>things we stopped doing a long time ago, just like reddit spacing
Do you notice a difference?
Anyone notice that they seem to add less flavor to Cool ranch doritos? To me they seemed more flavorful back then. Now it just tastes like a regular tortilla chip
Have they ever tried to make a spicy cool ranch?
Dude, back when they had 3-D doritos in the 3 different flavors, I would get a bag of Jalapeno Cheddar ones all the time. They were 100% the best chip I have ever had.
I sometimes order a bag of that flavor off Amazon. Its like 20 bucks for one bag, I think it comes from Canada.
It isnt quite as good as it used to be but its still top tier.
just as god has struggled to make an unstoppable force push an immovable object, so too has frito-lay struggled to produce the spicy-cool ranch dorito
know that they do not struggle in vain
Do you notice a difference. I didn't
This is true though, "reddit spacing" itself is a newfag meme. Reddit probably got it from Veeky Forums in the first place honestly.