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Literature #90
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/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
Why didn't the Wizards just buy a bunch of riffles from the muggles to deal with Voldermort instead of electing to...
Prove me wrong
Books on women who have lost the ability to feel sexual pleasure?
Which is worse? People who don't read or people who read shit?
Which books would you recommend for a guy who simply want to be an Average Joe, one of you guys, just a normal person...
What's your ideal reading/writing environment?
Essential Leo Strauss?
"...but I digress."
I tried to read a Cormac McCarthy book and thought, why doesn’t this cocksucker use quotation marks?
What do you guys do if you spot someone in real life reading a shitty author?
Contemporary literature is just as good, if not better, than the canon
Quick, Veeky Forums! Name three things that AREN'T spooks!
In a 'pre-med' program but doing poorly with no current chances of getting into medical school and thinking about...
Hegelian dialectic
Who's the David Lynch of literature?
The pseud's guide to rene girard
Is he Veeky Forums?
When the Romans kill Socrates
Reddit is making fun of us
Any madmen here that have actually read the entire western canon?
Essential Moldbug Thread
Veeky Forums here, does mind gains get you laid?
Is reading Veeky Forums's starter book list good to start enlightening myself...
ITT: Post your favorite book and try to guess what the person above you is like based off it
Why should the works of Shakespeare be taught in schools?
Recent purchases
Tfw there are il/lit/erates here who don't listen to classical music in their free time
Does anyone here stack their books horizontally instead of vertically?
Should these be made mandatory in every school around the world?
I need a quick rundown on Foucault's concept of biopower and biopolitics
The best philosophers in history jointly studied science and mathematics
What's the meme trilogy of the 2010's? I feel like this is close
Does any literary sci-fi exist besides pic related?
Will her books still be read in 1,000 years?
One of my high school english teachers despised Hemingway and termed him a 'misogynist...
Non-fictional books you find unsettling
Sam Harris
Looking for advice from analytic philosophy connoisseurs
I'm trying to get a fair view on christianity...
What was Kafka like in his personal life?
"Enlightenment is man's emergence from his self-incurred immaturity
Infrarealism (Infrarealismo)
Where to start with Vladimir Nabokov, Veeky Forums?
Any other books on how to make friends? I want a social life, but almost all my attempts at making friends fail
Introduction to Philosophy
You have to pick one city in which to receive a year's stipend on the condition that you finish your novel in that time...
Are they the only left-wing thinkers worth reading?
I remember the first time I heard someone reference the "Red Pill". I was embarrassed for them
What I read / what I expected / what I got
How did you feel when you realized Marxism is still a relevant framework for socioeconomic analysis...
Lit GF
“Would anyone care about the 2016 election if Trump weren't running? And Trump is a throwback from the past...
Reading a book
Han Kang - the Vegetarian
Private Investigator
Books about how women work
Is this book good? I'm reading it right now, I'm on page 75. I don't mean "is it pleasing"...
The more I read about the Alt-Right, the more they resemble the original Nazis to me...
The universe is my will
What do the mathematicians of Veeky Forums think about philosophy?
Religion and Veeky Forums
Thinking about buying a portable word processor
Why is right-wing literature so bad...
Réjean Ducharme
The man who kills a man, kills a man
Maybe the real infinite jest was the friends we made along the way
What did they mean by this?
We need a comfy Moomin thread. Who's your favorite character, Veeky Forums?
Do you read in total silence, with white noise, or with music?
She's so cute and gentle. :(
4 C H A N I S T H E W O R L D S P I R I T O N B R O A D B A N D
Will anyone be able to replace Chomsky?
Rules for writing?
What does Veeky Forums think?
Tfw just found .pdfs of 'On Women' and My Twisted World on my younger brother's laptop
Jordan Peterson, a widely renowned professor at the University of Toronto, the best University in Canada...
Indogermanic languages are the foundation of western civilization
The god of the old testament is satan
When you find out a philosopher already formulated and wrote down all of your ideas 375 years ago
I bought a copy of this fr less than a dollar today but now seeing it's written in 1954 i'm worried it's outdated...
SFF readalong strawpoll
Start brothers Karamazov
Has anybody here read Mitchell Heisman's "Suicide Note"?
What's the political philosophy of Harry Potter?
What's so bad about hedonism?
You'll never find the right person
How do i dress Veeky Forums approved?
Who is he taking about?
Stack thread
Just admit that you love me, Veeky Forums
What are some Veeky Forums approved Twitter accounts?
God is
Tfw to intelligent to except the dominant dogma in my discipline (linguistics): "All Languages Are Equal"
Romance Thread Go!
