Is ADHD real?

Autism or Autistic gets throw around here alot but what about it's hyper unfocused cousin?

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how do I delete a thread that others aren't interested in? Just wait?

Yes, but it's totally getting blown out of proportion. The fact that a shitload of diagnoses got made after Ritalin got released is something that you should keep in the back of your head.

Also the fact that ADHD was placed on the DSM shortly after amphetamines were scheduled should set off alarm bells as well.

>Autism or Autistic gets throw around here alot
That is because the Ritalin brigades hurry to Reddit while Veeky Forums is preferred by those who explore the spectrum.

It's definitely real, but it's just a different cognitive style. I'm pretty sure there is evidence that it is morphological, and selected for in Hunter-gather societies. I hypothesize that it may emerge in early childhood from gentic accommodation or some evo-devo thing.
I've been diagnosed with ADHD my entire life, been on Meds since 6. The never worked. Despite having an extremely high IQ, infinite motivation and deep curiosity. I was never able to do anything but barley scrape by in class. Only for incremental things like math, my mind wandered. Could always bullshit an A for easy classes I decided to go to. I've always spent ridiculous time self-studying biology from the time I could start reading or my mom could read to me. "Stamp collecting" if you say, then ecology and evolution, philsophy, history, countless hours of jumping through citations, never did my homework. Never was introduced to how amazing math was until I started getting into the theoretical parts of ecology, now I'm starting at set theory, with an average American understanding of algebra.
Recently became aware I have schizoid personality disorder and that is why my ADHD seems so severe. I've spent most of my life in w complex fantasy world, and started living in my body for the first time since I was a child. I think it's a gift, a debilitating gift. It comes with quite the imagination. I've been sad, as you could guess i would be after studying what I study this day and age. Not sure if I even had ADHD. Just eccentric, smart, and disdainful of authority.
Idk what this is supposed to contribute, but, well, that's that.

I know this feel all too well.

>Recently became aware I have schizoid personality disorder and that is why my ADHD seems so severe.
Well there is the problem. It is hard to diagnose one such problem correctly but much more hard when there are two simultaneous issues. And from what I see and hear combination issues are common.

ADHD is real but it is severely overdiagnosed. Probably only 50% of the diagnosed cases are actual cases, parents just want to be able to blame someone other than themselves for their kid being weird.

I am this poster my source is the fact that I have severe ADHD (impulsive predominantly unlike the poster above so I was able to get my shit together and preforming to my full ability by halfway through high school, being impulsive is much easier on grades than being unable to focus) and at least half the people I meet who claim ADHD are just "smart but lazy" dipshits who learned to rely on excuses.

If ADHD is real then are
1.inattentive type
2.hyperactive-impulsive type
3.combination type
real as well?

Much like autism has high functional Asperger on it's spectrum

Was it autism? If no one is interested it'll eventually delete is self.

There is a study that showed with positive encouragement kids with ADHD outperformed their peers like 100% of the time. Don't remember the study sorry.

I also think these hyperactive disorders are largely the result of forcing wild animals to sit still at desks all day.

>He doesn't fit our categories properly
I hate this attitude of the average minded.

Those are subtypes of ADHD and they are only really apparent in people who actually have it as opposed to false diagnoses.

People with ADHD typicall have much faster brains (and according to the article I am reading to verfiy everything I'm saying, a fuckton more brain RAM-equvilent which is why there is such distraction and impulsiveness). If they can learn to focus often they will blow acedemic shit out of the water or at the very least be above average.

