Veeky Forums is NOT a left wing board

What books are you guys reading?

I've read most of the Veeky Forums essentials and top 100 and its strikingly obvious that right wing politics is correct. Literature should teach you not to be so idealistic. If you become liberal from reading you need to go back to square 1 because you obviously mis-read almost everything.
Its time to embrace your deeply rooted cynicism, prejudice and uphold your country's Judeo-Christian values.

Other urls found in this thread:

The Witness- J.J. Saer


Get the fuck out, you and your media-controlled view on politics.

>Its time to embrace your deeply rooted cynicism, prejudice and uphold your country's Judeo-Christian values.

God, you're retarded.

Liberalism is pretty marxist

>my education? Lots of youtube videos and Breitbart articles ;)
>a degree? Nooo, that's brainwashing LOL

remember to SAGE and report

>I've read most of the Veeky Forums essentials and top 100
worst mistake you'll ever make

fucking pleb

>Veeky Forums is NOT a left wing board
it is though

liberal left you american pigdog


But that's classist, user!

are you implying that liberalism is leftist?

>muh safe space

It sure as hell isn't right-wing

It is though, if you define capitalism as right wing

No, I don't. Capitalism as something right-wing is a reaganite meme. You will find that 19th century conservatives opposed the excesses of Manchester liberalism.

Right-wing politics is at its core rooted in the rejection of the ideas of 1798. Liberalism embraces those ideas just like marxism does.

Why do modern conservatives embrace capitalism then? I think it's because they have a hierarchy fetish and caopitalism provides hierarchies and a strict class-order.

>he thinks the wing division of politics came from britain
it's fucking french

lol i want this to become pasta
>I've read most of the Veeky Forums essentials and top 100 and its strikingly obvious that right wing politics is correct.
>Its time to embrace your deeply rooted cynicism, prejudice and uphold your country's Judeo-Christian values.
how's high school?

Because they're not retarded and realise that property rights and free enterprise are necessary, and that attempting to quell them is a short cut to hell.

Pre-1970s the modern European welfare state was the social model for conservatives and social democrats alike.

Modern conservatives embrace it most decidedly because of the dialectic principle of capitalist liberal democracy. Democracy brings forth two rivaling social projects that form around certain ideas. The coherence of these ideas is determined not by logic but by popular demand. Classical conservatives have been allied to classical liberals and libertarians since at least Reagan and both have coopted the term "conservative".

As a conservative, I myself am not necessarily a proponent of capitalism because I believe that it is inimical to social order and based on violent class struggle.

>ideas of 1798
Are you retarded?

user, which country do you think this year only existed in which gave birth to the wing system? Is it the Irish state rebellion? Napoleonic France? Maybe Egypt? Honduras? Switzerland?
The wing system come from the organisation of the ancien regime and the Terror is already over by 1793, meaning not only is the origin of the term dead, but the people who overthrew the system that originated the term are dead, and the people who killed them too are dead by 1798.

Don't be a douche, I meant 1789, okay?

I did the old switcheroo mistake.

That makes far more sense than the wing system starting while Napoleon's walking across the Nile and getting scared by cats in the pyramids. Don't call people retarded for your mistakes if you don't expect some douchebaggery back.

I did not notice until you further elaborated your position. Your greentext was hardly very explanatory.

Your only other indicator of place was Manchester in the next century, and you quoted the wrong date again while calling me retarded.

If you had the date right, you'd think it's fine to call me retarded, but when you're being retarded it's so insulting to point out you're wrong you think other people are being douchebags? Fuck off

Come on, let's not quarrel over trivial shit. I concede being wrong on this particular detail but my overall point that liberalism is not right-wing still stands.

I'd go even further and say that liberalism transcends both mainstream right and mainstream left by being the central point of ideological reference for both.