Be me
'The most beautiful book in english language' - Ezra Pound
Does this site actually recommend good books to read?
Contemporary authors
Trustworthy publications
Holy shit this is ridiculous. Let me say now that I don't have this book nor will I ever read it...
Rank drugs from most Veeky Forums to least Veeky Forums
At start of the book, really enjoying it
Just finished V
What do I do after I'm done with the greeks?
/SWTG/ - Start With The Greeks
What is a social construct? Can anyone in anthro give a good definition for the term?
Daily reminder that all great literary figures were attracted to prepubescent girls...
War is beautiful because it establishes man’s dominion over the subjugated machinery by means of gas masks...
J.R.R. Tolkien BOOKS
Hey, French user here
The New York Times just published an entire article about Julius Evola. What a time to be alive
/frankfurt/ general
1. For you to know that a clock works, you must match it with another clock. For you to know that that clock works...
Holy shit, I wasn't expecting this to be such a hard read. It is a rather popular book...
ITT post awesome pics of top tier authors
How does Veeky Forums reconcile free will with cause and effect? If we agree that everything needs to have a cause...
Where do I go after Kafka? I've read all of his works and I'm wondering where I could go from here
What books are you reading and what do you think so far?
To increase their capacity for consumption, consumers must never be left to rest...
When your reading Kafka while drinking coffee and listening to free jazz and you realise that you're an enormous pseud...
Impossible to properly understand-tier
I've made a mistake, Veeky Forums...
ITT: We list the last five books we read, and others will rate your taste
Thoughts on Mishima?
What are some political works of fiction?
ITT: Biggest Problem + Book to Solve It
A redpilled book for a reading club
Here rests the Don Quixote reading group
How can atheists be "well-read" if they choose to never read the Bible?
In 2017, is it necessary for every american novel to address race, even if it's cursorily?
Wherever philosophy arises, the moral health of the nation decays
What is the best book that is basically written directly as advice on how to live?
So I keep seeing this book posted
Try coming up with a pun or joke about traffic cones
Post your reading spot
Let's talk manifestos, Veeky Forums. I'm currently reading Ted Kaczynski's and he's got some interesting ideas...
Tfw just finished Ulysses
What is the best translation for pic related
What is the word for getting justice, and then some?
What does Veeky Forums think of camus?
Philosophy books to buy?
How do i write a fantasy story without making it sound like a edgy autistic fanfic
I have a personal issue
So who is the Mike Stoklasa of booktubers?
What to read after Debord? Any worthy successors or contemporary writers...
How do I deal with the frustration of not having enough money to buy more books?
How do you remember what page you were on for next time you pick up the book and resume reading?
Nationalist Lit Mag Seeks Submissions
Write what's on your mind
Veeky Forums is NOT a left wing board
Our queen returns:
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
I know you are all genre-fag plebs at heart
Just curious about the age of the average Veeky Forums poster...
Sup guys. Poor russian here...
Basically green texting is sub vocalization
This was a goddam good book. Too bad i read most of it anticipating a horrible rape that fortunately never happened...
What does Veeky Forums read just for fun? Or is it all seriousness?
Tfw you realize Schopenhauer's views on women are actually pretty moderate
What is Philip K Dick's best book, and why is it UBIK? It's also his comfiest
Dear user, in regards to your manuscript, after careful consideration we regret to infor-
Noam Chomskys home office/library
Veeky Forums is without a doubt the worst website in the history of the internet...
Reads Ghost in the Shell once
Ill just leave this here
Am I the only one who's tired of /pol/'s shit?
In the short story I'm currently writing, there's a scene where an orphan has a wistful...
Does /it/ like John Locke?
What does Veeky Forums think of Emily Dickinson?
Why should i keep a journal?
Is Bob Dylan literature?
Which books truly convey the sheer power and depth of love?
Fiction is still worthwh-
Recommend me some comfy Catholic books or writers
Anyone have a philosophical issue that theyve ever had an obsession with? You know what i mean...
Recent Purchases Thread
We were having a great discussion yesterday about Bannon's library (>>9075761) that ventured into Land, Deleuze, autism...
The comfy feeling when you're a published author
Rate the meme trilogy
The book was really boring 100 pages in but it was definitely worth finishing
Do you listen to anything while you read Veeky Forums?
What is the shitposting of literature?
What did he mean by this?
Can you recommend me some books -novel or philosophy essay- on the theme of servitude and submission?
Why does Veeky Forums hate this dude?
For people who dont speak english as their first language:
What are some of the best books arguing for the existence of a Christian God?
What are Veeky Forums thoughts on Hip Hop lyricism 2.0?
