ITT: Food people work hard to convince themselves they enjoy even though nobody really does
I'll start with pic related
ITT: Food people work hard to convince themselves they enjoy even though nobody really does
I'll start with pic related
agreed, for me it's just pizza and McChickens. why does other foods even exist?
It was interesting when I had it. I'd eat it again probably.
>I'd eat it again probably
Classic example of someones taste buds telling them one thing and their stubborn determination to feel as diverse as possible so they fit in with other like minded people better another.
Looks so much better than it tastes and feels
any kind of fish.
stop pretending you like fish...
You're both wrong. Fish and Sushi is fucking delicious.
For me it has to be dumplings, just can't get into them, I always feel like they should be crispy. They feel like they're uncooked dough
>hey can I get some raw fish with loads of rice blanketing it to drown out as much of the taste and texture as possible while I feel culturally enriched?
I'll stop pretending I like fish when people stop pretending to like steak
I kinda feel like this is actually true of at least a percentage of sushi eaters
But I genuinely do enjoy a lot of different rolls and love the little filets of salmon and tuna
The rice compliments the texture of the fish, they work great together. Flavor wise it tastes amazing, you're taste buds judt need a bit of weebing
Proof this is bait and you don't really believe it.
Steak, that's something else I've never understood, especially without seasoning, don't know what people are tasting that is so special
>waah waah stop liking what i don't like!
Why are you a little bitch, user?
Of course it's not a perfect test, but if they feel like they have to drown the sushi in soy sauce and wasabi, they probably don't like the actual taste of the fish.
It's also a shame that this type of person usually is really scared of trying anything beyond salmon and tuna.
Shit he has found our secret
looks like user hit a nerve
some people lash out when faced with an unpleasant truth
basic human psychology
You dont like sushi OP?
Damn, I love the stuff
wasabi yumma yum
Chicken breast
Turkey lunchmeat
Albacore tuna in water
Frozen pizza
American cheese
Kraft Mac & Cheese
Isn't most f that just shitty nock offs of actual food? Not mu t disagree there
I don't know if I'd call those foods knock offs, but they sure as hell are crappy foods that are popular. I can only assume people eat them because they're familiar, not really because they like them.
Couscous tastes bad AND it's boring.
I buy these couscous pesto salad things at work and they make my mouth jizz
More for me I guess.
The stuff my mom made was pretty amazing, you might just have eaten at a trashy restaurant.
What's meant to go with couscous? When my [spoiler]mum[/spoiler] made it, it just had little peppers and cucumbers in it and like zero seasoning. Probably why I found it so boring
the rice is the defining factor of sushi
notice how all sushi has rice
raw fish without rice is called sashimi
also each piece of sushi hardly uses very much rice I don't know how you could ever consider that "loads" of rice
and all sashimi is extremely delicious
there is basically nothing on planet earth that is more tender and savory than fresh fatty tuna sashimi
I think that anyone who doesn't like at least some type of sushi either has no tastebuds or their only exposure to sushi is some american abomination because they live in a flyover
I think my mom used spices to make it taste well, I'm from an Iranian household so it might be a different take on the dish than the ones most other people eat.
Agree, those fuckers suck
this fucking thread again
>gets meringue cookie
>expects it to be pillsbury chocolate chip or some shit
These threads should be a bannable offence.
Hold the fuck up Kraft macaroni is fucking amazing. What's wrong with you?
>Kraft macaroni is fucking amazing.
If you're five years old and have negligent parents, sure.
>hey can I get some fried chicken with loads of lettuce blanketing it to drown out as much of the taste and texture as possible while I feel culturally enriched?
OP are you fucking insane
All around Veeky Forums we have these threads where someone with shitty childish taste try to argue that everyone who claims to like different things are just pretending. It's the same as the delusional morons over on /tv/ who believes that deep down everyone just wants to see capeshit.
Like plastic foam, but then way too sweet.
You're the type of person that i would be embarrassed to take to a restaurant. Tartare is delicious
Nobody likes vegetables. You eat them because you have to, but you do not like them.
Vegetarians are mentally ill.
"Truffle" oil. It tastes like straight gasoline and overpowers everything. Doesn't compare at all to the real deal.
lots of pies with their gooey bullshit
same with gravy biscuit
hotdogs and any ground meat bullshit
mango anything
skim milk
chocolate truffles are fucking bullshit
donuts (fried batter/dough wtf fuck you)
any mass produced bread is cancer
fish sauce
coconut oil
coffee again
I tried some raw beef that I was marinating briefly for a stir fry and I have wanted tartare since.
Congrats on your B- in intro to psych. We are all very proud.
