Gravity == Everything's inertia?

So gravity is the apparent force exerted on us due to the expansion of the universe? Like getting pushed back in your car seat when accelerating?

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no what the fuck?

That's why gravity would be less towards the centre of the planet, right? Less mass moving "outwards" with the expansion of the universe to feel the effects of inertia.

gravity is an unneccesary and unproven explanation anyway

Dear lord, I hope this is bait. Regardless, could you elaborate?

I can teach you how to prove it in 5.6 seconds.
Just take a dive from a 100 story building and report back with results.

that just shows how things move due to their density



Is this your own theory, or is this what you think General relativity describes?


The expansion is distinctly anti-gravitational, or at very least it ignores/trumps the attempted effects of gravity.

Gravity is a function of space-time being warped inwards by mass and things falling down that 4D warp-well.

I like the simplicity of how OPs theory sounds but I'm pretty sure it's completely wrong and it assumes absolute reference frames because if everything is expanding at the same rate the only way inertia would be felt is if your old frame was some absolute one compared to you're new one


why do things with different density fall at the same speed then

Because their mass is insignificant compared to the earth.

That doesnt make any sense. You realize density is just a function of gravity right? Get the fuck out of here with your shit bait.

things with less density than air dont fall at all. Thing with different densities fall at different rates. Take a bottle filled with water and another one filled with air and drop them from your window. The water will the hit the ground a bit earlier.

you're trying to say mass without saying the word mass. I get it.

>The water will the hit the ground a bit earlier.
Only because of air resistance.

>people engaging trolls
>people replying to bait thread without saging
Fuck you Veeky Forums


>literally not being open to new ideas

Ummm, excuse me?

>Because their mass is insignificant compared to the earth.
Then explain why the Eötvös experiment (measuring changes in the rotation of a rod with two equal masses of different materials at the end) never found that.


Gravity is the distance between point A and point B getting distorted and becoming shorter and shorter. Because the distance between 2 points in space is shorter, matter takes less time to to go from A to B. The distortion is uneven, and is most distorted near the center of the Earth. So stuff moving in the direction towards the Earth will always appear to be moving faster and faster and faster (accelerating) as space gets more and more distorted. This can be seen or interpreted as gravity pulling you towards the planet.

But we don't accelerate when we're standing on the surface of the earth, only if we're falling towards it.

According to both Newton and Einstein if you let go of an object and it doesnt stay put where you left it you are in an accelerating frame of reference. Let go of something in mid air and see what happens.

He's trying to talk about buoyant force

Everything only falls at the same rate in a vacuum.

>we don't accelerate when we're standing on the surface of the earth
In a sense we are, it's our weight.

Why are more dense things attracted to the ground faster then? Bouyancy is all about having less weight than an equal volume of whatever you want to float in. Notice how weight(see gravitational attraction) is still what causes things to fall even if you claim its just their density. Read a fucking book.

>Why are more dense things attracted to the ground faster then?
because they are more dense


I found your video, OP:

Thats like saying larger objects are larger because the world has less volume that isnt them. You are taking an extra unnecessary step and what you are claiming to replace gravity with requires gravity to function.

>Why are more dense things attracted to the ground faster then?

They aren't you fucing retard

>You are taking an extra unnecessary step
no. It is about leaving out an extra unnecessary step: the unproven and useless attempt at explaining shit, that is gravity

Maybe consider at least reading wikipedia before posting.

I knew you were a pleb

In any kind of atmosphere they are. Below a certain density they start floating up. All due to gravity.

No you are taking extra steps. By your logic, density is what makes things "sink" in the atmosphere. Why do those things sink? Density requires a weight difference per unit of volume, it's literally the definition of density.
>weight difference
Requires some force of attraction based upon the mass of the object. What shall we call this force of attraction that allows density to be observed?

>gravity is unproven

there are many flaws, unexplained things and open questions about the nature of gravity. of course you can prove that things fall down, but thats not all that is to it

They even have to literally make up magic shit like "dark matter" to explain away its flaws