Just got my PhD in math

Just got my PhD in math.
Feels good lads

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You probably don't even have a $300,000 starting salary job lined up. Off u'rself

>industry, not even once.
I have a $65,000 postdoc and then on to professoriate

65k rupees maybe

no country pays that much for postdoc

there's plenty of postdocs that pay over 65k/year in the US
e.g. NSF is 75k

>Shock waves are rippling through the U.S. research community in reaction to a new labor law that will require that postdoctoral researchers be paid at least $47,476—thousands of dollars more than many earn now.


Post your thesis

yeah, what's your point?
most universities are shit-tier
shit-tier universities offer shit pay

grats lad

I'll post the tl;dr version:
when you restrict the domain of a problem, it becomes easier and you can solve it more quickly.

Any examples

Which uni?

Well, I knew that from those shitty problem solving books. Not really insightful :^)

take an NP-hard problem, assume the matrix/graph/set it's defined on has some exploitable structure (but something that's non-restrictive enough to have real-life applications), and derive an efficient algorithm for the problem using the assumed structure
one that's top 20 in my field

Wow, you actually managed to publish a thesis on simplyifying assumptions. Jesus christ...

How much worth is an american PhD?
I heard in america, it's kinda part of the study program to do a PhD after your Master's degree.

that's what the vast majority of theses do m8
I would say a little over half of grad students who start a top PhD program drop out with a Masters. If you want to go into academia, a PhD is a must; in industry it doesn't make much difference (i.e., you'd be making about the same if you start at the company 3-4 years earlier with a Masters, than if you enter with a PhD)

Nice try LARPer. You have the wrong hat in your pic.

>Finish graduation ceremony for my PhD
>Think about what to do
>I no longer see my family so it would be weird if I just showed up to tell them about it
>No girlfriend to go to a expensive celebration dinner with
>No friends to have some drinks at the bar after the ceremony
>Get home
>Veeky Forums.org
>Veeky Forums
>Just got my PhD in math. Feels good lads

Was it worth it my man?

>implying they don't wildly differ from uni to uni and country to country
i doubt op made the pic, probably some old shit someone made years ago

I had some drinks with friends afterwards but other than that you're spot on.
They're not even really friends, more like colleagues
Who needs a social life when you can have more time for writing papers, r-right?

You won't get that TT job after postdoc unless you stop posting and fireup that TeX editor of yours!

>Who needs a social life when you can have more time for writing papers, r-right?

Maybe. So how was the ride? I'm a sophomore studying pure mathematics and if all goes right then my plan is to go for a PhD

What sacrifices have you made that you think are indispensable? In the sense that without making those sacrifices, you wouldn't have gotten your PhD.

So it was in Complexity theory?

I don't feel like I've really made any sacrifices, in the sense that I'm pretty antisocial to begin with, so it wasn't much of a sacrifice to work 12 hours a day, 7 days a week. It also helps that I got outside funding and had a laid back advisor, so I basically worked on whatever I found interesting.

But other people in my program who have a life outside research find it very difficult and often drop out.

Even having a girlfriend can be a bit too much of a distraction, I had one for 2 years of my PhD and I got significantly less work done then

complexity theory combined with combinatorics, graph theory, and abstract algebra

>, in the sense that I'm pretty antisocial to begin with, so it wasn't much of a sacrifice to work 12 hours a day, 7 days a week.

I can identify with this.

Even having a girlfriend can be a bit too much of a distraction, I had one for 2 years of my PhD and I got significantly less work done then

I think I have this discovered. When I go out with my gf I usually just study from pds in my phone. One night I went out to dinner with her and I read the entire Chapter 2 of Apostol's Analytic Number Theory. Going through the proofs making sure I understood and all. I have made girlfriends work.

not even once!

yeah, if you can find girls who put up with that, more power to you.
also, don't get the impression that it's all work and no play, there are busy months and relaxing months. You just need to be willing to put in copious amounts of work when necessary

>also, don't get the impression that it's all work and no play, there are busy months and relaxing months. You just need to be willing to put in copious amounts of work when necessary

I've not once felt like I was working while doing mathematics so I know this to be true. I can't wait to get free 65k a year to indulge into my hobby.

good on you m8, sounds like grad school is right for you.

There will be temptations along the way, like summer internships that pay more in 2 months than your yearly stipend, and lead to job offers in industry or national labs. But if you truly love mathematics, you will stay away from that and continue in academia where you can be your own boss, become immortalized through your research, and contribute to your favorite field, rather than to some company or the (((government)))

Congrats. My thesis was on proving your mothers butt crack bounce is a decision problem decidable by a Boolean circuit with polylogarithmic depth and polynomial number of bitcoins inside of at any given time.


>autism: the post

Since when (((academia))) not part of the (((gubmint)))?

If you're a full professor with tenure in the US, you can say whatever politically incorrect shit you want and no one can do anything about it. You'll be ostracized by your colleagues, but you do have that freedom. If you're a junior faculty or have professional aspirations, then you pretty much have to tow the line (i.e. suck liberal cock)

Reminder that if your thesis does not use category theory, then it is rubbish and will never ever be read by anybody worthy

Nice mang.
can you take my quals for me?

good lad

"Ey! This-a pizza crust a too sticky...how-a I a gonna toss her in a air?"

Confirmed for Indian PhD.

I can be funny and laugh when normal people make jokes.
Feels good lad

Congratulations user!

whoah dude, sounds cool

How to git gud at maths

Why OP, why you did that.

Congratulations! Given your experience, do you think that brainlets have any positive valued chance of getting a PhD as well?

brainlets absolutely have a chance. I've known an embarrassing number of stupid people with phds in math. Most of them went to shitty schools, but you can even go to a good school and be stupid if you're a woman / minority.

you busted him! Everyone believed that was a photo of OPs graduation ceremony until you did that

field of study?

Yes, literally all you need is to be a no-lifer for 4-5 years. Anyone can do it if they stick to it; talent is not a prerequisite.
Like this guy said, there are plenty of PhDs who aren't particularly intelligent, just studied hard to pass their quals and then did what their advisors told them for a few years.

The number one cause of failure in a PhD program is not putting in enough time/effort.

Confirming this. I'm an idiot and I have a PhD.

how do you get outside funding for this? i'm planning to study computer engineering but if i can still make money while learning pure math, why not?

Congrats, m8. When are you going to solve the Millennium problems?

apply for tons of scholarships and grants
many scholarships and fellowships literally receive 2 or 3 candidates because they are poorly advertised, so your chances are pretty high

if you have a vagina or dark skin, congrats, your chances for receiving funding are sky high. universities love giving minorities free gibmedats to increase their diversity quota

I had missed that one. It was poverty row back in my time.

I hope this will mean more people stay on in research - I had to leave since I could not afford it anymore. Student loans have to be paid back.

Well done

This is true, the only difference between academic greatness and normies is time applied.

If you're autistic enough to browse Veeky Forums you're autistic enough to get a PHD in math

I'm a brainlet.

How to get good at maths?
I don't have much time, I'm a stupid wageslave

an astonishing achievement

Well done user.

Have fun changing all your bank, passport and other legal details to include the Dr title :^)

Not Op, but i am currently self studying math from the ground up. I just bought a book, which repeats everything you learn at school. (It is a german book) Takes about 2 to 3 three weeks.
I just assume that a solid base is everything.

i'm 15 and studying calc II
and i don't know if i should do a phd in math or physics

What else would math PhD candidates do? PhDs aren't meant to have the requirement of some major discovery, as they are qualifiers to have the holder participate in finding those discoveries.

Come back in 3 years

>prove that R is compact versus (0

so what job do you want?