Why does Veeky Forums have no respect for right wing literature?

Why does Veeky Forums have no respect for right wing literature?

Why do retards on this board equate national SOCIALISM and authoritarian FASCISM with right wing politics. Which is Christian Conservatism.

I have sympathy for anyone who spends their time posting frogs and hating women and nonwhites and sexually active people

Praise Lord Kek and Deus fucking Vult

Because this board is populated by undergraduates who get their direction from marxist professors


because i hate racists.


Right wing intellectuals don't exist

Suck my big black cock, cucks

Is this our weekly off-topic circlejerk?


This board respects T. S. Eliot, Yeats, ... the list goes on.

We have this thread every day

literature that comfortably falls into 'wings' is fucking garbage.

The real reason is because right-wing philosophy and writers are neutered at best or ignored entirely in academia (for the leftists here) and the internet strain of reactionary/conservative thought doesn't read books. You think anyone on /pol/ or other right-wing communities founded their beliefs upon the writings of Nietzsche, Heidegger, Aristotle, or MacIntyre? I did, but anti-intellectualism is the rule.

>I became right-wing from reading Nietzsche
Read him again, psued. Nietzsche isn't right wing.

How does that detract from their literature?
That's not true.

Sigh. I had hoped that some leftists would actually explain to me what was so bad about right wing lit, but nope it's all just memes and undergraduate shitposting.

Give me some examples of right wing literature.


because putting your need to feel superior before empathy is backwards and detrimental to societal cohesion. the human body adapts to it's environment. condemning an entire subset of humans for adapting is stupid, baseless, and detracts from time better invested. yelling at a stranger like an idiot child who can't keep every stupid idea from leaving his head is fucking embarrassing.

he was one of the biggest critics of socialism/Marxism

Are you serious? You've never read any right wing authors? Oh, my bad, you are probably still in your little undergrad lit class, pissing away your fathers money on learning marxist garbage.

Nietzsche said 'radical aristocracy' was the most fitting term for his thought. Modern academia has completely misinterpreted, or rather castrated, N.

If he isn't right-wing, then how else would you describe his anti-egalitarian, great-men-lording-over-the-masses ideas? And don't say he can't be applied to political thought.

Because Veeky Forums boards are online clubhouses that have fun but ultimately pointless 'feuds' with each other and Veeky Forums's feud is with /pol/. It's fine, just don't take it too seriously.

>no example

Nietzsche wasn't political. His focus was mostly on art and life. Read the preface of The Antichrist again, he obviously viewed politics as below him. Also, he sharply criticized nationalism and anti-Semitism.

Veeky Forums doesn't have a feud with anyone except maybe /tv/

stop dragging your Veeky Forums turf war into Veeky Forums

anyone who doesn't start with the greeks and makes lazy threads deserves to be banned

God I have to spoonfeed you? You belong in the you stupid faggot undergrad. How about Borges?

That's a lie made up by liberals and feminists. Nietzsche was a white supremacist and hated Jews just like /pol/.
/pol/ are the closest thing to the overman today.

1. How many times are we going to have this thread. C'mon y'all.

2. Veeky Forums does have respect for right-wing literature, it's just that what a lot of people regard as "right-wing literature" on this board is just a collection of pseudointellectual ramblings and/or prejudiced raging. Dosto, Mann, Kierkegaard, and a bunch of others that have made genuinely impressive works of art/philosophy are respected here because of those works. Spencer, Molyneux, et al. haven't done any such thing and are incredibly poor inheritors of the conservative legacy.

pathetic attempt at a post


They have inferior brains and are more likely to commit crime against nonracists. It is proven.

He is literally the greatest philosopher of the 21st century. Who else claims that title? Harris? Peterson? Don't make me laugh. Zizek is a mess. Go back to your cave.

You know what a discussion is? There's no reason to get all defensive when people ask you to back your opinions if you're not ignorant or insecure.

>I am a Conservative, I hate the Communists, I hate the Nazis, I hate the anti-Semites
Borges is a good example

I'm posting from a phone right now so I cannot provide exact quotes like I usually do, but N. says the highest aim of a culture is the production of great men, and "nothing else." This, combined with what he believes to be the best conditions to produce these Great Men (they work within the confines of rules and the State, they believe in exploitation, the idea of an aristocratic leisure class where the masses do labor, his railings against Socialism and anarchism, etc.). No, he isn't explicitly political, but it's disingenuous to claim there aren't political systems better conducive to the conditions he desires.

His problems with nationalism are based on his aversion to anything empowering the masses, a critique from the right and not the left. Sorry, I can't do this discussion the justice it deserves via mobile.

