Which books of the Bible are worth reading?

Which books of the Bible are worth reading?

Cover to cover. Go big or go home, nerd.

You'll hate the last three books of the tanakh, but if you can read that front to back, the rest is a nice, enjoyable breeze.

The whole thing

Not OP, but I've just started the Bible and it's unironically triggering me. Isn't this supposed to be life affirming?


I'm reading the KJ right now, why is Jesus such a sassy asshole?
>While the Pharisees were gathered together, Jesus asked them,
>Saying, What think ye of Christ? whose son is he? They say unto him, The Son of David.
>He saith unto them, How then doth David in spirit call him Lord, saying,
>The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, till I make thine enemies thy footstool?
>If David then call him Lord, how is he his son?
>And no man was able to answer him a word, neither durst any man from that day forth ask him any more questions.


>Sit thou on my right hand

Of course it's worth reading. It can be one of the most rewarding experiences you have if you put in the work. You have to approach it like any other ancient literature regardless of what you believe. That means putting it into context by looking at the authors of the books and the intended audience, the writing styles, the language, the genre, the themes, and so on. People wouldn't approach any other 2000+ year old text without commentary from scholars yet for some reason they feel perfectly capable of jumping into the bible by themselves. Don't fall into that trap.

From what I remember about my shitty, ,Episcopal education 10+ years ago the Bible is the most terrifying, depressing book of all time if it's true.

The bible is not a self help book.

Actually, it kinda is if you think about it.

How long did you spend studying it?

I spend at least a half hour every morning.

I started reading it cover to cover and had to stop at Numbers
What a boring piece of shit book
Ecclesiastes is god tier though

Proverbs. And nothing else

This is the way I approach it, as a work of pseudo-history. If you like Herodotus, you can probably get along with the Bible.

You might as well read the Apocrypha too. There's nothing intrinsically valid about the canonical books. They were just approved by the eccelsiastical councils of the Middle Ages, after endless arguing and horse-trading. "Word of God," my arse.

Not him. But I spend at least an hour every day reading the Bible. Mind you, though, the Bible isn't like any other piece of literature. People spend their entire lives rereading the scripture over and over again, and they still learn something new each time. It's too rich to absorb all of it in just one read. Although, I think one can only truly experience the power of the Bible if they read it in faith. Instead of reading some analysis written by some man who thinks he can interpret the word of God, go to Church and learn your "analysis" there.

>babby has no self-discipline

Faggot detected.

>go to church and learn your analysis there

I'm too cynical of modern churchs.

>we are the contemporary Galatians
>people perverting the gospel and spewing shit

I found latin to be really fun to learn through Vulgata, the prose is straightforward, and the constant use of subjunctive by papa Deus Dominus keeps you on grammatical edge. Day 15 and still on fucking Genesis though, it's going to take forever.

>I'm too cynical of modern churchs.
>we are the contemporary Galatians
>people perverting the gospel and spewing shit

Not in the Catholic Church, the church founded by Christ himself, friend.

Which translation should you read, I hear the rsv is good, or should you stick to the kjv?

nasb or bust

RSV-CE has the best study material since it's the most popular translation for Catholic converts.

>Couldn't get past Numbers
>At the start of the Bible
>Didn't enjoy Genesis or Exodus
You have to be 18 to post here user.

Well considering that the Orthodox church and Catholic church were the same church before the split, if you can say it about them you can say it about the Orthodox.

>Catholic Church
Not Protestant.

It's supposed to make you see how shit life is without Jesus

>Not Protestant.

this. probably the most referenced story in any kind of art medium

Can I save this?

It's all yours, friend :)

i saved it too but I didnt even ask XDDD

(polite sage for shitpost)

Who is that lovely woman?

my gf, desu

I see the Bible as an ancient history book written between 4000-2000 years ago.

how's that being an asshole?

I plan to learn Hebrew then ancient Hebrew to read the original scripts once I'm done reading the book cover to cover

I second NASB though I wouldn't say every other is bust. Just superior, for the modern english reader.

The thesis of both testaments is that man deserves nothing but punishment and is reliant on God's mercy.

The only difference is how you obtain that mercy.

No, it is not life affirming. On God's explicit directive the Israelites commit genocide against Midian, killing the men and married women and enslaving virgin women and girls.

Joke's on you, I'm reading it straight through without commentary/extra research and really enjoying it so far.

That's how people become protestants. You don't want to be a protestant do you?


There's your main problem right there.