Why don't we give criminals estrogen to make them less aggressive?

Why don't we give criminals estrogen to make them less aggressive?

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>Muh human rights
Also, would it work?

- Immoral
- Expensive

Should just cut their balls off instead

How is that really immoral? Most criminals have way too much testosterone, I don't mean turn them full on female.

Yeah cause women aren't aggressive or catty or anything like that, go for it.

What do you think happened to Bradley Manning?

>daring to cross the US intelligence machine without an escape plan

The vast majority of convicted criminals are male. You can't deny this.

Also it's not that skinny nerd guy who is going to prison either. It's not the feminine dudes, it's the manliest muscle bound guys who are full of aggression and testosterone.

>give males estrogen
>hormonal imbalance
>mood swings and aggressive outbursts
>depression and anxiety
Yeah I don't see how this could go wrong at all.

Why don't we give OP estrogen so he won't make shitty threads on Veeky Forums anymore?

probably this. the cult of """human rights""" strikes again.

Estradidol can often increase aggressive behavior as evidenced by numerous studies done on mice and frequently results in neurodegeneration which will only make inmates duller and more impulsive. This is a fucking sophomoric idea duder

Other countries are fairly successful in actually rehabilitating their criminals and have fairly low rates of recidivism. Who would have thought that treating criminals like people that have made mistakes instead of animals to be kicked around would work better?

>all criminals are the same
they ain't you naive faggot

I think they do. Or at least they use to.

I mean I do know prison food is near starvation levels to keep them low energy.

It's nice of you to notice that. I agree, serial killers should not be treated the same as car thieves. Why do Americans think they should be?

We already do it with everyone, my friend.

Honestly the overwhelming majority of felons who do hard time share a lot of attributes. I don't think people realize just how shitty the average person who ends up doing hard time in state prison actually is. They are NOT merely victims of circumstance and their defects are much more fundamental.

i'm not american. but i'm smart enough to see the criminal landscape in american and europe is much different

Castrate Them?

In some countries some Rapists are Chemically castrated already.

Of course they're not victims of circumstance; they chose to do something illegal and got caught. The thing you're going to have a hard time convincing me of is that a car thief or non-violent drug dealer is irreparable and would relapse regardless of whether he's put in an American prison or a Norwegian one.

(((They))) are turning our Frogs Gays.

(((They))) put Estrogen in Water Supply.

Buy Filters to prevent it.

Are you speaking from experience?

I'm not too familiar with what the laws are like in Norway after discharge from prison but i'd assume recidivism rates are much larger in the US because nobody wants to hire a felon and less because the average us prison isn't a three star hotel with classes on transgender oppression like the ones I Norway are. I think the rehabilitation vs punishment debate is tainted therefore a claim that Norway's prisons inherently lead to less recidivism isn't fair.

Turning the freaking frogs (Veeky Forums users) gays.


There are many Gay Frogs lurking on Veeky Forums right now

>Turning them Gays will cause
AIDS epidemic in Prison.

>rehabilitation vs punishment debate is tainted
>Nobody wants to hire a felon
Yes, that is also an important contributor, but I think it is heavily tied to the state of American prisons as well as the sentiment that criminals are subhuman. I would argue that employers would hire felons much more readily if they served their sentence in an actual rehabilitation facility instead of a human kennel that strongly disincentivizes rehabilitation in favor of violence and gang culture.

Castrate Them will just turn a Conspiracy into Reality.

Chemicals in Water turned the freaking alt-right frog Paul joseph watson GAY!


That would them more aggressive. Aggression is caused by low serotonin in your brain.