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Post your favorite book and anons rate it.

i like it

This book really fucking starts to drag after a while.


My favorite book would have to be a three way tie between Ulysses, Gravitys Rainbow, and Infinite Jest, although I haven't read any of them.

I second this.


this but unironically

I loved the Book of Disquiet actually, i really holds a special place for me. It one of my favorite books ever, but pic related still takes first place for me.

It's a close call between this and Moby Dick for me.

Yeah, I don't think it should be read in one go, and even when read with intermissions it hardly seemed a masterpiece to me.


>minha cara quando vocês nunca vão ler esse livro em Português

Mas eu sou português, user.

>minha cara quando eu não vo le mesmo falando português

Tampouco é necessário que o façam, troll.

>Ilya Ilf
What? What happened to the second part of the duo?


I actually did read them.


Closet Hot Topic aficionado.

Just an all-around wanker.

Gauche pleb with literary pretensions.

Unapologetic moralist cuck.

Degenerate Rusophile who wouldn't mind being pounded in the pooter by Putin.

The fourth one was supposed to say slave moralist cuck.

Is this book similar to The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge and Beckett's Trilogy?

Nothing just a bad cover.

A tie between Storm of Steel, Red Badge of Courage and Anna Karenina.


One of my absolute favorite books. I've never found poetry enjoyable, but this book is what I tell people I read when I say I like poetry and I have no embarrassment for that.

I liked the gist of the book, but I couldn't find the humor that everyone said it had. Maybe I'm American and don't really understand Russian Humor.

I discovered this book through an Ariya song called "Blood for Blood"


You have to be at least somewhat acquainted with way of life in USSR and it's quirks to get a lot of humor in it. Plus the inevitable translation toll.

Just learn some Russian, fampai. Anglo chicks dig it.

I taught myself Russian senpai.
started when I was 14.

Toгдa чтo ты нe пoнял y Бyлгaкoвa? Итc пpити бэйcик щит, тoвapищ.

8 or 9

It was a long time since I read it. I was around 18 when I read it. I think it was the translation I read could be a factor.


This is the only book I have ever actually thrown away, into a trashcan, and it happened two thirds of the way through that stupid fucking chapter about the monk.

I refuse to ever get near this horrid piece of shit again. First I have to sit through some beta-cunt Aloysha desu diary of which he won't SHUT THE FUCK UP. Then a goddamn 100 page sprawl about some useless fucking monk.


I'm not sure if this bait but if it isn't you might be too fucking stupid for literature.