American education sure is damn impressive and progressive

American education sure is damn impressive and progressive.

Community college sure is better.

>africans are as intelligent as anyone

>americans are too scared and cucked to call their nigger brothers out on the dumb shit they do

One autist here went to his probabilities and statistics final review in a full Malfurion from Hearthstone cosplay
The reviewers were only slightly amused

>a full Malfurion from Hearthstone
Malfurion is NOT "from hearthstone"
He is a from Kalimdor in Azeroth.

Shut up virgin loser, nobody cares.

>from Hearthstone
kill yourself


You're definitively right, I should have never said that. I'm a bit ashamed myself.

Thanks for pointing that out.

How exactly is this Veeky Forums related? I get that it's that people don't like it and what not but shouldn't this be on another board? Also it's just a senior honors thesis, not really an impressive achievement anyways, so who gives a shit if he raps it, hell depending on the major it might have been a perfect fit.

I applaud him for his ability to use his administrators' white guilt and fear of public opinion for an easy pass to graduation. That's the kind of problem-solving we need

where they can then rightly tell you

>How exactly is this Veeky Forums related?
it's a /pol/ raid
i really don't understand why they hate us so much

What has Veeky Forums have to do with education?

as much as Veeky Forums has to do with education

>being a Blizzautist

Veeky Forums has to do with education since it has some practical application of what it learns, even if in the form of physics/math/chem.

Intelligent people existed before books ever did, while there's too many retards in the world who stay that way despite reading plenty of books regardless of the genre/field of the books.

Alas, Veeky Forums is the bottom of the barrel when it comes to education.

>not a STEM thesis
And just like that this not Veeky Forums related.
Janitors on Veeky Forums when?

MIT pisses on Harvard as a passtime, ergo this is a Veeky Forums thread.

intelligent people also existed before math and science

That brainlet logic is better suited for whatever shithole board you crawled out from.

because you keep insisting that america doesn't have a nigger problem.

No they didn't.
We would never have survived as a species if our most primitive ancestors didn't know the basics of sex math.


Not Veeky Forums, the kid is an English major. Most articles about this point it out.

They're desperate for our approval and bitter that they'll never get it.

True man, if I were a negro I'd probably use that to my advantage just like everyone else uses their socioeconomic status to their advantage

>Veeky Forumsberals will defend this