Obscure literature 3
Quite honestly, there is no point in reading "great works" if you haven't read the Bible. The Greeks are vital...
What do you think of Post Modernism ?
He cannot read in Russian
Post your favourite non-fiction books in this ITT thread
Anyone got this? It's #1 on Amazon currently, and I've always loved a bit of folklore 'n' fable. Any good?
How do you spend your days? What is your daily routine Veeky Forums? What is pushing you through your life?
Which books of the Bible are worth reading?
Being well read
Has anyone here been published in any way? Novels? Short stories? Articles?
Does Hell exist?
How to read well?
Is it just me, or is almost every book nowadays a "New York Times Best Seller"?
Are anti materialism people just poor?
What would you say schopenhauer and anime have in common?
So do they still have philosophy in the modern day...
So I'm about to start Ulysses. I'm assuming it's fairly overrated but I still have high hopes for it...
Taught literature at a young age
What are you going to do with your literature degree, user?
Yeaah bro!
I just finished this. Bawled my fucking eyes out. Why was Edith such a cunt???????
Hey Veeky Forums, a girl I sit next to and chat with in class told me I should read this book. I kinda like her...
Where to start with this hack, Veeky Forums?
Did knausgaard save literature by killing irony?
Yo, Prince Lucio Rimanez
What makes this guy so good?
I'm curious, do you think he has a job?
Think of a good idea for a novel
Spanish Poetry
I wanna start reading more serious stuff than fantasy/scifi
Writing a novel
What am I in for?
Titus Groan
Damn...looks like I gotta lotta reading to do
Why isn't this book discussed more often? I am 300 pages into it and it's fucking amazing. What did you think?
Completely BTFO Jordan Peterson
If I wanted to understand female sexuality, what would I read?
Why are people obsessed with Karl Marx when Keynes is quite obviously the better economist?
Is this book just really bad or am I missing something?
Why the fuck do Russian Novels have so many goddamn characters? Its impossible to keep track of all these assholes!
Any books on mindfulness that aren't just new age horseshit?
What is the greatest poetic form invented in the 20th century?
Critique Thread? Critique thread!
How does one go about seeing reading as a hobby rather than a chore? I do not read enough literature, never have...
Crises of faith
Name a bigger pseud
Want to be stoic
What red flags signal that an author has no discernible talent?
Friendly reminder to abandon Academia and obtaining a literary degree in favour of Autodidacticism
Is Plato the biggest hack?
Tfw accidentally started with the Sumerians
Why are *nglos so bad at literature?
When will the dickheads creating thinly-veiled threads about politics...
"I am afraid we are not rid of God because we still have faith in grammar."
Everybody says start with the Greeks, but where does one start with the Romans?
America produced the greatest literature of the 20th century
Any of you read this? is it good? chomsky is based so i assume so
What went wrong?
Fascist literature
How does one get into poetry?
Help me out, boys
Why do women tend to go through this type of intellectual phase in their early 20s?
What's the Atlas Shrugged of Socialism/Communism?
If you hate all these booktubers, why don't you try?
What are some good books on becoming as Machiavellian as possible?
Chinese Martial Arts Novels
Why does Anarchism not work philosohpically?
What are the most beautiful, sad, poetic, and profound novels?
Reads a translated poem
Has any book ever made you cry?
Anarchism 101
Fill in the blanks
Can Veeky Forums redpill me on ancient Chinese philosophy, poetry and literature?
So. How lit is your highschool/university?
Implying anybody takes you seriously as an aspiring writer if you don't have a Moleskine™ notebook to scribble your...
Is "rain striped hair" something you can say in english?
My University professor ignores my emails
Remember more innocent times?
Jordan Petersons suggested reading list
What does Veeky Forums think about this guy Foucault...
Diary excerpt thread
An average booktuber will have more reach and influence than you will for your entire lifetime
What are the most patrician countries for literature and films?
Firshscct, to avoid all mischundershtandingsh - I am horrified at Trrrremp
What the fuck was his problem?
Where's a good place to read Buddhist texts online
Great literary content from other mediums
What's so wrong about Solipsism...
Want to get into poetry
Poetry rate thread
Could one even name a writer who imitates him? There are plenty of other poets and novelists who have lesser imitators...
Recommend me a book that this image is evocative of
There isn't much literary discussion in Veeky Forums's current state, is there?
What are the most nihilistic works of fiction or philosophy?
Alright Veeky Forums, honest opinion on this guy?
Steve Bannon reads Moldbug, what's your excuse?
What's the worst book you've ever read?
Why are there so many pseudo-intellectuals on Veeky Forums ?