>ITT: people who can't comprehend different opinions want to be validated
I guess I can understanding his saying for Mr. topic has understand the mind how it enjoy FOOD and NOT under misgiving fight.
>lots of pies with their gooey bullshit
Not big on sweets
>same with gravy biscuit
OMG biscuits and gravy?! DELICIOUS
I love pickles, pickle relish, pickled vegetables
>hotdogs and any ground meat bullshit
A hot dog is a good vehicle for pickle relish
The bacon GREASE is the thing that's useful
Little kids like it
I'll grill a steak or two a year. Primeval.
>mango anything
Mangos are delicious!
>skim milk
Not a fan
>chocolate truffles are fucking bullshit
Not big on candy
I fucking LOVE coffee!
>donuts (fried batter/dough wtf fuck you)
Not a fan
>any mass produced bread is cancer
>fish sauce
>coconut oil
>coffee again
You must be fun to hang out with
As opposed to you trying to out-edge the faceless crowd here, you poor schmuck? Why the hell do you think everyone should be as miserable and timid as you? What makes you think your perspective is the only one that exists or matters?
i'm so lonely thank you for the reply
truth is i'm not picky at all I'll eat anything unless it was designed to kill you i guess
>Nobody likes vegetables
Yes they do, you fat fuck.
>Vegetarians are mentally ill
Eating vegetables =/= vegetarian.
Yes, because a post like claiming people can't eat differently without peer pressure is clearly the height of rational thought. It says more about your priorities than it does about your (poor) grasp of psychology.
The next time someone on Veeky Forums tells you to KYS, consider taking it as a warning and not idle insult. If you truly can't understand how people can step outside their comfort zone and enjoy themselves regardless of fear, disappointment and judgement, you may as well be dead already.
>i'll give judt a pass
>rice drowning out the flavor of fish
>or anything else for that matter
Fuck you. If anything it's an acquired taste.
Unfortunately I disacquired it by eating too many because they were so good.
Sushi is the official food of "we have dogs instead of kids so we have like 3 million dollars in income that we don't spend because kids are expensive" and then getting a financially motivated divorce a couple years later.
Sushi is fucking great, but I guess I agree that there's way too many people that go "omg I looooooooooove" sushi, but only mean California rolls or tuna rolls, or "baked" rolls and shit slathered in some kind of sauce.
I love sushi, but I also love all kinds of fish, and grew up fishing a bunch of things right out of the ocean with my grandfather and like almost anything a sushi chef will put on my plate.
ITT: r9k manchilders who eat mac n cheese with ketchup or chicken tenders for every meal with a coke.
George likes his chicken spicy
>this entire thread
I've legitimately tried to like sushi at least on four separate occasions. Can't do it
>TFW your teeth bounce off the raw fish
It's not the worst thing in the world, but it's just unpleasant enough to not be worth it.
>Like sushi
>live in Japan for 3 years and move back to the US
>Can't stand to eat sushi unless I'm paying atleast twice what it should cost
Shit sucks, I wish most sushi wasn't straight garbage in the US
I lived in Japan for 2 years but I still like US sushi rolls as well. Not really as sushi but still a delicious way to prepare fish.
I dont eat proper sushi anymore to be sure, but while in Japan I dint get to eat all teh sexed up rolls they have in the US either.
I don't hate sushi, but I also don't really understand why people seem to like it so much. I just think it's bland. I mean, soy sauce and wasabi are OK, but those are really the only big flavors.
also nori tastes like a dirty beach imo.
Did you try going to a regular sushi place but leaving your eletist weeb faggotry at home?
I feel this way about really dry red wines.
I just can't wrap my head around someone finding that taste pleasant.
Maybe it is my palate, but a dry red to me tastes like licking a sliced grapefruit after using it to wipe down an ashtray.
I don't like the mayo covered rolls because its apparent that all the condiments and marinades are there to cover up crappy fish. The mid-tier stuff in the US isn't bad but its just frustrating to buy since the first acceptable tier in the US is still barely above Japanese supermarket, and Chiyoda sushi beats out a lot of the more expensive places in the US
What are you talking about? Did that happen to you?
KBBQ is much more enjoyable for me and it has a similar experience, though I like fish much more than I like red meat. Shit sucks. I just wish I liked what other people liked.
>culturally enriched
i am asian, though, and simply enjoy the taste of sashimi.
Sushi is really good when you chuck out that useless rice they pad it out with.
Probably just another "why aren't you having white babies oh my god please pop out more shitty babies because reasons" /pol/ poster.
Congratulations, you've managed to be naive and arrogant at the same time. You're what's wrong with the world.