Do you guys think meditation was pushed by an anti-science crew?

Do you guys think meditation was pushed by an anti-science crew?

You can do a simple google image search for 'meditation' and conclude the target audience is female. As a man used to firing neurons to figure out if a statement is true or not, you can easily feel how meditation numbs the mind if you give it a shot, destroying your brain's ability in the long term to separate reality from non-reality, which is a perfect slave mentality.

It's very reasonable to expect productivity to be very low for meditators. Meditators can't work on their own. Every single meditation community is amazingly brain dead. In philosophical terms meditation is like the reverse of Plato's/Socrates Allegory of the Cave, it is a man going from enlightening to darkness and reversing himself into a dark silent creature observing meaningless uninteresting shadows in a cave wall until his death.

I really wish I'm wrong about this, and that a meditator here on Veeky Forums will use his gained brain powers to fully and exhaustively convince me I'm wrong along with explaining how meditation increased his general productivity.

Other urls found in this thread:

You are talking out of your ass. Mindfullness meditation seems very useful. I wish I had the patience to actually do it

introspection is NEVER a bad thing. whatever your methods of achieving such are your own, but who am i to criticize one over another?

Here is from your own first link, pal:

what's the tl;dr?

Look if you are not going to read it, it's about a bunch of people on rehab because of meditation

some people drown, doesn't mean i'm gonna stop swimming :)

At least read the text.

i've got other things to do, if the whole tl;dr is people ended up in rehab than i'm not too interested

meditation is for retards lmao


There's like a billion different types of medidation. So your argument is null. Medidation could mean going into yourself to think without any outside stimulus. Or you could medidate to clear your mind of thoughts and relax. Or there's mindfulness medidation dedicated to bringing your mind to the present moment and calm the noise that is constantly present in your mind. Each one could be very productive. The first one is essentially just thinking about a thing for very long periods of uninterrupted time; everyone does this, some just formalize it. Second can help you sleep and rest better which will in turn make you more productive when working. And the third can help you develop focus and discipline that is hindered by anxiety, stress or constant self-distraction; it's particulary beneficial for people with adhd and the like; along with medication it can be very powerful.

Meditation's been around for thousands of years before science was even a thing, kid, it's quite sad how astoundingly ignorant you are but cute that you have such cult-like adherence to your belief in science you think spiritual development is just like a side-quest in your autistic little puzzlebox

What's with the anti meditation shilling? Saw the dame thread on Veeky Forums.

>I really wish I'm wrong about this, and that a meditator here on Veeky Forums will use his gained brain powers to fully and exhaustively convince me I'm wrong
yeah, no one wants to jerk off your retarded ignorant epeen, the only effect of you having such a closed minded attitude towards meditation is negative on your life, its not worth dealing with your childish ignorance and logical fallacies.

Ahahahahahahahahahaha jesus christ this post is fucking GOLD

samefag 2/10
post wasn't funny

No, that wasn't me, my dear friend. That post just shows how dumb one can be about all this after deciding to become a meditator

it doesn't actually do anything, this has been established
but if it makes you happy, it can't be all that bad...

it's about being able to observe your own mind. meditation is just about becoming detached from the contents of your sense experience so they don't control you as much, like feeling an outburst coming on and stopping it instead of losing your temper

the complete opposite of what you're suggesting in fact. the more you do this the more grounded you feel and the less you need to depend on circumstances in the moment to be happy

>and the less you need to depend on circumstances in the moment to be happy
...and the less you work?

>spiritual development is dumb because it doesn't make you a good little cog
>your status in the system is the only truth and everything that be considered an infringement of it is considered worthless

ok m8

>dear friend
Ahahahahahahahahahaha jesus christ this post is fucking GOLD

>Ahahahahahahahahahaha jesus christ this post is fucking GOLD

>training your brain to concentrate intently for extended periods of time
>not antithetical to the globalist dream of asian-jew elite class ruling over downtrodden ADHD-riddled mulatto slaves

What is the problem with meditation again? Skip the faggy eastern customs if you want to. What kind of walking meme even does that?

>What is the problem with meditation again?
sometimes it's used to come to terms with problems in your life instead of confronting them directly
t. zizek

they're trying to get you to accept your inevitable murder by a group of cultural enrichers

Because this kind of concentration is not an evaluation, it's not thinking. When you meditate concentrating on your breath, for example, you could be evaluating if pi^e > e^pi or if Einstein Relativity is wrong. Don't you think you overrate concentration to the point of sacrificing what makes man a rational animal? I too like the idea of a focused mind.

tranquility of mind has its benefits too

Most people are not physiologically capable of focus meditation anyway. If you "zone out", you're not meditating.

>have a hard time focusing on math problem
>meditate to build concentration
>focus is strengthened, math problem is easily dissected and solved

I don't even know why you're sperging out this hard. Meditation has its time and place, just like jogging.

It helps you with metacognition which is important

I've been able to avoid getting drunk every night by focusing on the desire to feel drunk itself. When I sit down, contemplate it, and focus it, it goes away as I realize how irrational it is.

There are blank mind idea focal acts as well. In other words you can focus on an idea and it will gain dimension and life over a period of time. If it is a question you will have the answers (usually quickly.). This is used heavily in mundane meditations like metta.

Also, psychic activity is an option.

Does Veeky Forums into Prometheus Rising?

i think the lesson here is don't fuck with meditation.

literally schizophrenics succumbing to their inner voices.

normal people shouldnt experience this because reality testing is never impaired.

the other possibility is external factors, i.e. hypnosis could have contributed, which is fair enough. and that's why people these days draw a line between mindfullness and meditation.

the former is scientifically based, the latter is a mixed bag depending on which sort of meditation

Didn't you post this on Veeky Forums or /x/?

Will closing your eyes and calming the fuck down for a moment lower your cortisol levels and allow you more productive thinking because of it? Most likely yes. Will it magically heal physical injuries or cure cancer? Not so much.

>Will it magically heal physical injuries or cure cancer? Not so much.

Nah, you are pulling stuff out of your ass

>there are people so scared of their own mind they paste articles from the atlantic to shit on a mental practice that's been around for thousands of years they don't even do

nah m8, a shit puller is u

I was deep into meditating a couple years back. I can see why people are into it. It basically helps you become a sociopath. Instead of feeling emotions directly, you can evaluate them objectively.

not yet, his world pyramid graph is nice though

Are those like unicorns, or something that only exists in theory that you can't possibly point it's distinctions?

>his world pyramid graph
what's that?

dude lol

Meditation's primary use is not to gain some kind of hidden psychic energy to become a brainman. Its for calming and actualization. I've used mediation-like practices before sleeping and those times were some of the best night's rests I've ever had. Its also not really a puzzle. Meditation practices such as controlled breathing and thought clearing have shown consistently steady and reliable stress reduction results. How people use it is none of my concern, I just know it makes for one great night of sleep.

>convince me
what a dummy rationalist you are