Cormac McCarthy
At which point is one person "well-read"?
Am I doing the right thing?
Nabokov was right about literally everything
State your political view and recommend a book with your beliefs
“There are infinite numbers between 0 and 1. There's .1 and .12 and .112 and an infinite collection of others...
When it comes to reading, what would you expect from a partner?
Post a graphic novel you enjoyed
Polish literature
Go for a walk after downloading Four Thought episodes from BBC radio 4
When did universities start to become about pseudo-activism?
Can anyone recommend other tastefully written books dealing with boy love?
How is he redpilled?
The author doesnt leave the sex scene ambiguous
The debate is over. He is truly /ourguy/
Chapters have titles
Bookmark or dog ears?
How did Stephen King ever recover from being B T F O by a true, artistically recognized auteur?
I've not
Alright Veeky Forums you're having a kid and can only have them read one book. What book is it?
ayo you can't talk about the Tao!
Which female character in a novel of literary significance do you find the most attractive?
Do you like him?
Author uses exclamation points
What books about Psychology and/or Sociology have you read? Are they good? Which has provided the most insight for you?
Who are the biggest whore users in literature?
Questions that don't deserve their own thread general:
There was a quote about holocaust, by some writer(?)...
He doesn't have a steady stream of royalty payments coming in from his books
Write what's on your mind
What makes a pseud a pseud?
Reading female romance novels gives you a really good insight on female nature and why they do the things they do
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
I have stage IV non-small cell lung cancer (only ever a social smoker...
Reaching page 500 of this thing (last episode I read was Jim's dad fixing the mattress). I'm kind of upset...
Be addicted to social media
Is she right? Do booktubers deserve to be published?
Alexander Gordon Jahans
ARE there more than one or two women on Veeky Forums?
In your best prose, write about the beauty of the male body. Or whatever you girls do
Reads Nietzsche once
My Advice?
I will meme this Nazi into Veeky Forums's culture
What is the right-wing equivalent of the Jacobin?
/pol/ seeping into this board
Criticisms of Psychedelics
Gogol translations
Do you really enjoy books, or do you just want the social prestige of being an intellectual behemoth?
What is the philosophical middle ground between pic related's autistic "dude just be nice to people and don't be mean...
Has there been any good books about metaphysical conspiracy against the human race...
Is this image accurate?
Why aren't you a Christian, user?
ITT post books that are just incredibly difficult to get through because of the intelligence of the writer...
Is Cursive Emasculating for guys?
Is there any worth while lit by Native Americans
So which bible does Veeky Forums recommend for its literary value? King James or regular version...
Veeky Forums shares their best *original* aphorisms
Sentence is long and complex
Gib me your favourite covers
Chomskys library
What did she mean by this?
Far right wing literature? Could be nationalism, antiemetic, etc
Veeky Forums seems to be the best most intelligent board to ask about this, /pol/ would just screech...
The only philosophers I like are Schopenhauer and Nietzsche. All the other philosophers I have read are boring
How do I into Hegel
Veeky Forums will defend this
Discuss this masterpiece here
Books are all different sizes
Other than reading
Doctoral student
A question for writers familiar with Jungian typology/MBTI:
Toughest book to read thread
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
Is identity politics monomania keeping women/minorities from becoming truly great writers these days?
After failing yet another job interview process that had me judged solely on my extroversion and normieness while...
Is there such a thing as too much worldbuilding? If so, at what point does that happen?
Slyvia Plath
I've started to find peace with Christianity...
Books that feel like touching a monolith?
Do you think the Veeky Forums starter kit is reliable? Am not literature guy
What does Veeky Forums think about Nick Land?
I want an unquestionable – the word that comes to mind is scientific...
ITT books written in the last 15 years that are worth reading
Why is this guy so great again?
How is it even possible to understand all this?
So, this reading ability system has got my 13 year old reading Walden
Cultural marxists aren't so bad
So l accidentally agreed to write a play that my rich friend is going to finance (he's already put a some money down)...
Karl Marx and Theodor Adorno, the inventors of postmodernism...
Lol my mom dressed me up in girls' clothes when I was 3 years old and now I overcompensate by flaunting a see-through...
The school of life
Why is contemporary philosophy so inaccessible and obfuscatory?
What are some Swashbuckling recommendations Veeky Forums?
I just thought of an idea that, in my personal opinion sounded like a good general idea for a book...
Going to get a tattoo on my arm next week, wanting to get a Veeky Forums tier quote but not too sure on what to get
Shelf thread
Can I get Veeky Forums's opinion of the books I have to read this semester in my critical thinking class?
