Issue: My girlfriend hates cooking, is a vegetarian, but is allergic to nuts

Issue: My girlfriend hates cooking, is a vegetarian, but is allergic to nuts.
Problem: I've run out of ideas wat do.

My girlfriend is 25 years old, we live together two years now. And she's a bit of a handful when cooking. I do most of the cooking at home, I love to cook as a hobby, try new things, etc, etc. My GF on the other hand hates to cook because it takes to long and when she does even something like opening a can improperly causes anxiety.
I guess she was babied to much as a kid, teen, by her mother a little to much in that department.

Anyways. I work shift work, two weeks on, two off, sometimes I work full days, sometimes not, it's just the nature of my career. As a result I am not at home to prepare meals everyday for her, I do try my hardest to do this, but sometimes I just can't be bothered. I end up cooking a nice meat filled meal for myself, and completely forget that my GF can't cook worth shit while I'm at work.
Her parents and I convinced her to eat fish, but here's the thing, unless it's frozen fish, she has no idea how to cook it. I've tried to teach her, but she uses excuses to not do it herself.
As a result I have resorted to buying expensive frozen veggies, fish, potato products, instant noodles, pasta sauces from a can or jar, jut things filled with added bullshit and sugar.
I feel for her health. How can I get her to just cook a basic healthy meal? She expects everything to just be prepared for her or instant... frustrates me.
>pic unrelated

Stop dating a liberal

Cooking is part of being an adult.
Your girlfriend has the mindset of a child.
If she can't provide for herself there is no future to your relationship.
You should just break it off desu

You have to kill her, it's the only way.

buy a giant bag of salad mix and make a jar of vinagrette for the week.
Add different veggies or simple shit like cooked shrimp or salmon, tuna. Fresh cheeses.
Or stop enabling her and force her to grow up and be self sufficient.

you can cook meat part separately, so she can eat veggie part. She can do dishes. My boyfriend doesn't cook so I cook and he does dishes after dinner. I also grocery shop, but if she doesn't mind and you don't mind she can do the shopping also.

Also, you need to be able to choose what type of partner you will be and not have it both ways: you are either going to be in control of what she eats because you make it for her, or you don't have to make it for her but you can't control her diet.

If she has an eating disorder, encourage her to get help.

If she's rich just let her go out and buy whatever she wants to eat ready-made. If she's not rich she really shouldn't have the attitude she does. That whole "I don't lift a finger" thing only works for people with enough money to hire others to do shit for them. Look at what's happening - you feel like it's your place to take care of her not because she needs taking care of, but because she's too lazy to care for herself. The more you enable this behavior the worse it will get. And if you've been in this pattern for two years already it's not something you can really break out of without ending the relationship. So you have to ask yourself, "Do I want to be in this position, basically being my gf's servant?" If the answer is no it's time to start looking for a new gf.

>doesn't cook
>allergic to da nut

got yourself a keeper

Indian food has a lot of vegan stuff . You could try those recipes.

>masculinity in 2017

Go vegan. You can't accidentally cook something with meat if you can't eat it either. Make seitan and tofu entrees. You can batch-cook homemade frozen dinners so she can eat when you're not there.

I managed to get my girlfriend to start cooking when I pointed out that all those days she felt stamina and happiness was when I was cooking her proper meals.
She can now cook a little bit

Tell her to grow the fuck up and learn to function like a fucking adult either that or tell her to gtfo

>do more work after committing to a diet you may not enjoy so she can keep her responsibility free life
I thank God every day for making me a faggot

> unless it's frozen fish, she has no idea how to cook it.

How does she cook the frozen fish? It can't be that different to how you'd cook fresh fish...

