Redpill me on KIC 8462852

redpill me on KIC 8462852

Other urls found in this thread:

>The SETI Institute's initial radio reconnaissance of KIC 8462852, however, found no evidence of technology-related radio signals from the star

Also there no strange thermal radiation, which suggests that the star isn't enclosed in some large structure.


Better than KIC 8462851.

Maybe they hide the thermal radiation so it isn't detected? So other civilizations think it's a natural occurence.

>She's dimming again
Quite possibly my favourite star in the universe, I wonder if these momentary dims are signals for Earth?

Spectrum says it's not dust. The dimming is across all spectra.

>it was found that Tabby's star does not engage in the galaxy's equivalent of throwing shit

There are no spectra of any of the events. Kepler has no spectroscopic capability.

I'm referring to the dip that started yesterday.

Another user here.

This better be some boring bland ass natural phenomenon cause I don't want no alien dyson spheres floating around. You'd need to convert planets to construction material for that kind of project. That kind of industrial capacity is no joke.

>You'd need to convert planets to construction material for that kind of project.

Or stellar engineering that utilizes material pulled from the surface of the star itself. In either case, we'd be looking at a Kardashev II civilization just 1,300 light years from us.

>suddenly tight just on the verge of being undetectable signal is heard
>Veeky Forumsfags around the world scramble to decode the msg
>its a simple sentence made out of two words
>"stay silent"
wat do

Invest heavily in passive sensors and weapons development, because if someone's already noticed us, its probably too late to stay hidden.

Probably pre-place a whole bunch of 100 megaton warheads in solar orbit with hopes of being able to intercept and deflect a relatavistic kill vehicle before it hits earth.

Also use Orion technology to have an RKV in orbit on standby. We could use mutually assured destruction if we could have our own RKV capable of autonomously figuring out where the one that destroyed earth came from and launching a counterattack. Or at the very least we could send a shitton of warheads their way. It wouldn't be an equal show of force, but it might deter them.

How far away is it again? 1000 lightyears? I could be wrong.
In the slim chance of it actually being ayy lmaos there's still no way to communicate or anything.
The crazy thing is that they would have 1000 more years of technological advancement than we what we're seeing.

>reading results from latest dimming
>too much of a brainlet to see what it means
>find out there's a subreddit dedicated to this one star
>oh boy maybe they know
>click on thread
>"hey guys can anyone here figure out what this means?"

What if what we're seeing is their destruction and they've been dead 1000 years?


The dimming event is continuing and it seems to be a perfect match for one of the smaller observed Kepler dips (which still has a total area that's three times the disk-size of Jupiter at its peak). There doesn't seem to be any significant deviation in the star's observed infrared signature so far.

>redpill me
gtfo pill-popping /pol/esmoker

I wish astronomers would talk stupid to me sometimes.

>Comparison of a spectrum taken on May 20 and last July shows no difference, except what’s expected from Earth’s atmosphere. The wavelength range was 5800 – 9400 Angstroms.

>“In an initial analysis we find no difference between the two spectra apart from in features that are attributable to the expected variable telluric absorption features in the Earth’s atmosphere.”

>The implication is that the dimming isn’t consistent with a gas or dust cloud causation. It is consistent with a ‘solid’ occulter and might be consistent with stellar variability. More spectral bands will need to be studied of course.

this sounds more and more like ayys

If they have dyson spheres, presumably they have interstellar travel.

...and the only thing that can wipe out an interstellar race, is itself, or another interstellar race.