How to make broccoli actually taste good?

How to make broccoli actually taste good?

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Stop being underage

Steam, salt, pepper

>cover it with butter
>add some cheese on top of it

Steam until desired texture, add garlic
hope it helps

Stir fry in pan with garlic, paprika, and pepper. You can use butter or oil for this. Sesame oil tastes very good with broccoli. I don't think steaming or boiling is good for people who are adverse to broccoli because the men in my house who hate broccoli will only eat it stir fried because it has a crunch to it.

>he doesn't like Broccoli as is

Steam it, but dont make it mushy. in a separate pan, cook garlic in butter. remove from heat and toss broccoli around in it. season with salt and pepper

this sounds good as well

another way, maybe roasting it in an oven so its a bit blackened and crispy. havent done that in a while.

Blast it with piss.

drench in olive oil and throw it in your hottest firepit with some cloves of garlic for about 20 minutes or until crispy and caramelized as fuck

Eat it fucking raw or eat it raw with some hummus. Fuck.


>another way, maybe roasting it in an oven so its a bit blackened and crispy. havent done that in a while.

I do this all the time, and usually make a soy sauce or balsamic based dressing to put on. It's excellent

It's fine that it tastes good but wouldn't this defeat any of it's nutrition?

Get a pan hot, add oil/food lube of choice and season.

I like a bit of garlic seasoning but really anything will do. You can even get it a bit crispy.

Basically I just cook it like sliced chicken breast.

You literally don't have to do a single thing other than cook it.
If anything HAS to be added... salt, butter, gravy, mint sauce... all fine.

Take bag of frozen broccoli.
Take a small pot.
Pour some olive oil into the pot, heat it.
Place a decent amount of broccoli inside the pot, put the lid on.
Move the broccoli pieces around, so they get somewhat decent exposure.
Chop a few cloves of garlic.
Some liquid will begin to collect at the bottom of the pot. Once it reaches an amount where the broccoli is getting cooked, rather than fried/steamed, drain it into a small bowl. (You can drink it later, when it ceases to be piping hot, bretty gud)
Add more oil to the pot to prevent the broccoli from burning.
Add chopped garlic, lower the heat, put the lid back on.
Once it looks about finished, drop a few pieces of feta-like cheese into the pot, move around to create a rough approximation of a coating.

Remove from pot and eat.

oil in pan, pan nice n hot, add broccoli til charred on spots but still almost raw

secret to most vegetables, especially for all the brassica


Broccoli florets raw, washed cold, with ranch dip.

Remember dark greens like broccoli and spinach are the best greens for you.

Add a tiny bit of butter, sprinkle with a few drops of water, cover with clingfilm, microwave.
It sounds odds by by Jove, you can taste the true goodness of the brocoli and I haven't had it better since I discovered this method.

It might, not sure. It really is delicious though, Mix it with some spaghetti and crispy bacon and you have dinner.

Salt you subhuman trash

rawdawg it

>microwaving thin plastic film
Enjoy your cancer.

I never had a problem with broccoli. I always loved eating the little tree as a kid.

I just barely overcook it so it's a bit soft and then put a dab of butter on it.

By killing yourself and your entire bloodline for not loving one of the most based vegetables ever.

Become a slug or tater bug and come join the feast that is my garden

>tater bugs eating a cruciferous plant

No. Probably various caterpillars which you can control with the targeted bacterial agent BTK. Slugs can be controlled with saucers of beer. Potato bugs aren't eating broccoli.

Cook it.

Alternately, eat it with a sort of creamy cheddar sauce and a lot of black pepper.

Oh thought they got at it since they ate everything else.

I want saucers of beer out, badly, but the problem is a church owns this house and they are fucking heavy on the anti beer/weed shit and god forbid one of them showed up and I had to have an excuse for what I did with the rest of it. Sad, but that's what I have to go on this year.

>a church owns this house and they are fucking heavy on the anti beer/weed shit

Just... ask the landlord first? I'm sure that they could be reasoned with and wouldn't mind if you explained it's for pest control and you're not drinking it.
Maybe spring for a trappist ale to make it superficially more wholesome if they're not one of those isolationist sects that hate other churches.

My guess is it's southern baptists who hate every other church, particularly catholicism (think pope is the antichrist), and are fanatically and rabidly opposed to alcohol.

Ok, but how to make it taste good AND somewhat still healthy?


Rice you fucking pleb.

refer to the first two replies in your thread; add some goat cheese or something, fat is not unhealthy.

underrated post

don't suck at cooking
yeah, that sounds like a shitty non-answer, but holy shit, steamed broccoli with a little bit of salt is ace
is also a good idea

>southern baptists
so, heretics?
because there's a time-honored solution to that problem

I survived keto for 3 months and broccoli with A1 steak sauce is how I managed. Rinse fresh broccoli florets, but don't dry them or shake water off. Season with s&p and cayenne if you want. Microwave for 2-3 minutes depending on how crunchy you like it. Dip in A1 and enjoy. Shit load of sodium but hey, no carbs

Not my thread though.

Eat other vegetables

damn that is nice.

I enjoy the taste of plain steamed broccoli.

Remove the PTC gene

roast it with olive oil, drizzle with balsamic and salt/pepper

raw or
whatever you do don't listen to the memefucks who tell you to steam it and salt it and haven't had a good vegetable in their life

I have a feeling garlic butter would work out perfectly with steamed broccoli.

This usually helps a lot.
Nah, you're just a fat fuck sadly.

cheese sauce yes same for cauliflower.