Don't be so critical. It's all hueristic anyways. You don't even know if he belives the categories to be truth or just useful symbols to examine the truth. I'm the person he replied too and I use the paradigm out of necessity.
It's like picture related.
It's my hand and a damsel fly. I know that there is no seperation between the two, it's the same life that infests every nook and cranny of this world. I don't call it life because then it would be impossible to communicate what i am experiencing.
Reduction is what allows us to make sense of what we experience. You can only look at the big picture after you piece the puzzle together.
You were right when you say that naive reductionism is the average mindset, it's how semiosis and consequentially cognition(except rare moments of higher consciousness) works.
Everyone interprets the world through a pinhole, knowlege will widen the whole, but it takes imagination to collage every angle and focus into a holistic view. That is what is not average.
Belive it or not it seems humans have become much worse about this predisposition since agricultural and industrial societies have come about. Some kind of disassociation with the world we are a part of. That's what I took away from studying traditional ecological knowledge. I'm rambling now.


I am not sure what you mean here.
When I wrote what I did in it was based on people I know well and also my father who is a retired GP and have met these issues many times. He and also his colleagues acknowledge this is very hard even for people with decades of experience. They have no interest in pushing people into neatly labeled boxes, really they don't.

The average Joe Sixpack has little background to understand these things but then again they are not the ones working in the field.

I have inattentive type. I don't go bouncing around the walls. Instead I have extreme difficulty in following shit like lectures, especially since I "absorb" information far faster by text and visualizing it.

Was also very easy to mentally distract, even in the middle of tasks. Even in planning for the future. Growing up in the age of computers and video games made it worse. So inattentive ADHD (and other types) are often co-morbid with depression.

Wouldn't you be depressed if you felt your life was in shambles for lack of being able to focus? My Amerifat diet did me no favors growing up as well.

Then I got Ritalin and it feels good to be able to focus but it feels bad that the past two decades of my life could've been more productive and happy. I use my anger, over lost time, to power through a bunch of shit.

The worst part, for me, was that all the times that teachers and coworkers and mentors mocked me for something I honestly couldn't control. Think of the agony of people effectively saying "Have better executive functioning!" when that's the very thing that's impaired.

Lot of lost time.

I could of my mates became doctors, and they seem to take the DSM pretty literally. I've always had a strong distaste for this kind of diagnosis. Broadly I think Oscar Wilde days it will, "to define is to limit". Basically you get someone who's characteristics make them less docile than the average and you start drugging them up. One label doesn't fit, better give them to our the and up the dosage. It's a problem with the individual not the concrete shithole we've built around them.

God damn I sure did let autocorrect savage this reply

Ritalin or even Amphetamine is working well on every person, so it depends on what you want to be.
Yourself, or a person ready to be harvested by the system you life in. -or, inbetween.

>you feeling unfocused? here have some meth

Same boat my friend. If it matters, Adderall xr 30mg + remeron 30mg helped the schizoid shit a lot. Meds suck but being free from the anxiety of being fucking weird is worth it. I'm finally functional and in college.

I was misdiagnosed with Ritalin as a kid

Fucked me up super bad and kept me from developing long term memory so I dont remember 75% of my childhood

Thanks Dr. Shekelstein

This is a very accurate description of me. Luckily I'm not a burger so I got a second chance at uni. I take immense pleasure in surpassing everyone who thought I was just lazy and dumb

Post ADHD heart crushing sentence

>You sound like your high

Who were also class clown?

Use google next time. I'm not trying to sound like a dick btw.

>tfw parents didn't have patience and would scream at you for forgetting things.

Just to demonstrate how far off people and experts can be: when I was very young I got a lot of negative comments for lack of attention, especially for details. When I was 12 we found the reason: myopia. No, seriously. As a bonus this also explained why I had difficulties recognizing people which lead to people thinking I was too arrogant to greet them.

Reality was I could not see them but I had somehow learned to recognise them when they moved by the gait. Perhaps my extreme hearing relates to this since I can hear and recognize people from far greater distances than others. The sensitivity has probably made quite a few suspect me of autism.


>mfw diagnosed as having ADHD when I was young
>got put on ritalin
>turned me into a zombie, felt like shit
>came off them after a few months

I feel like it's not really a problem these days. I'm not hyperactive at all but I often lose concentration easily.