Not subvocalising Joyce with a comical Irish accent

>not subvocalising Joyce with a comical Irish accent.

You're missing out, my dude. Just fucking try it once lmao.

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that's actually what I tried to do all through Dubliners
it only really worked when I read The Dead which is good because that story was 10/10

I just read him out loud. The musicality of his prose becomes even more evident, and his writing is so semantically dense and grammatically elliptic that I couldn't hope to read him faster than I can speak anyway (about 280 wpm).

I found it worked well with The Boarding House. Nothing punctuates sexual shame and marital anxiety like an Irish accent.

Of fucking course he rolled his 'r's like that.

kek I'll probably reread the whole collection at some point, I'll make sure to subvocalise on this one

The musicality of it, my god, it's like Beethoven.

I do something similar to this whilst reading Chaucer, but with a scottish accent. It's because many of the words seem to be spelled in a phonetic manner. It's also a lot more enjoyable.

It may sound pretentious, but in literary prose, before the advent of minimalism, it was the norm to create an underlying rhythm by selecting certain synonyms and by varying the length of clauses and their distribution. This process is, in most cases, like an incredibly watered down version of music, which operates fundamentally off a similar process of pattern-making except the building-blocks are frequencies/timbre as opposed to phonemes/stress. In the case of Joyce, however, especially in Finnegans Wake, this musical aspect of prose, or 'musicality', is one of the main things he plays with.

As an American i find it hard to subvocalize irish without getting mixed up sometimes with Scottish and types of english.

Maybe the equivalent to yurop is like the difference between boston and new york accents or southern and texan

You literally have to if you want to even try to read the wake.

More farty

Is it bad to subvocalize your thoughts?

Jesus christ I saw one with subtitles two times in a row. It's incredible. That ending gave me the chills. Beautiful, I don't have words to describe it. I can't get half of what he's saying but when some meaning crosses that so close yet so impenetrable frontier, admiration and strong emotions invade me.

Only if you do it too much. Like if you narrate brushing your teeth or have discussions about simple decisions. To stop doing it too much, try physical activity to get yourself panting and your heart pounding.
Otherwise, read good books to improve the syntax of your thoughts so that you don't have to speak with or hear a fucking retard, who is yourself, constantly.

how would exercise help?

Some excercises you have to focus on to complete yet they are not so complex that you have to subvocalise cues (like in Olympic lifting). This will distracted you from the subvocalising (if you suffer from overthinking). Do it till you are out of breath and your heart rate is elevated; the active or fatigued state is very different to the resting state and it is important to have a healthy amount of each. Then there are all the benefits of exercise to your health. I actually wrote a few paragraphs more for the initial post but my computer overheated.

>not subvocalizing the text as subs to a SOL anime
you have to go back friend.

Try not doing a generic accent and do an actual accent that people really use.

Yeah I was doing it earlier but for some reason it always sounded Welsh. Which is strange because they say that Welsh is a far more peculiar accent.

>be welsh
>speak the most beautiful language in the world
>get occupied
>be forced to speak the phonaesthetics nightmare that is English
>your accent is the stupidest white English accent

>stupidest white English accent

More like stupidest accent full stop

Yorkshire accents tho

Oooh, whats The name of that manga again? They live under a huge spaceship in Tokyo right? I had totally forgotten it existed!

Dead Dead Demon's Dedededestruction
It's from the author of Oyasumi Punpun, it's totally brilliant, he captures the modern youth just carelessly wasting their days while it becomes more and more apparent that the world is going to end.

Right! Thanks! read a couple of chapters when in post-punpun depression and really liked it but could never find it again and eventually forgot about it. Gonna have to catch up now. Gotta love asano! Thanks a bunch bub!