I'm racist as fuck and redpilled on a lot of issues (especially women and globalists) and I'm an engineer. Try again, leftist cuck

You are fucking idiot who could not name a single right wing author. There is no discussion to be had. Just fuck off from my thread.

'my' turf war? I don't give a shit lad, I like both boards just fine. It's pretty dishonest to pretend posters here aren't generally super keyed-up and ready to dogpile anything that smells of /pol/ though

>my thread

Try all white men in the western canon. They all were against Jews and women.

Brainlet, this is why no one here takes you /pol/cucks seriously

Veeky Forums is my property

This thread and all other threads on my board are my property, cuckold.
Then why did you ask for examples?
Give me one reason why you disparage right wing authors, otherwise fuck off to your safe space >>>/leftypol/

I didn't say that.

I asked for examples because I don't know what you guys consider right wing, or whether their are certain staples of right wing lit which concern the people on this board.

Why not give an actual answer instead of raging like an autistic manchild?

>you disparage right wing authors
I do? The only one you posted i said he was good. Why are you so defensive?

I already spoonfed some other kid in this thread. You are too stupid or too lazy to even bother reading the thread, and judging by the fact that you don't know what right wing means, I'm going with the former.

I didn't ask for examples. I am redpilled like you, and hate women and nonwhites as much as you. Just protecting and supporting my white brother

lmao this is embarrassing

It's embarrassing for the white race to stand together but not for other groups like blacks or women, when we're the ones who're being genocided?
I'm sure you feel some kinship to your fellow members of your whiteness and masculinity hate group, sweetheart. Face it, we are winning and we will keep winning. Brexit, trump, quebec shooting. All in the name of the rise of the white race


Decent b8

Nur deutsche Menschen sind weiß. Die Übrigen sind Untermenschen

Das gut.

Amerikaner denken, sie sind weiß. Ekelhaft Subhuman ist, was sie sind.

Sieg heil.

Heil Hitler Arischer Bruder

Das boot.

>inferior brain
pick two

Because to some extent your line of thought seems similar to what most people had when they were eleven, they did not understood the world and they say they hate whatever is different from them and resort to easy options that do not help the most people possible. This, however, is made the most pedantic manner, because that is the only way you, as a right winger, can be taken seriously.

Well, but I did commit one of the gravest mistake that is being commited for a long time, right? That's a fucking problem with leftists, they all presume they are on a high pedestal and so they alienate people who are on the middle ground.

that's why


Molyneux isn't even a philosopher, he's just a talk show host who wrote a few books on the side and speaks to a vast army of edgy YouTube viewers.

I won't claim to know who the greatest philosopher of the 21st Century is (and I didn't say anything about Zizek, so please don't use that as some sort of cudgel against me), but I would seriously despair for the human race if it were Molyneux.

I know you're trolling, you know you're trolling, let's just move along.

Clarification of my own post here: I said he wasn't a philosopher but what I meant was that he doesn't have any standards or contributions as a philosopher. Anyone could call themselves (rightfully) a philosopher, but that wouldn't make their ideas cogent, insightful, or valuable.

Yukio Mishima, Louis-Ferdinand Céline, Ezra Pound, need I go on?

1/Anonymous hacked by Russian intelligence
2/Trump elected as Russian puppet president

Because right wing literature triggers their sensitive feelings & brings them face to face with their cognitive dissonance.

Thomas Carlyle. Unless you're too pleb to handle the dashes and run-on sentences, of course.

Hoppe is still alive & has done more groundbreaking philosophical work in one book than Molyneux has done in his entire library of "free" books & Hoppe is an economist.


Friedrich Nietzsche, who was misappropriated by antisemites, was a vociferous critic of anti-semitism and he wrote an analysis of why it had taken on a new and more problematic form:
"The whole problem of the Jews exists only in nation states, for here their energy and higher intelligence, their accumulated capital of spirit and will, gathered from generation to generation through a long schooling in suffering, must become so preponderant as to arouse mass envy and hatred. In almost all contemporary nations, therefore — in direct proportion to the degree to which they act up nationalistically — the obscenity of leading the Jews to slaughter as scapegoats of every conceivable public and internal misfortune is spreading."

Peterson and Zizek blow that fucking sophist Molyneux out of the water (although I know Peterson is sometimes guilty of sophistry, his ideas are still far more interesting and valuable than anything Molyneux ever shit out). You're right about Harris though, he's just le positivist rational science man with a painfully juvenile view on morality

I don't understand why both you and the other user brought up anti-semitism in response to my post. I wasn't thinking Nazism---which is too empowering of the masses---for N., but something like the Roman Republic/Aristocracy, Feudalism, or Ancient Greece.

>all 'rightwingers' are antisemites

>it's an americans don't know right from left thread
why do they hate dictionaries?