Why did sci-fi take off so much more, artistically, than fantasy did?
Is chess the most Veeky Forums game?
Want to fully appreciate the western canon
Living in my car as of Friday. Books to get me through the next few weeks?
How difficult is this to understand?
Author Ranking
Hey Veeky Forums, this is the sun, say something poetic about him
What is the most beautiful thing in the material universe?
How much of an autist do you have to be to agree with Marx
Greentext the plot of your new novel, not like it's going anywhere
Does Veeky Forums keep a journal/diary? is it worth it?
Reminder that
Is masculinity dead in the west?
Post recent books you've finished
In your best prose, write about the beauty of the female body
Hi Veeky Forums, what are some essential novels everyone should have in their bookshelf? :)
So "New Adult" is a genre now? How the fuck is NA different than YA? What is this retardation
Critique thread
Veeky Forums, advice on political handbooks on pragmatism/realism...
Has Veeky Forums always been this good?
Finish chapter
The "#Alt-Woke" Manifesto
Hi, Veeky Forums! I want to get into Star Wars books. What is the best Star Wars book for me to start with?
Music is pure energy and emotion, aside from a few poets, how can literature even compete?
Veeky Forums Writes a (new) Novel, Part Two: Wheels in Motion
Who is the Tarkovsky of literature?
Heidegger on Technology
Are there any great thinkers alive today? Chomsky seems like a figure most people agree on...
Sup Veeky Forums
How the fuck do you guys organize your bookcases?
Veeky Forums humour thread
How do I have a mental breakdown
Why does everyone think Russian literature only consists of Dostoevsky and Tolstoy?
Tfwu suddenly realise conciousness is all there is
Why is there no good literature from here? Besides Cervantes
What qualities are females looking for in males and vice versa?
Would this be a decent place to start with philosophy? Or should I just start with primary works instead?
Is this going to be the book of the year Veeky Forums?
How does Veeky Forums feel about Moby Dick?
What do you think about mainstream news? Do you consume it on a regular basis...
Why bother with philosophy? It's just mental masturbation
PoMo Ideas
You fuckers didn't tell me I needed to know French for this
How it feels, three most influential philosophers from Germany was actually Poles?
And then they started clapping. All the people, all these adults, just started clapping...
Advice on languages
Simply put, /a/ is too stupid for evangelion
Online lectures
Tfw to intelligent to use words to describe reality
I want to read something that will blow my mind, destroy my preconceptions of the universe, and trigger my imagination
What makes this book so revered?
Peter Sotos
What do you think of people who read Infinite Jest in public?
What is the most overrated book?
Which German philosopher is the best?
Are there ANY contemporary books worth reading these days?
Start reading
Jordan Peterson
Historical fiction
Inherent Vice movie
Has anyone here read Harold Bloom's novel?
I used to love reading back when I was in my 20's-30's, but other avid readers have ruined it for me, so my question is...
Tfw literally everything gets boring if you do it enough
What was this guy's problem?
So Veeky Forums, what steps are you taking to build your eccentric persona...
Tfw wife wants to have children but I'm an anti-natalist
What do you believe is the best way to experience Shakespeare?
When a game is actually Literature, no really
Is there a shittier franchise than Harry Potter?
I want to learn about Zen
I'm writing a story about girls on a farm in the 1800s, but I have no idea what farmers do, let alone do back then...
Literary text tattoos
Write a better version of this
I want to understand what art is, exactly. What makes something art
Is there an antonym word for "Communication"?
Tfw everyone thinks I'm a lefty SJW but I'm actually a fully-fledged right-wing traditionalist who believes in...
Like, dude... man.... I just had this crazy idea. What if our brains are just like a computer, like the hardware...
Tfw Veeky Forums re-inspired your belief in god and turned you right wing
Welp 2017 is off to a good start. press f to pay respects. If dubbs gass is next
Has Scientism become the new religion?
So I'm a few pages into this book and I could not care less...
Dostoyevsky/ Tolstoy Translations
Daily reminder that God is dead
Write a haiku about anything
Yfw you can order Hypersphere from B&N
Are there any books out there that are 100% free of any Jewish influence?
David Bowie the kind of cat to bring a copy of James Joyce Ulyssess to a dinner with Iggy pop lmao what a cool dude
Does anyone have those shops of The Man in the High Castle cover that say stuff like The High Man in the Dick Castle by...
How on earth are you supposed to read this? whenever I am feel smart...
Who was in the wrong here?
