshman year
He dumped me
For a girl
Didn't drink
Period blood
What a douche

This isn't gonna work
the poems
aren't funny
or insightful
and nobody
is gonna mistake it
for the real deal
you have to be
more intelligent than someone
to properly parody them
and the average Veeky Forums user
just isn't that intelligent

this, not many in here really understand the format enough to roast it.

>you have to be
>more intelligent than someone
>to properly parody them

for this subject, that is a pretty low bar

rolling like an
i think

- pleasure


Is this getting published?

hopefully not

Took pictures from the internet, can't draw at all

How many pages do we want?

I'm guessing something like the original which is ~150