Jordan Petersons suggested reading list

What does Veeky Forums think about Jordan Petersons reading list and where should I start?

Crime and Punishment
The Brothers Karamazov
Notes from Underground
The Devils
The Idiot


The Kingdom of God is Within You


The Master and Margarita


One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovitch
The Gulag Archipelago

The First Circle

Cancer Ward

Other books of critical importance:

Carl Jung

The Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious

Symbols of Transformation

Answer to Job

Erich Neumann

The Origins and History of Consciousness
The Great Mother

George Orwell

The Road to Wigan Pier
Animal Farm
Down and Out in Paris and London
Homage to Catalonia

Aldous Huxley

Brave New World
The Doors of Perception

Other Works

The Discovery of the Unconscious (Henri Ellenberger)
The Neuropsychology of Anxiety (Jeffrey Gray)
Affective Neuroscience (Jaak Panksepp)
The Emotional Brain (Joseph LeDoux)

Other urls found in this thread:

Follow the Western Canon. Start with the Greeks.

They're all important works, but it's a far from exhaustive list. And most of this is stuff you should've already read.

It's a situation of "reading most of it wouldn't be a waste of time per se, but you'd be better off with a different list".
Skip the Solzhenitsyn besides Gulag, the Jung. Neumann, Orwell beyond 1984 and Huxley beyond BNW, the Other Works, and go for WaP, AK and Ivan Ilyich in Tolstoy

Greeks, The.

>skip the works of the greatest genius who ever lived, Carl Gustav Jung

Kill urself my man

Holy Kek since when is Jung considered worthwile again?
I guess it means that meme magic must be real

why isn't he?

Actually there is little wrong with him, just acknowledge that his worth as a psychologist is zero
He can still have value for his ideas. The reason I wrote what I wrote is that suddenly there seems to be more people who think Jung is fantastic and the best there is

>One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovitch
>The Gulag Archipelago
Literally the Ayn Rand of 'oh look at me, my life is so bad' books.

Oh I see. I first heard of him because of the Jung x Freud feud, but what made me a little curious about him were Jordan Peterson's lectures.
not OP

Debating C.G.J.'s value, in is a thread about Peterson is futile. Considering C.G.J. trash while being interested in Peterson makes little sinse the former is probably his biggest influence and Peterson believes him to be an even greater genius than Freud.

>Literally the Ayn Rand of 'oh look at me, my life is so bad' books.
Literally won a Nobel Prize

It's up there with Frankl's "Man's search for meaning". I mean, wtf jew, how long are you gonna be butthurt about the nazis taking everything from you, killing everyone you love and torturing you for years until you barely resemble a human physically and mentally!

Does anyone find the west side of Sid Smith Hall where he's sitting depressing as fuck?

That whole street feels like a sleepy sidestreet to me, it's between all these ugly old buildings like New College and the giant yellow fucker south of that, ugly Anthro building

Hence I think Peterson is trash, not to mention his speculative evolutionary psychology
But he is profiting from this anyway, he has become - in his words - a Darwinian truth of kinds (not really but I hope the point comes across), the more exposure he gets, the more people will want to read his books or listen to his lectures

He is winning

>where should I start?

The Moral Landscape

So did this.

> just acknowledge that his worth as a psychologist is zero

If you are a mass produced anglo-bot who can only treat patients with cbt and questionnaires, sure, whatever he has to offer is too far outside your expertise to be of any use


well at least you admit that he's not in the realm of psychology or science. if you think using fairytales and stories to diagnose your patients is better, go ahead. you can join the lacanians and lingering freudians as well.

Depends, have you read George Orwell?

i'd start with Animal Far, then 1984, then Brave New World by Huxley, then moving on to Homage to Catalonia, ad I'd say you have a good starting point to move on to Tolstoy's Crime and Punishment.

Good luck trapping your patients in a lifetime of unfulfilling mediocrity after interviewing them with a set of "choose your own adventure" style questionnaires and pacifying them with SSRIs

>you can join the lacanians and lingering freudians as well.

Join the father psychoanalysis if I want to become a psychoanalyst? Lmao, wtf do Anglo-therapists even have as a background? Do you also feed your patients biscuits when they do sth right? lol

>>you can join the lacanians and lingering freudians as well.

oh god the horror. don't even joke like that mang

Another bunch of undergrads, scratch that, psy101 article readers bashing on one of the most influential psychologists of our day.