Sitting on the public transporter
Post songs you listen to while reading
Who would win in a philosophy right
Go on facebook page "poems porn"
Yo Veeky Forums, I have a book coming out next year, ask me questions about getting published
What's the difference between french writers and german writers
How come only the West has such an abdunance of literature and philosophy? It seems like the East...
Become celibate
Novels are so boring, holy shit, its beyond my comprehension how anyone could read this verbose garbage all the time...
Do you like Lovecraft Veeky Forums
Why are rich people so bored
French or German?
So I started this thread a couple days ago. I still have a few questions, as I stated at the bottom of the thread...
Refute me
Latin is an ancient and because the vast majority can't speak/write/read it, it's more powerful
How do I get over the mindset that reading a translation is not worth it...
I'm halfway through this book and it's bad, what gives? Also, why does he use "and" so frequently. Literally unreadable
ITT: philosophers who opened your eyes
Why Christianity?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
Do you have a library card, Veeky Forums?
Do you guys annotate your book while reading? Is it considered bad etiquette to do so?
Hello, i'm Sigourney Weaver
Foreword and Preface is 20 pages long
Why are milennials so nihilistic?
A Farewell To Arms
Why do girls pretend to like books?
Is this sentence grammatically correct? If not, then can any of you construct a better sentence?
Index cards are the best bookmarks
Is Veeky Forums well-read about Africa and its peoples? (Also including the Near East, Fertile Crescent...
Just finished pic related, was Tarkovsky the most philosophical filmmaker?
What book really made you laugh (out loud)?
Neuroscience is so chill
What books can explain me the historical origins of western concepts of morality regarding sex and how some people look...
Can literature be as beautiful as music?
Give me one (1) good reason "thoughtful" hedonism/egoism (recognizing that helping others can indirectly help you...
Why do artists or "creative types" love drugs so much?
What did The Greeks start with?
Post an album, get Veeky Forums recs
What are some essential reads within Theology?
Be me
How do I learn Dante's Italian?
What is the best book you never finished?
Ethics and aesthetics are one in the same
Iliad vs. Odyssey
Gravitys rainbow: fucking amazing. crazy af
Not being educated at a top tier liberal arts college
Does studying advanced philosophy or advanced physics take more brain power...
What are some novels with neither love nor sex?
Tfw Stoicism doesn't work
Thoughts on his philosophy?
Travesties of Veeky Forums
Is it worth browsing through second-hand bookstores and thrift stores?
Right wing intellectuals don't ex-
I'm looking for an acclaimed novel written by a black author where race is NOT a central theme
Philosopher Tiers List
Does anyone here know Ancient Greek? How many years would it take me to learn it...
In a 2005 interview Green was asked, "And literature is written to be entertaining?" to which he replied emphatically...
Start reading Plato
Stack thread/recent purchases
What have you gained from your knowledge of philosophy and literature, Veeky Forums?
So according to Heidegger, living authentically means not just accepting what society wants of you...
Capitalism will not fall until everyone is gay, black or trans
Mfw entirety greek philosophy is easily disproven by science
Finding old creative writing stuff from grade/high school
Have these fuckers ever written actually good literature or do they just play starcraft every day?
Write what's on your mind
What's the best language to learn and why is it German?
He doesnt read nietzche
Reminder that if you don't consider this among the greatest works of 20th century Literature...
Is he the greatest author/philosopher of our time?
What is this not?
Make list of books I have read
Post your favorite book and anons rate it
Why is this such a shit 'starter kit'?
The old man and the sea
What do you guys think of other interests besides for reading?
What is your impression of Japanese literature?
What is Veeky Forums's equivalent?
Who here is on Team No-Visualization? Besides my literal understanding of what is read...
Daily reminder that if you haven't read most of the Bible...
Is the Shrike the edgiest character in literature?
What's the worst thing you've ever written?
Share your rejection stories, Veeky Forums. Can be stories, novels, poems, anything. Let's all feel together
The more I read Tolstoy the more I realise how much of a hack Dostoevsky was
700 pages of philosophical pondering
Why is this man incapable of writing anything good other than prologues and epilogues...
What do you think about Bob Dylan as a writer?
/meme tier poets?/
But...I thought...I thought....only teenage girls did this YA booktuber shit
Veeky Forums Writes a (new) Novel, Part One: The Beginning
Could Sam Harris beat him in a debate?
Philosophy books
Can someone explain to me the apeal of reading fiction...
Veeky Forums confessions thread
Hey Veeky Forums, could you please recommend some non-fiction books that are similar to the philosophy in fight club...
Tfw no weirdo poetic gf
What are some classic short books? 200~ pages tops
This is the best best book ever written
tfw you realize memes are the end of culture
""poetry"" without rhyme
Books to deal with the fear of death?
