Read, Expected, Got







Infinite Jest edition?



For the longest time I'd see this picture on Veeky Forums and say, "Well damn, David Foster Wallace sure does look a hell of a lot like Jason Segel." Then I would silently think to myself, "If they ever make a movie based on the life of David Foster Wallace, it would be a criminal (CRIMINAL I say!) mistake to not cast Jason Segel as the lead role." It wasn't until years later, when researching the life of David Foster Wallace that I realized there was a biographic movie based on the esteemed authors life. And sure enough, it starred Jason Segel! Someone clearly had come to the same genius conclusion I had all those years ago. A week after that, it dawned on me that the photo I was so used to seeing of David Foster Wallace, was actually, in fact, Jason Segel, in disguise as David Foster Wallace, for the movie I had just learned about. Boy did I feel dumb!

memes aside, how difficult is infinite jest? i've been listening to a lot of interview with DFW and he's really interesting. only other book i've read that i'd consider challenging was brothers karamazov by dostoyevsky and i really liked it.



Does anyone have the unedited image on the right?


The language is complicated, he's going to use a lot of words that you don't know, and there are a lot of characters to keep track of.

Nice digits btw.

this is terrible



What terrible funny?

What terribly funny?

What terribly funny?

It's not the easiest book in the world, but compared to Joyce or Pynchon it's a walk in the park.



With the exception of a lot of obscure words you'll have to look up and numerous abbreviations/acronyms to keep track of it's more or less written on a YA level.

Over 9000 hours in paint

If you've never read any DFW I'd actually recommend reading from some of his essay collections. I found "authority and american usage" and "a supposedly fun thing I'll never do again" particularly compelling.

Wut, trebly funi?

I'm definitely not among the most "advanced" readers here, but I jumped right in to IJ due to the constant memes and hype and what not. I'm 461 pages in and it's really starting to pick up. There are some parts I have to really drudge through, and some that are a pleasure to read, but I've found it more digestible than Joyce or Pynchon's denser works. I think you should be able to handle it if you conquered Dostoevsky.

wet treble funy?

it's really not that difficult imo, just super long. you'll have to look words up and flipping to the back for the footnotes gets old, but neither of those things are that bad. if you could do dosto you can definitely do IJ

nice trips btw


Veeky Forums summed up

I hate that movie.

lost it

What themes does Infinite Best present?


Bennis, mostly




Chad had it coming

Are you guys tryin to diss Good Old Neon? Cuz if so, HECK OFF



wata fu

>It's a meee!

I have a feeling that the story of the radishes was maybe written for comedy.

I laughed.

Is Mario supposed to symbolize...Mario?

wot tribble fanner!





whj t f ?



What terribly funny?


There is one guy who autistically denounces anyone who uses more than one image in each box.

According to the edition's introduction that I read plenty of stories in it were for comedic endeavor. I read the introduction last and I laughed in a lot of the books essays.

Someone else already said this and got memed for it, but honestly, what the fuck does this even mean and how is it supposed to be funny (yes, I recognize Kant, Beethoven, Mozart, etc)? If you've actually read The Recognitions you should be able to make something coherent.

you joke, but man DFW sure didn't look like a chubby jew


It's a funny story, and i don't want to be a spoilsport, but from what little i understand of the eastern religions, Taoism and Buddhism, I feel like the point that faith in goodness (even if it may appear ridiculous to others) is better than nothing and will one day help you in tragedy.

It's also obviously supposed to be funny (for the sake of emphasizing the "ridiculous" part) but also to make you think about it.


It's 90 pages and worth the read


Updated OC

Is that a sad Hitler?

really wasn't expecting how self-hating Endo was







let it die.


I think you have expected and got switched around.

W a t r i l f n y?



>Using r/Iamverysmart in any, ANY context

off yourself

Don't read this you fools. Sageeee

i don't get it

From what I can figure out, the expected makes no sense, the 'what I got' is supposed to be user only got the references to composers (Sibelius, Beethoven, Mozart, and Haydn?), as the book is full with mentions to their music

Wow, I didn't know. I just looked it up and found an interview where she gives her opinion on "Big Red Son." She says whoever hooked DFW up with the hardcore Max fucked up (there is a reason Max was incarcerated, she says), and, also, 1998 was a weird year for porn, and it's definitely different now.


>461 pages in and its really starting to pick up

What in the world did this user mean by this image?

Why does Diomedes look like Thersites?

Was furchtbar komisch?


This one always enrages me because of how true it is.


Can anyone give me the unedited image of the girl on the right

nice wordgame

I can

I probably won't