Jesus fucking Christ you people are disgusting.

How the fuck did you even came to Veeky Forums without being at least remotely aquainted with Jung's ideas?

It's ironic you should say that considering how much people here shit on Freud because he's a cultural marxist or some other shit, considering he is THE most influential psychanalist of his day.


Which book specifically desu?

Iliad, then Odyssey, then Oresteia, finally you're done with the biggest Greek works.
You can follow with the Aeneid or can go through the rest of Aeschylus, Sophocles, Aristophanes, etc

Be aware that to become fully ancient Greek it is absolutely necessary to have non-platonic relationships with adolescent boys

Who's Jung?

Honestly this is a terrible idea. The books are boring as fuck, you'll drop em after 3 pages and you'll never open a book in your life again. Instead, I suggest start with something that genuinely interests you. Are you troubled about something deeply with in you? pick a psychoanalyst. Are you interested in the constants in the human psyche, what we value throughout time? Pick Jung specifically. Do some of those questions hit a nerve but you would prefer to explore them in the format of a story? Pick Dostoevsky, Hesse etc. In the works of the writers in Peterson's list you'll find a lot of traces and influence from the Greeks anyway and once your interest has been piqued you'll want to trace your way back to them. I think picking up something that answers what bothers you now and tracing the genealogy of that school of thought all the way back to the Greeks is far more engaging that picking up an utterly dry book and reading it in the hope that this will make you cultured one day.

>The Greeks
I'm sorry you were born with such terrible taste, user.

Thats a good advice. Thank you vert much
Here is your (you)

Maybe just give the las or lad some suggestions and leave the decision on what to read to him or her.

If you genuinely find them compelling, cool, more power to you. But 99.9% of young people who have so far read nothing but young adult fiction will find them extremely dry. There is no need to force yourself to start with them, short of being an insufferably pretentious, repressed pseud, when there are books on this list that are read with the urgency of a fire extinguisher instruction manual during a fire.

Like Borges said it is of no use to read a book that you're not interested in. It doesn't do justice to yourself and it doesn't do justice to the book.

Peterson is /ourguy/ by far!

video of jordan peterson talking to hot white nationalist girl

>hot white nationalist girl

[citation needed]

>"Pragmatism has lead me toward traditionalism though I don't fit any label precisely and I do change my opinions from time to time as I learn and consider new information and ideas."

Doesn't sound like a "white nationalist" to me, and I doubt Peterson would talk to one.
>Why White Identity Matters

He's perfectly aware he's talking to a racist, and he even warns her and her viewers multiple times to avoid falling into the trap of resentful identity politics.

Where is she from? I would wife her pretty quickly.

Fair enough. Talk about going into the lion's den.

I think it's pretty funny that the far right people are significantly more willing than the far left to listen to his criticisms of them, even though they're pretty much identical

Well the question is if either side is willing to change their opinions in response to criticism, and that seems to me unlikely.

I want to see him have a sincere discussion with an intelligetn communist.

>Intelligent communists

Interesting to note that Harold Bloom dislikes Jung

>discussion with an intelligetn communist
I doubt that'll ever happen to anybody.

I'd like to see that too, but I suspect it would be exactly like the discussion he had with Sam Harris.

They'd probably go around in circles over historical details rather than epistemology though


I've heard Peterson criticize several assumptions that are at the base of Marxism for sure.

Why no Julian Jaynes?

Because he's not fucking insane.

Christian apologists should be gassed

Neither was Julian Jaynes. My intro. psychology textbook lifts entire descriptions of consciousness from Julian Jaynes. Just because his theory of history is crazy doesn't mean he won't expand your understanding of the mind during the process. Most of what he's said is reasonably backed by anthropological neuroscientific insights, so he's not easily refuted.

t. someone who read translations
I'd add the nine lyric poets and Theocritus

He's not a Christian apologist. Christians aren't Jungians, and would consider any Jungian interpretation of Christianity a heresy.



