Start brothers Karamazov

>start brothers Karamazov
>it's pretty boring
>hundreds of pages left

>really liked notes from the underground
>thought C&p was ok the first time but gave up on it a second time after 100 pages due to boredom

Now what? Read the whole thing to gain patrician cred or stop reading because it's boring?

dumb frogposter

Just learn to accept that you are an irredemable pleb and always will be. We are who we are, plebs have to exist for there to be patricians.

Ironic that you say that in a thread that mentions C&P

>posts frog
>is retarded
every time

so you're one of those faggots who like Notes just because of main character's """autism""", fuck off back to r9k, this board is not for you

Pepe, BK by FD is one of the greatest novels I've ever read. You, sir, are a faggot. Start with Seuss then move up to the MUTHAFUCKIN Greeks. Or read pic related book. God damn pepe how hard is it to understand how funny BK is???

Boring??? You are boring you shitlord.

It was initially released as a series of 12 newspaper articles. Read the 12 chapters with some gap in between. But there are too many characters, so don't let the gap be too big.

why else should one like that book? The protagonist literally thinks of himself as an outlier in society.

>too many characters

u wot?

Honestly, I read it to and had similar issues with it, but I don't think boredom is quite the issue here. I just didn't feel I could relate to it very well. I'm not living in 19th-century Russia, nor have I ever experienced anything like that in the slightest. I recently started The Savage Detectives; it's by no means a thriller, and I might almost call it boring, but I still really enjoy reading it, because I can personally relate to in in ways which just weren't there for BK.

Don't let elitist assholes force you to read things you don't enjoy. If you don't like it, find something else. There's plenty of really good literature out there that isn't boring as fuck. There's even plenty of Veeky Forums-approved stuff, if you care about that.

Stop reading it if you don't like it. "Patrician" is just a bullshit concept for scrawny betas to clinge towards so that they may feel superior
>muh greeks
>muh deep philosophy
Fuck em. Read what you like.

I agree with you though

>I read for the plots
>I can only read about things I know about


Did you even read my post you peasant? I said I didn't care if it was a boring plot, as long as it wasn't a fucking two-hundred year old monk trying to keep his drunk brother from killing his dad.

I don't live in Mexico in the 70s, either. It doesn't have to be an exact replication of my life. I just need something that's somewhat more understandable than the thoughts of some depressed Russian from centuries ago.

there are a lot many others apart from the karamazov family members

woah right on!!! read what you want, fuck the books you don't like!

Just read the Grand Inquisitor chapter and the Wikipedia page. If someone asks you tell them you read the whole book.

>mentions TBK and Savage Detectives in the same line.
>also 'enjoyed reading it'
this is Veeky Forums now

>he intentionally reads things he doesn't like because people on chinese cartoon boards say they're patrician

>I don't care if it was a boring plot, as long as it's not a boring plot

The book is character-driven, if you need car chases and casual violence to hold your attention, then you're on the wrong board, plebian.

BK is mentioned at the end of the line, and TSD at the very beginning. There's no possible ambiguity there unless you're a literal autist who treats human language like computer code.

>what is comprehension

>can't get through BK
>calls other people retarded


john pls

I don't understand the argument though. How can you even get through baby-tier shit like Dickens if you have to "relate" to every scene and character? The setting of BK is practically irrelevant. Hell, the plot is practically irrelevant.

I have no idea but I've had no issue with plenty of other books in the past that I'd consider boring. Maybe that one just struck a nerve with me or something.

never heard of anyone reading a book unintentionally

what do you look for in a book, OP?

Ah shit

I hope you guys are joking. What exactly is wrong about not wanting to read a book that you don't enjoy? Not everyone is reading for 'muh deep themes and ideas', some people just want to have fun.

It's not that op "doesn't enjoy it", it's that he cannot understand it, therefore he cannot read the book through. He is stupid and that is indeed wrong, albeit far from uncommon, as you were kind enough to exemplify.

Ehh are you in a hurry or something? For me TBK was something I cherished so much I read like 30 pages a day hoping it'd never end ...

Seriously don't ruin the book by stressing about it.

If it's not keeping your attention then move on to something else. You're just not interested in it. If you're 15-20% through and you're not feeling it then it doesn't suit your current taste. Same goes for music and film. A "good" piece of art (for you) will have you engaged from the start, more often than not. You can always come back to it later when you have more experience with books to see if it appeals to you.

If you're reading something to impress another person - stop.

God I feel so insecure on this board.

Dostoevsky is a gruesomely boring author who was payed by the page so his shit tends to plod along as long as it possibly can. Pseudo intellectual christcucks eat it up though.

>character-driven novels are too complicated for me

You don't have to enjoy a book to understand that it's objectively good and important


I'm beginning to think that you guys really believe there is such a thing as objectivity in art.

Are you reading the real book or a translation?

This must be a troll. No one is this autistic

You are the kind of person who thinks literature brings different perspectives.

what the fuck?

For those who struggle with BK, you should listen to the audiobook first and then go back and reread it to get a firm grasp of the psychological aspects of the book.

>Now what? Read the whole thing to gain patrician cred or stop reading because it's boring?

Keep reading. It's a classic, and you have no reason not to at least finish it. If it becomes a chore treat it as training: you're obviously not used to reading complex texts, this will just rise your tolerance and who knows, you may end up liking it.

Finish it bro.

And what is your take on this line on thinking, user?

and somehow you are apparently the kind of person who doesn't