Yeah Burke kind of created a quandary for everyone by founding conservatism and liberal conservatism. When you add in his aesthetic and metaphysical musings it gets even more fucked up because the same person inspiring the Romantic anarchist pursuit of the sublime is also the inspiration for Maggie Thatcher and Churchill. It doesn't help he supports the American revolution and Irish Catholic emancipation while denouncing the French revolution. Or that he's pretty fucking coherent and consistent in all of them because if he was just schizo we wouldn't have this problem.

checked commies out kek wills it

>Veeky Forums is NOT a left wing board.

/lit is not /pol/

fuck off


Daily reminder that the whole debate over what the word "liberal" means are jewish tactics to cause chaos and confusion.

"Liberal" in America doesn't mean liberal in the 19th sense anymore, it is a word that has been coopted by the cultural marxist left to designate themselves. The word "libertarian" is the closest relative of the old meaning of the word "liberal".

This is an American board, if you're a yuropoorean make an effort and abide by the semantics of the American language.

>American board
jfc that's worse cancer than /pol/


>Literature should teach you not to be so idealistic.
Well, that's stupid. Literature should teach you to be realistic, but instill the desire to change the world for the better. The two are not mutually exclusive.

Right wing is for the rich. If you're not a corporate ceo, benefiting from the way things are, you're being brainwashed. I'm serious. Think about it for more than 30 fucking seconds.

You have the political opinions of a an angsty teenager.


Yes, because switching to renewable energy and implementing affordable healthcare is so fucking detrimental to the average asshole.

I bet you think a decent minimum wage is for pussies.

>t. petit bourgeois who should be worried both his owners and the proletariat don't give a shift if he survives
always hilarious that the middle classes reasoning why the labouring classes don't have the same politics as them is because they can't see how they would be so much more munificent dictators than the other dictators.

How comforting it must be to live in a fantasy world.

Did you ever think that perhaps the reason why renewable energy is not widespread is because it is completely incapable to satisfy energy demands?

Or perhaps you believe that the reason for renewable energy not spreading faster is because a bunch of pigs wearing top hats are rolling around in their bathtubs filled with dollar bills.

>cultural marxism

That is literally a nazi conspiracy theory. It doesn't even exist.

>That is literally a nazi conspiracy theory.
The denial of the term "cultural marxism" is one of the funniest things to come out of the new left.

What is cultural marxism then?

>not being a radical leftist accelerationist who voted for Trump to speed up the collapse of capitalism

Have you even read Zizek?

Nazi conspiracy theory? As in there are a group of Nazi party members who somehow escaped the Nuremberg trials, and have secretly collaborated to disseminate false information about a fabricated ideology?

>America is capitalism
I think quite a few capitalists got on well without it for a lot of the earlier numbers of history

That is not cultural marxism, you moron.

Cultural marxism designates the ideology of the Frankfurt school and its various offshoots.

thank you for encouraging the board to become more Christian, kiddo

to be fair, we could get more Christian from being Catholic without going Orthodox or Ethiopian or some shit.

And what is it about?
Hint: it doesn't even exist as a concept. It is literally the rebirth of nazi conspiracies and the red scare.
A boogeyman for american rightists. NOTHING MORE.

The German word "Kulturmarxismus" doesn't even exist.


Not anymore they don't.

English translation?

>Did you ever think that perhaps the reason why renewable energy is not widespread is because it is completely incapable to satisfy energy demands?
Spoken like a true brainwashed /pol/tard.
The sheer amount of renewable energy possibilities is staggering. Solar roadways, wind turbines, water turbines in the ocean, solar panel windows, energy building fabrics-
>"b-but it doesn't work!"
Bullshit. It works. Of course it works. Why would they be used if they didn't work?
>"b-but it's expensive!"
If the goal is to replace harmful energy sources with non-harmful sources, then the 5 extra bucks a year per person is worth it.
>"b-but it's TOO expensive!"
In comparison to what? The trillions of dollars spent by the military?
>"b-but it's not as efficient" What the fuck do you care about efficiency? Why do you give a shit if it takes ten wind farms to produce the same energy as one pipeline? The energy you get is the same. I hear this argument a lot, and more and more it pisses me off. The question of efficiency is not an argument.
>"b-but global warming isn't a thing!"
Scientists have a staggering amount of evidence for global warming.
etc. etc.

