Thinking about buying a portable word processor

Thinking about buying a portable word processor.

Anyone have experience with these things?

Just use a pad and pen you idiot.

yeah, cause that be printed and transferred to a computer really easily! Thanks!

Just get a laptop. If you're having a hard time staying concentrated turn on airplane mode and use a word processor that doesn't have a dictionary, thesaurus, or spell check and can full screen just the composition area.

I really think you'd be better off with a computer, but if you really want one just get it.

Also no matter what you write something on the first you'll basically be rewriting everything again so unless your handwriting is illegible then pen and paper would work fine

Does, or does not, your computer come with a keyboard?

What are you writing that wont have multiple drafts anyway?

if one is relatively good with computers: get a small laptop, install linux, only use text-based interfaces when working with writing

then again though those word processors are cheap as heck so might just try it out

Just fuck (You)r shits up, retarded offtopic reddit crossposters

They used to give these to sperglords who couldn't produce a legible piece of writing to save their lives at my school :^)

Not OP, does any company still make these (in whatever version of), or is buying them second-hand the only option?

inb4 freewrite

I remember we used to have them in some classes back in grade school. Wish they would allow them for written exams in college or something similar.

>not a loonix stand alone writing nettop with a portrait monitor on a standing desk with a mech keyboard

wew lad

Kek that was me, I was the only kid in the class with permission to use it.

The one I used in 07 was hard to work with, it had a disgusting display.

This is a good idea

since this thread is full of shitposters and i'm probably the only autist with an Alpha Neo lying around i'll give you a little review:

In short, it's alright. The screen is very small so you have to make your font very small as well otherwise you can only see a couple of lines which is annoying as hell. Also, mine doesn't have backlighting so I can't use it in the dark; it holds only 9 files; when transferring to your desktop it actually copies the text letter by letter, meaning you have to wait while the text is 'typed out' onto your desktop's word processor; due to the fact that the screen is (roughly) parallel to the keyboard, you can't always find a comfortable position to type in unless you're sitting at a desk (eg lying down in bed makes things difficult already); other than that all the things you imagine about productivity are true: it's very practical and there's 0 distraction

if i were you i'd just buy one for like 10-20 $ second hand (i dont think they produce them anymore but you can always check their website or wiki) and test it out

literally this
make sure it's a Moleskineā„¢ notebook though

I have an AlphaSmart and I don't use it as much as I should.

When I do use it, it's good for what it does -- providing a portable, distraction-free tool for writing while still being digital. The small screen is the biggest issue, but only because I'd like something bigger where I can see more lines of text.

what's the keyboard like?

It's like something between a laptop and desktop keyboard, maybe slightly smaller than a standard desktop keyboard. Its sensitivity takes some getting used to, but I think that's true for any unfamiliar keyboard.

Yeah, they're quite horrible. They have limited functionality and the interface is proprietary and un-transferable to other systems.

Go for a cheap laptop and install FreeOffice. It has all the functionality a good writer needs; it even has science-related features. Save your documents as word documents if other people need to open it and they're still wasting money on bill the nerd. Bill doesn't have enough social skills to interact with civilized people who contribute to society.

I've used them: they're useless. They're un-intuitive and proprietary. You'll likely have problems moving the documents to another format. They have few features and editing is difficult.

Buy a cheap laptop and install FreeOffice. It has all the functionality a good writer needs; it even has scientific features. I save in word format when I go somewhere that ms office is installed; because bill the nerd is emotionally-stunted and doesn't communicate well with civilized people who contribute positively to society.

I write on paper and edit while I'm typing it into my computer. More efficient that way.

>yes they're quite horrible yes and the interface is proprietary yes and un-transferable to other systems yes I say yes

>you plug it in as a keyboard into literally ANY sentient object and it will pretend to be typing out your save file real-time into whatever software you choose on whatever sentient object you're using
>literally the definition of anti-proprietariness

stop crossposting, crossposter

>literally the definition of anti-proprietariness
I don't think you know what proprietary when relating to software means

I wouldn't use proprietary software to write anything
use pen and paper myself and then type it up to libreoffice if it's anything worth sharing

Do you think RMS is ok wearing that gore-tex jacket since he hasn't seen the patent for that material given its status as a trade secret?

this picture makes me think of bowel cancer