Like, dude... man.... I just had this crazy idea. What if our brains are just like a computer, like the hardware...

Like, dude... man.... I just had this crazy idea. What if our brains are just like a computer, like the hardware, and our minds... Wait for it... is the software! We're like just meat robots walking around on a rock in outer space! I'm just a bunch of chemicals and shit. Love is just a chemical reaction! Think about that! How is consciousness even a problem? My awesome brain (a computer) is turned on right now, and when I die, it turns off! What's the mystery? Racism and sexism and stuff like that is obviously(!) a kind of computer virus. Anxiety and depression is just chemical imbalance! When I'm reading a book (reading The God Delusion right now, it's sooo good) it's just my brain processing information like a computer! Sorry guys, I just feel very excited, feels like I have unlocked the secret of the Universe or something, haha!




I can only take so much

You shouldn't have posted this all at once

My head

My head

It hurts

My skull

It's rattling




It's really.....




Think of it in this way: When you read my post, your brain (computer) is like downloading a HUGE file containg several gigs. That's probably why you're experiencing that.


so funny, upvoted

lol like I meaen this in the most proton way but cut it down with the philosophy haha at a certain age you gotta start dealing with actual knowledge

No, my good sir, don't you see?? Science IS philosophy! It's really the ONLY logical way to approach philosophy. God it feels so good to realize this

>not being a mereological nihilist
bad science my man, you might as well be a Christian Scientist.

Please take your electron vibes out of here

Okay, I hear you! So, what about calling it neurophilosophy? That way we can save philosophy from all the nonsense and pseudoscience. On Veeky Forums there're always threads asking about what love is, or what the "self" is. This is so obvious if you use science! Love, like already stated is a chemical reaction, and the self is just simply the brain (duh).

No different to yours

Read Whitehead you arrogant bastard.

Basically love in its early stages is pretty much a dopamine rush but in its later stages its more of an oxytocin rush which is good like as a survival instinct bc you wouldnt be able to survive if you constantly had a dopamine rush

>doesn't understand vasopressin
bad love science my man, you might as well be robot

no, come away from the tulpa

This is baby's first existentialism in the modern era. Your brain isn't a computer, it is a receiver.


Allow me to correct you! Not existentialism, but neuroexistentialism. Existentialism is chemicals just like everything else, of course.

Why is Veeky Forums always so intimidated by science? It's a /pol/ tier pathological Boogeyman

it's just our neurotransmitters getting temporarily out of balance from the introduction of the new bytes of data

That's exactly my point! People on here are obviously just trying to complicate things with their difficult and annoying words. Why do any of that when we have science?

oh man got me