I am sick and tired of this. Every day I come to Veeky Forums, and every day there is at least one thread up with an OP image of an attractive old man dressed sharply and posing seductively. It's probably the same one or two people who do it honestly. Let me tell you something, you faggot pieces of shit who are doing this: you are the poster child for everything that is wrong in literature, art, and society as a whole today. You are incapable of coming up with anything creative, thought provoking, or of substance, and you lack even the smallest modicum of intelligence, so you use "style" and "class" and "respectability" in place of it and to draw attention to yourself, because that's the only way your SHIT "creation" and ideas would ever get seen by anyone. And before you say anything, this has NOTHING to do with the fact that I am an hormone addled teenager. Anyway, I will be petitioning the owner of this website to ban your asses, so enjoy being able to post here while it lasts, because it's not going to last long, just like you that one time you convinced your Old English teacher to let you fuck him.


90% of Christians don't give a shit about "heresy" and can twist their religion into being anything they want. Like Kant before him, Peterson is trying to invent some kind of philosophical justification for retarded Christian dogma. He just pretends to be "interpreting" Christianity so he doesn't look like an evangelical.

>t. someone who read translations
But English is the new Latin, and Lattimore is absolutely fine. Take advantage of the lingua france of the ascending culture.

There is a certain kind of thoroughness which is but the excuse for inactivity. Think of what Goethe understood about antiquity: certainly not as much as any classicist, and yet quite enough to enable him to engage in fruitful struggle with it. One -should- not, in fact, know more about a thing than one can oneself digest creatively. Moreover the only means of truly understanding something is one's attempt to -do- it. Let us try to live in the manner of the ancients – and we shall instantly come a hundred miles closer to them than with all our learnedness. Our classicists nowhere demonstrate that they somehow strive to vie with antiquity; that is why -their- antiquity is without any effect on the contemporary.

Lattimore is fine if you want to say you read Homer. But you're not reading Homer. You're reading a paraphrase of Homer. Homer is a POET, he infuses his poetry with melopoeia in a way that cannot be translated. You're a middlebrow: elitist enough to care about Homer but not actually interested enough to learn Greek to read him properly.

And that Nietzsche quote is irrelevant and shows a lack of comprehension of him.

Borges is good.

>90% of Christians don't give a shit about "heresy" and can twist their religion into being anything they want.

[citation needed]

Go outside. Most people who call themselves "Christians" don't even have a passing familiarity with the Bible.

>anyone who doesn't immediately and vociferously shit all over Christianity (One of the largest and most fragmented categories of religious belief) in tacitly endorsing it and working to build justifications for all of Christian doctrine.

Reductionist degenerates should fucking leave

Nietzsche actually knew Greek, Latin, French, and Hebrew.

You'll actually notice in history that the only people who have anything interesting to say about writers are the ones who read them in their original language.

Look at the list, literally half of it is Christian bullshit. Peterson is obviously an apologist.

I love that in 2017 you can basically claim that any quotation of Nietzsche betrays an ignorance of The Essential Nietzsche since he's been misquoted so often.

Dostoevsky and Tolstoy are some of the greatest writers of all time, retard

Rabid atheists can leave too.

The quote is much deeper than you understand. Nietzsche, as a philologist, would probably tell you that there are no satisfactory Greek translations.

>we NEED religion, maaan, Christianity is great, here, read these books about it
>no I'm not an apologist, I just think that Christians are right about stuff, like, symbolically
>read Jung

wheat | chaff

>that innocent honesty
by far the most adorable Veeky Forums faux pas

if it has wheels it must be a car

Calm down Harris.

This is next level

It's not elitist to care about Homer, he's just one of the basics. Lattimore is fine for everything except the poetry, is what you seem to be saying. I don't think someone should learn Greek just to enjoy the earliest example within a primitive art form. Students of poetry, yes. But starting with the Greeks is only instructive because of their superior cultural values generally, not to appreciate their art. Art has progressed. That's the relevancy of the quote.

And despite that, he himself says that the most important elements of a work can be translated.

basically yeah, that's the link I was going for. He's also on Peterson's list

Thanks of the advice user

>Anyway, I will be petitioning the owner of this website to ban your asses

So you are going to take this to Hiroyuki Nishimura? Good luck mate.

the gulag archipelago isn't fiction tho


>intelligetn communist

Can you give an example of one?

>Meme magic

Please go back to /pol/

it's a plebeian list.

I know that will be hard for many to admit, but it's true.

you can't defend someone's taste simply because they are /ourguy/

What would be a better list in your opinion?

Carl jung was one of the most influential pyscholgists and a major influence to Peterson

Wow thats a powerful argument


Crime and Punishment is by Dostoevsky not Tolstoy