How do you like my story, Veeky Forums?

1/Anonymous hacked by Russian intelligence
2/Trump elected as Russian puppet president

do it quick before douche Trombone starts burning books

>early third millenium

well if he implements his retarded tariff ideas then you can say goodbye to your e readers and computer parts. Nearly all are manufactured in China.

i'm french

Aren't you guys about to elect your own Trump? Le Pen or something?

Yes, G-d willing.

fuck your god
(pardon my french)

Are you a girl?

Here's your (You) my man.

Rule 29 states: In the internet all girls are men and all kids are undercover FBI agents.
Rule 30 states: There are no girls on the internet.

and fuck narine

Are YOU a girl?

>Veeky Forums
>can't read

Can I kiss your vagina?


What does that word even mean anymore?

Noun 1. hack - one who works hard at boring tasks
drudge, hacker
unskilled person - a person who lacks technical training
plodder, slogger - someone who works slowly and monotonously for long hours
2. Hack - a politician who belongs to a small clique that controls a political party for private rather than public endshack - a politician who belongs to a small clique that controls a political party for private rather than public ends
machine politician, political hack, ward-heeler
pol, political leader, politico, politician - a person active in party politics
3. hack - a mediocre and disdained writer
hack writer, literary hack
Grub Street - the world of literary hacks
author, writer - writes (books or stories or articles or the like) professionally (for pay)
4. hack - a tool (as a hoe or pick or mattock) used for breaking up the surface of the soil
tool - an implement used in the practice of a vocation

right after i cut your lips with scissors

when n' where

i feel like there's 1 fag who's on a mission to trigger kiddies from pol who visit lit, shitty bait everywhere

please just let us discuss books in peace, ty

Hacktivism (a portmanteau of hack and activism) is the use of computers and computer networks to promote political ends, chiefly free speech, human rights, and information ethics. It is carried out under the premise that proper use of technology can produce results similar to those of conventional acts of protest, activism, and civil disobedience.
The term was coined in 1996 by a Cult of the Dead Cow member known as "Omega". However, similar to its constituent word hack, hacktivism is an ambiguous term (computer hacking is tied to several meanings).
The terms hacktivism and hacktivist are the subject of lexical warfare to define them. Some definitions of these terms include acts cyberterrorism while others stop with the use of technology hacking to effect social change.

here and now
post pics or it didn't happen

h-here i go

>whaaaaaaaaaaa, mum, they don't want to discuss dostoievsky with meeeeeeee

you don't like william gibson, cutie pie?

just stop trying so hard

plenty of other threads for you

ok, sharpie in the pooper if someone actually tells me how he likes my story

shameless self bump