Dark matter

Dark matter is the universe's mechanism of restoring itself from entropy.

Ever seen a video of slime mold solving a maze? Just like that, but bigger. youtube.com/watch?v=75k8sqh5tfQ

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yes bb


Serious question, if the universe is expanding due to vacuum energy, wouldn't it be possible to harness vacuum energy and (since the universe will apparently expand 5ever or vacuum energy is some quantum shit that doesn't appear to be finite in nature) essentially cheat heat death of the universe?

I suspect so.

And in a spring like fashion the potenial energy of dark matter ought to increase with entropy, making that force strong and stronger until it snaps back.

With every snap back there comes a little nudge. You get oscillations and the overall snap-back force of the dark matter is unable to overcomes all of matter's potential energy.

Dark matter, the spring allowing these oscillations, snaps.

Completely new to me.

Note that with each oscillation comes more entropy, more chaos. Each time the chaos gets reassembled the resulting sum becomes more complex though mass stays constant.

This is the same pattern by which planets form, cells divide, society acts, and even human relationships follow it.

The universe truly is fractal.

To enter deeper into speculation territory- because that's what we do here- the subtle force adding energy to the oscillations is God.

God rests at the origin and with each oscillation the universe separates and then returns to God, each time it returns to God it returns with additional complexity (the slime mold might eventually specifically adapt itself for that specific puzzle). Each offering of additional complexity is rewarded with another small nudge.

When our universe finally breaks free, will its degree of entropy be identical to that of the origin?

I think yes. The old origin will then be done, it's life complete. And then somehow, as if by a choice, the whole thing begins anew...

What drive this cycle though I haven't the faintest of ideas.

It's probably just turtles all the way down come to think of it.

These theories are partial plagarizations of ancient works if y'all can't already tell. Go read the parable of the prodigal son and the story of the Tower of Babel with the behavior of that slime mold in mind.

>dark matter
don't you mean dark energy?
Dark matter seems more likely to be related to gravity production.

This theory is still in its infancy, good catch.

Hey let's build it bigger-

Veeky Forums I SUMMON THEE!

>harness vacuum energy
How? There is no known way to convert dark energy into electricity.

its moreso a result of modern science declaring things it doesn't understand "dark" like some edgy teenager.
Like the dark flow.

the board is full of liberals and shills, unlikely for this thread to really get anywhere
didn't always used to be like this. I blame /pol/

I've got far more. I'm just here to use Veeky Forums as a means to sculpt and refine it. And maybe, to prove me wrong.

Check out my /x/ thread. I swear to God I will tear down their curtain in its entirety

came from that thread you dumb nigger

anyways, that dark flow thing I mentioned

Veeky Forums found me through Reddit, I'm new here.

delet your post then delet yourself with a noose

Watch this newfag win Veeky Forums.

If "Aliens aren't real" becomes a meme, I win.

Btw this newfag doesn't even know how to triforce.

pretty sure that ASCII triforce has since been disabled.
Reddit is fucking cancer though, and you should feel ashamed of yourself

They thought reddit was their tool.

I'm gonna turn it into our tool. I'm gonna make you love Reddit.

It is but it requires materials orders of magnitude stronger than we have now stretching across light years of space. And it wouldn't be permanent, eventually such as structure would be stretching apart faster than you could add length to it.

Gee, a site where the very concept of anonymity is forbidden
sounds like a fan-fucking-tastic idea to popularize its usage among Veeky Forums users

you'll never get me to like it you nigger, I've been around here since before reddit was even a thing. I know full well why reddit is hated here, hell, I remember when our biggest enemy/rival was 9gag...and am still baffled on how the fuck they made a resurgence.
point is, reddit will never be Veeky Forums, and Veeky Forums will always look down on reddit.
its the natural order of things.

for what purpose

Also, Esnstein and his theories roundly fail to account for anomalies like the flyby effect.

As reddit grows Veeky Forums will become more and more mainstream as well. Eventually, Veeky Forums will bloat and die.

As it should. Such a powerful lever should not exist.

nigger Veeky Forums's died like 5 times now and its still around
if you love leddit so damn much, why don't you just go there and stay there instead of bothering the posters on Veeky Forums?

I also want to point out that reddit will also die in this process. This too is inevitable.

Through the power of Veeky Forums I will set my people free.

most here would much rather see you lot enslaved, so long as it meant you left us alone though.

Your gonna like my lot a lot better after this.

The only reason we're intolerable is because we don't know truth.

Lack of truth is the wedge that drives mankind apart.

I'm rather fine for there being a wedge if it prevents this

A pyramid schemes built on lies inevitably collapses. It's better to collapse it early so that the destruction is not too great.

That eternal September is inevitable, the natural conclusion of these cycles. I choose to break free from the cycle.

Is this not the question of life? On which side do your allegiances lie? Eternal September? Or Eternal Chaos?

ssssssssuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeee, whatever you say...skeleton

Truth is that a single liar can destroy an empire of truth and a single truth teller can destroy en empire of lies. The cycle continues unless one side is able to affirm absolute control.

Some will think I speak from the dead but I do not.

Man is mortal, man is meat.

Or it's a system that completely lacks any type of intelligence. Like all the systems in the universe.
Calling it capital G god every time you hit a wall is the most unbelievably retarded method humanity has been doing since forever.

So you are going to revolutionize modern physics, but you dont know the difference between Dark matter and Energy?

They call it dark because it is dark. Its not because dark is a cool world.

>not realizing both Dark Matter and Dark Energy are the inevitable influence of alternate timelines on "our" own in the MWI

Im fully aware that dark matter was "observed" to exist because the outer arms orbit the center of said galaxy at almost the same speed as the parts that are closer to said galaxies center of mass. This shouldnt be the case due to the inverse square law. HOWEVER, dark matter doesn't necessarily exist, its just a placeholder for "we dont know what the fuck is going on". If you ask me, a more resonable explanation is that frame dragging effects are much more pronounced on galactic scales. So the outer arms aren't actually moving faster than they should, the spacetime they occupy is just being twisted around the center of the galaxy at a higher speed while they orbit at the speed GR would predict. Seems much more reasonable than invisible mass that, by definition, cannot be directly measured.