Tried this. she'll eat it all for every meal of the day and it'll most likely last like a day and a half max. The laziness is that bad.
We do this.
The issue isn't us coming to a compramise, she cleans the house, does the dishes, etc. It's that when I am not cooking she basically just starves or scrounges up what ever she can that takes minimal effort
Who knows ... the thought of it I guess intimidates her.
She says she doesn't learn from just being told once or twice or shown, she learns by doing it over and over. Which I think is just an excuse for her being impatient and lazy. Called her out a few times on it and she just goes all typical woman and turns it around on me.

You're an embarrassing human for enabling and dating this trash. I can only imagine what terrible problems you must have...

>She expects everything to just be prepared for her or instant

Stop cooking for her. Make your own food, and offer it to her. With meat.

Here's the thing - you're kissing her ass. You will never know if she actually loves you, or if she's just in it because you accept that she's 8 years old and pamper her and she knows finding another person to do it would be hard. Pampering and ass-kissing is only to be used full-time in relationships that are purely sexual. That's an exchange of services. Sex in exchange for spoiling.

No healthy romantic relationship involves your partner not making concessions for your comfort. If I had some debilitating illness like liberalism, I wouldn't ask my wife to make me vegan shit that would take an hour of her time each day. She may offer, but I'd learn to cook myself just so she didn't have to suffer because I couldn't handle tasty animals. That is how it is supposed to work.
>"Honey, let me."
>"No, honey, I'll do it, you go relax."
>"Why don't we do it together?"
That is how it's supposed to go.

>she'll eat it all for every meal of the day and it'll most likely last like a day and a half max.

She'll eat 7 days of food in 36 hours? I get that it's salad, but that has to branch off into other foods. How fat is she, exactly? Is she a fat princess? Because those are the worst kinds.

I've been cooking since I was 11 years old, and I cooked for a family of 8. Tell your girlfriend to get off her ass and make a fucking baked potato. or fry some cabbage, These are both easy meals, and don't let her use the vegetarian card on you cause I'm a vegetarian to.

Dump that bitch. At 25 she's past her expiration date and is only going to get worse. Get a a new bitch and don't make her a girlfriend you fucking idiot.

sadly, this.

men are becoming total fucking pussies. (((they))) are winning.

bet I have a 'manlier' job than you...

Anyways. I see the comments, and i see where it's all coming from.
But only got a handful of ideas to get people passionate about cooking. Either way, I guess I gotta just force her to cook. Which sort of happens, but either way she still eats unhealthy.

no, you don't.

Unless you either work on an oil rig, a king crab fisherman, or currently serving in Iraq or something then I don't know what's more manly than a on site welder / ironworker.

Stop cooking for her altogether and let her starve herself until she learns.

I work in the oilfield as an ironworker. Nice guess.

yea well i'm a deepsea oilworker in an ironfield.

This. My girlfriend likes baking and I do cooking. Just come to a compromise and teach her, you can't baby her forever.

>My girlfriend hates cooking, is a vegetarian

She should either grow up or you should dump her useless ass

Okay, you're still a fag though.

Hey I paint houses for niggers in the projects! Iv almost had my work truck stolen 2 times this year! I have to carry a gun around at work, im manly as fuck!

>Issue: My girlfriend hates cooking, is a vegetarian, but is allergic to nuts.
>Problem: I've run out of ideas wat do.
Get a new girlfriend.

>I've never worked in the oilfield
Were you born retarded or did you have to work at it? Does it hurt?


I hate cooking. It's time-consuming, boring, etc. There are ways to eat healthier and cheaper all while hating cooking however. I like smoothies and they're quick to make. The ingredients are cheap (bigger tub of plain or vanilla yogurt, milk, bananas, etc). Also, instant oatmeal is a good one. Toast with avocado with tomato on top or peanut butter with banana slices. I find french toast is easy and quick to make. Simple burritos with beans and cheese. Might not be the best food in the world but all you have to do is heat up the tortilla, the beans, and sprinkle cheese. If she's looking for quick and simple, these are the things I found work for me.

Dude fuck off you Richard Spencer LARPshit. Don't bring politics into this.