Why is there no woman Shakespeare? The closest you have is Jane Austen who basically just writes imaginary gossip
You read James Joyce?
Religious writers > atheist writers
Bored of games
How is utilitarianism not the most ethical philosophy there is?
Why haven't you read
Would you stop using Veeky Forums if this happened?
I don't give a shit what your 2000 year old book of desert fairy tales says. I'm asking you to defend your beliefs...
Whats a good name for someone who ends up becoming king?
Tfw Dante is okay with punching nazis
Be Italian
Sup Veeky Forums
What kind of "-ist" are you?
War has changed. It's no longer about nations, ideologies, or ethnicity...
What are some books I can fap to? I need something really lewd
January reads
Holy shit
Are there any fiction books that explore masculinity similar to Fight Club?
Isn't it hypocritical how Nietzsche rallied against "lower men" and glorified the Ubermensch when he himself was sickly...
Has there ever been a book that was actually "deep"...
DFW Worship thread
Can someone be Veeky Forums without being Marxist? The far left is by far the most Veeky Forumserary political group
Reminder that THREE HUNDRED PRINTED COPIES of this book exist, as published from that Lulu site
Haven't seen one of these in a minute
Hillbilly Elegy
Would you say that getting an english and philosophy degree is worth it now a days...
Anyone got the answer key to Wheelock's 7th? Need to check my translations
ITT: Words you hate and why
The Brothers Karamazov seemed bizarrely overrated, particularly compared to Dostoevsky's other work...
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
What does Veeky Forums think of Walter Kaufmann? Was he a good scholar or did he sanitize Nietzsche for liberal America?
I hear a lot about Wolfe's prose, with many of the detractors voicing insubstantial complaints...
Something is up with this board...
Max Stirner
What books would you recommend to a 25 year old man who's trying to improve himself and go his own way?
Which publisher does the worst covers and why is it Wordsworth Classics?
This is your daily reminder that there are no well-read users on this board
Women can't be good wri-
Last sentence of the book
How do you feel about St. Augustine?
Pursue Dream vs More Income
What is essential alt-post left literature?
What are some good books on self-education? I want to become an autodidact, so I need to learn how to self teach me...
Underrated words
Édouard Louis (born Eddy Bellegueule; October 30, 1992) is a French writer
Any Frenchbros here?
ITT we post our most favorite paintings of all time
How can one argue that art is for art's sake when it clearly isn't?
Refute The Flying Spaghetti Monster
Tfw you realize God is real
Is this for women ?
Latin America Veeky Forums
ITT: Books atheists literally can never appreciate with the same intensity and connection as believers
Wasn't it a little odd at the end of the Odyssey how Odysseus killed all the suitors...
Is Chomsky literally the only credible figure in existence to have argued at any length that respectable mainstream...
Don Quixote Read Through Day 1
In upper division course on Shakespeare
Female Authors
Is there a more boring and unrewarding author than hemingway? Why is he so revered?
Learning french
Great literary couples
No memeing now, what's your all-time favorite book and why?
Any other authors who are incredibly fuckable?
What I Read / What I Expected / What I Got
Is it worth a read?
Are there any right-wing interpretations of Hegel?
Why is the habit of reading still so strongly associated with intelligence when most readers consume YA shit and NYT...
Post Veeky Forums pics
I have a weird syndrome that I cannot explain...
The Divine Comedy
8:30 pm
I've never seen someone promoting his book here, like posting a link to amazon of his novel. Is that not accepted...
Read George Orwells Down and under in Paris and London
Are there any other authors who write respectable and patrician grown-up fantasy and sci-fi?
The Poetry of John Green
Be me
What should I write about if I want to get published?
Don Quixote Read Through
Who is the Joe Rogan of literature?
What is better 1984 or Brave New World?
When did you realise that he was right about there being no room for poets and artists in the ideal society?
Not writing on speed
/crit/ -- Critique Thread
Makes you think
The futility of non-STEM intellectualism summarised
Why do all women "philosophers" think the exact same way?
Hey lit. Do you think your significant other should have the same interest as you (in literature)...
What are some comfy books?
People act like Dostoevsky is too over-the-top and Tolstoy is perfect...
Can you summarize the last book you read with a simpsons image?
Will he be remembered as the definitive philosopher of the 21st century?
Go to mcdonalds
Mr Updike's Literary Contribution
This is the worst board on Veeky Forums. Not /b/, which is dead, not /a/...
I have to choose 3 of those. can't be from the same author...
Which one of the Harry Potter books is your favourite?
Is this a good book?
