Have you ever eaten at one of those three star restaurants with a million course menus?

Have you ever eaten at one of those three star restaurants with a million course menus?

How is it?

Do you like... Fill up? Do you go hungry?

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you are never get filled up with those. it's meant to be an ""experience"" of flavors, textures and presentation that go well beyond conventional methods and/or ingredients rather than a merely satisfying meal.

They are filling, yes. That's not the point tho

i'm in leaf land
we don't do that here

If you go to a restaurant to "fill up", you're poor and probably obese, like most poor people

I want to but I never had a chance yet.

The closest to that and highest end place I've been to was Morimoto's in Napa. It was a good experience, but surely overhyped. There were just a few too many complete misses (bland potstickers stuck together into one huge lump you couldn't take apart without making a huge mess, bacon "foam" that looked literally like dishwater foam and tasted like nothing, honestly fuck this foam trend, I've been seeing it served at other places too) and not a single big hit. Actually from the nearly $200 we spent per person I can't remember a single dish that stood out and awed me, which is kinda telling.

Sure the freshness and overall quality were top notch, and I like the chill no-pressure almost bar-like atmosphere (being stuck in a stiff quiet snobby restaurant is one of my biggest fears), but I wish I saved that money towards a proper three-star place.

>you are never get filled up with those.

Actually you do. Even ignoring the fact that the total amount of food you take in over the course of a typical 8+ course tasting menu is going to be more than comparable to a typical 1-3 course meal, the fact that your eating it is deliberately drawn out over an hour or more means your are pretty much guaranteed to feel completely satisfied by the end, just due to how that mechanism of your body works.

I'm tired of foam, molecular gastronomy, and "deconstructed" foods. Someone make all of these trends go away. They're to food what modern "art" is to art.

Gastronomy isn't a meme. That's like saying astronomy or any other onomy is a meme.

Sorry replace meme with trend. Thissite has fucked my brain

Thank you, I'm glad someone else thinks that too.

I've been to those one star restaurants with million course menus and they're usually pretty good.

And yes, million courses will fill a normal person.

I won't speak about foam or deconstucted foods because I don't know anything about it, but claiming modern art isn't art just shows ignorance. Molecular gastronomy is of course true - all taste is based on molecules. The question is how far the actual research has come.

>hurr durrr modern art is so fucking deep and compelling

Because this is as compelling as the Mona Lisa, right?


These people's heads are so far up their bums they are coughing up hairballs.

t. never been to one

Spoken like true art plebs. I bet you rate art on how realistic it looks.

No can do on molecular gastronomy. People are beginning to truly grasp the complex science behind cooking, and apply discoveries made in other fields in their homes, not just in industrial kitchens. Why would you want to abandon that knowledge?

Spoken like a true pretentious fuckwad. I bet you would be gathered around the pineapple talking about how awe-inspiring it was.

I bet you consider sucking off art majors in front of a blank canvas art

Not surprised, considering you've just shown you prefer to be full of shit. Be honest.

unfair maybe user is a huge lardass and food for three people wont fill him up or maybe hes a super athlete who knows
maybe hes just american

I went to Bo Innovative Cuisine in Hong Kong once, about 12 years ago. It was weird. The chef pureed everything and served each "course" in shot glasses.

I enjoyed it a lot less than I otherwise might have because I'd been working for 30 hours straight before I got on a jet and flew there, and was completely physically and mentally exhausted. I still feel bad for the friend who invited me there.

Yeah, I can see why that didn't appeal to you. It's a shame, because Hong Kong cuisine is sublime; the best parts of Eastern and Western cuisine put together.

If you ever go back, make a reservation somewhere that serves heartier Cantonese cuisine, like Ming Court.

>but claiming modern art isn't art just shows ignorance
You're right, it is by definition, art. So is the PB&J I'm eating. And the moldy kitchen sponge under my sink. And this post. Just because modern art is "art" doesn't mean it's worth anything at all, and it should be shunned until it dies.

You don't eat at 3-star restaurants to "fill up"

Sure you do. You just don't order from the prix fixe menu and order al a carte.

It's not supposed to be "deep" it's just supposed to look nice and I think it achieves that

"modern art" pieces that go for that much are 95% cases of money laundering, it's a huge joke at this point.... even most art museum docents know this

The last desert at bo innovation is literally semen