>please let us still be relevant
Pony up for another Marshall Plan to match China's One Belt and One Road programmes and we'll talk

>literally the only superpower left after WW2 and with an almost global cultural hegemony
>somehow irrelevant
>b-but muh china

Thanks for reminding me that Veeky Forums is a Christian socialist board.


>literally trying to survive on the spending of the Marshall Plan's good graces
>26 years after Berlin Wall falls
It's been a long time since you had deep pockets or military success. You can't outspend the reds this time, and that is the only reason why you beat the other postWWII superpower which played the other half of the Cold War.

>26 years

t. CNN viewer

>I read books
>let's discuss my political views
Stop feeding this shit, retards. Report and hide.

Fuck off /pol/

China's entire economy is a farce. It'll collapse long before the US does.

Everytime I say this I get called a fool.
I'm confident of its collapse.
>Entirely reliant on exports
>Entire middle class sustained by a massive housing bubble that could pop any time

Stand clear boys, she's gonna blow

We'll see bruh, we'll see.

Trump will Make China Great Again.

Why do you think he's talking about direct aid? He's saying that if America crashes, the rest of the developed world loses what is for many countries its number one trading partner. That's how the American subprime mortgage crisis managed to beggar Europe even more profoundly than it did, well, America. If your only conception of America's economic influence on the global market is what our government does, then I can only ask: what does it smell like?

kill thyself

I remember when everyone was saying that because they had projected 20% growth. Here we are more than a decade later, with them still the leading economy and growing, the EU following and the echo of America still screaming "IT WAS A DELAY A DELAY NOT A DEFAULT ON OUR DEBT" with the lowest interest rate ever in the history of recorded history and struggling to meet 1% growth, while China builds enclaves and factories on its soil, getting cheap South American oil to stockpile and watching America frack itself.
The EU is China's number one trading partner for the past four years, and the One Belt One Road plan ties not just trade to China but accounts for far more direct investment than the US could afford. That's before you take into account China bought the EU's mortgage debt to calm the US's effect, and the US has been relying solely on consumer spending from a highly indebted population to stay buoyant at all. Which is why the EU recovered far better than the US.

You are an inbred.
Ulysses is literally about a cuck learning to accept his wife's infidelity. And the (supposed) nuance of that sort of love.

The hicks may accept you but anyone with an IQ over 90 never will.

I encourage you to waste time here listening to definitions you'll never truly understand or comprehend. You fucking normie.

>T-they can build a road! A really long one! It's crazy!
>M-my loose, squabbling collection of 500 million has a slightly larger economic output than your real country of 300 million!

>this ideal is clearly correct
>literature can teach you not to be idealistic

China is a collection of cities that lets a gaggle of inbred rural morons share its reputation, just like the US

Veeky Forums is beyond the left/right dichotomy

>we didn't discover america and consider to sail around africa for the first time when the turks closed that road the last time
>GDP based recovery is fine what do you mean you want to take into account per capita measures
We could make snarky greentexts all day long, but the truth is that this time around China has the pockets to play Marshall Plan and the US would need to starve as many people as the USSR to make even a paltry approximation of Cominform.

i think he's talking about the EU to be fair since I raised it as China's lead partner

>implying such thing as left/right exists
Get out you fucking commodity.

this, it's a false dichotomy

>the false left-right dichotomy
/pol/ pls go...

Tell me more about this so called left-right false dichotomy.

Who was it that said that modern politics is a choice between liberalism and conservative liberalism? There are no modern conservatives in any position of power or influence, they just don't exist.

this thread is a fucking shitshow

keep politics out of Veeky Forums for christs sake

At this point, /pol/'s purpose as a containment board has failed. The board should be nuked in order to push politicalfags to baitchan's /pol/.