Post a word
Say you wrote a really good book, and an agency took great interest in you
Looking for Alaska (2005)
Sup Veeky Forums, my to-read pile is getting a bit out of hand
Penguin classics part 2
WTF is Spoken Poetry
What writers, philosophers, or historical figures offer the most convincing critique of conservatism?
Does anyone have tips on writing a journal?
That guy who went to school and got a piece of paper that says he's qualified to teach dumb and high teenagers books...
Not subvocalising Joyce with a comical Irish accent
Niggers that buy used books
You're a english teacher and you have new freshman. Whats the first book you make them read?
Law books
What is this guy's fucking problem? is he trying to be a supervillain or something?
So mersault is the embodiment of every Veeky Forums user, right?
Where does one start with the greeks
J.K. Rowling
Is anyone else disillusioned with literature...
Why is literature always either right wing or left wing...
How do you like my story, Veeky Forums?
I just read Catcher in the Rye the other day and although I did connect with Holden in some aspects...
Why does Veeky Forums have no respect for right wing literature?
Why is Harry Potter and derived fictions so dull and contentless?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
Poetry Critique Thread
Write what's on your mind
Anybody ever read a good book about grapes?
January is almost over. Post how many books you've read so far this year, which you liked, and which you didn't
How old were you when you realized that anarchy is objectively the best state for humans to live in?
When you see a literal 9.5/10
What literary motto do you use as your guide while writing or debating?
Are audiobooks cheating?
Anyone else mentally disturbed here?
Should we punch nazis?
Have you read it?
Why have so many notable men struggled so fundamentally with women?
What does Veeky Forums think about Chinese philosophy?
I've been getting into books a lot recently...
What are some good books on the philosophy of anime?
Tough times produce tough men, tough men produce good times, good times produce weak men, weak men produce tough times
So I'm about 30 pages into this book...
Public Ridicule
So my therapist recently advised me to "restrict" my self-awareness and take life "less seriously" to overcome my...
Bookshelf thread
Stirner thread
Can we just agree that poetry is officially dead now?
Canon: brown eyes, frizzy hair and very clever. White skin was never specified. Rowling loves black Hermione
What can you tell about me by my modest economy/politics and philosophy shelf?
What's the point of this book?
This is the worst board on Veeky Forums. Not /b/, which is dead, not /a/...
Why are you on Veeky Forums and not reading a book instead?
Love cyberpunk aesthetic and themes
Lads great news I'm going to jail. time to get some reading done
Is there anyone worse than prosefags?
So in the watchman by Alan moore in order for shit to get better in the world things had to get a lot worse...
Julius Evola: Radical Traditions
Post your 3 favorite books and take this test
Slaughterhouse five
Decided to fall for the memes and start with the Greeks by reading this (exact same translation as pic related)
The Kingdom of God is Within You
Does sleep deprivation help or hinder your creativity personally?
Most authors have been to Ivy League schools or schools with extremely low acceptance rates
Yukio Mishima
What did you do after you finished reading this?
ITT: show writers/philosophers that looked either particularly "writerly" or "philosopher-ish" or particularly...
What would you do if your crush browsed Veeky Forums?
Will he be remembered as the definitive philosopher of the 21st century?
Where can i read this for free?
What's the black knight halbard of western literture?
Do people actually find this shit enjoyable? it's just fucking annoying. im getting memed on aren't i?
Poorly written
Is there anything wrong with cultural elitism?
What do you think about him?
Why do I get offended when I see people that are really into reading...
What does philosophy say about the upbringing of children? Is it OK to smack your child...
How can I get better in academic writing?
How many pages do you read a day?
I'm depressed and the way my mind works subjectively shows that things are pretty bad so...
Is this book worth reading?
Saints are literally a meme...
Tfw too Veeky Forums to be straight
Advice for a beginner
Post your pseudo intellectual rhetorician thoughts
Do you sometimes miss playing video games or watching stupid movies?
My first book
If you label me you negate me
(bearing in mind philosophy isn't a strong point of mine) am I correct in my reading that Buddha's idea of there being...
I wanted to share a think piece I just wrote, which I thought would serve as an interesting topic of discussion...
War is hell
I want to write a novel from a high school senior guy's POV. I'm a girl and worried it won't be authentic. What do I do?
Being "cool"
What's the verdict on modernism? A good idea that turned into a tragedy?
Can anybody post the link to the meme review of Blood Meridian that's on youtube...
How is nihilism even a philosophy? It's not a conviction, not knowledge. You're not contributing or helping anymore...
Anons with concentration issues, what's a good book that's captivating and not too difficult...
How often do you read authors that have different political views than you?
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games