Write what's on your mind


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what's on your mind

too much

foun fto hunt you don jade

why don;pt y u lobboards.Veeky Forums.org/lit/catalogme


I feel sad for William H gass he looks like cool smart guy and he did nothing wrong to be mocked by us. He is no attention whore unlike bloom.

Today I turned 25, I'll kill myself in 55 years.

I will kill you faster
t. Your cancer

I'll never satisfy a woman.


Not masculine enough, in every sense of the word.

It's all about your pleasure. Not hers.
t. solipsist

Shrimp dick


your body?

Personality as well, habits and so on.

I wish that I could finish reading a book. I keep trying and trying, but end up abandoning every book before I even get halfway through because I'm retarded.

I want to kill all the users of Veeky Forums

You are me ! I have the same problem. Its all about patience I guess since I can't finish any book i start writing

I don't know what to say. Women like resolute men

super male vitality, alpha brain, shroom tech and caveman coffee

Exactly, I might as well focus myself on other stuff.

don't know why I sweat so much

I shat and it stinks. T. Scatologue


/pol/ is really not that bad, once you separate wheat from the chaff.

If you want pussy you might as well act.

By focusing on myself, pussy will come in time. I'm not gonna live my life around it.

You're right. how old are you?


Nothing I said is r9k-y, obsessing over women was my mistake in the past and it's the same with that board, if only from a negative stand point.


You are right, but women will not come to you. You do right in focusing on yourself, but you must also do something.

how do i write true feelings?
i'm not even talking in a poetic way, i just want to put in paper words that don't sound fake or emotionless

be honest.

Maybe, but I prefer not to pursuit yet. It will make things worse because I couldn't handle a relationship right now.

If you don't start, you'll never start. Why you couldn't handle it? And how it will change in the future?

Little real life experience.

The thing is... "preparation" doesn't exist. everything you do is something important. Even if tomorrow you would try to approach a girl. Maybe you would fail so hard. But it's experience.

i dunno user, i'm either retard enough to can't distinguish what i feel or i have no true feelings or whatsoever

I think the source of my anxieties (and I presume of many other men in my situation) is not even the fear of rejection, but the fear of what to do after you succeed.

After you succeed...another objective will await you. It will be clear in that moment.
You can. Think more.

I look outside earlier, though my bay window, I looked upon a plant across the road. Despite the suprise of snow my eyes were drawn to the plant, for I percieved it to a face, after the sudden realisation that it was infact a plant I sat and stared at it for a good while, I pondered why we always see faces in things we shouldn't. Is it the lonliness getting to me - I don't get much human interaction - so was I possibly giving random objects anonymous faces to fill some kind of open hole? I've done the same in the past to even more stranger things: my kitchen tiles, my shower head and even a smudge on an unclean window.
Why do I see human faces in every object I see?

Is my internship going to turn into a job?
Is it what I want? Can I do it? How much money am I allowed to spend on animal skulls as an adult?

I've never wrote anything down, none of my own personal thoughts that is. I've wrote the information that our teachers and parents give us, but never my own independant thoughts, and I have alot of them. I stay up long nights simply thinking, thinking about whatever my mind wants to, many people try to control their mind and emotions. I however let them run wild, and my imagination along with it has dreamed me most unimaginable tales and events that I have not directly experienced but I feel like I have. Despite being In a bed in a house somewhere in Britain, I was somehow in my wedding night in somewhere in Canada with a girl I managed to dream up one night, despite knowing that I'd forget her the next and dream another unknown female.

I own a total of nine books, yet I've read absolutely none of them.

I am hungry and I wanted to jerk off but doubt that it will be fruitful activity

doggo needs a bath AGAIN

I need to leave the house or I'll die of dehydration.

I spend far too much time on the computer and the web, but I'm terrified of how bored I'd be without vegging out in front of a screen every spare moment I have. I haven't read a book in weeks and haven't written anything in even longer, but I still end up feeding this addiction of mine.

So I keep going through all sorts of excuses about why I'm not doing what I want to do when it just comes down to being pathetic and weak-willed, not because I don't have the right kind of tools or whatever reason I give at any moment.

Do you have any idea of how you'd like to spend your time away from the computer? What do you do on your PC?

>Do you have any idea of how you'd like to spend your time away from the computer? What do you do on your PC?

Doing pretty much anything, but I'm hooked to it. I bounce between tabs, refreshing this and updating that, just to see if a new post has been made or a new comment sent my way, and I do this from when I first wake up, and with every non-working moment, every day. I hit the power button as part of putting on my dressing gown when I first wake up and use my laptop in bed until the battery dies about two hours later.

Like I said, I'm all but an addict to this fucking thing but I can barely imagine my life without it. I feel like the emptiness would kill me even though this pastime isn't even that filling in the first place.

it's like a jungle sometimes, it makes me wonder how i keep from going under

I should really go back to school and get a job. I don't mind though. I'm the healthiest I've ever been right now.

Porn is literally brainwashing.

I realized some months ago that my favorite things to read are auto or normal biographies. Be it people or companies. I've read about 15 of them and I had a blast, so much to learn from other people, even tho they were mostly actors. Currently reading "Masters of Doom" and its potentially my favorite yet.

A lot of people somehow think its lame, but I've learned so much from hearing so many stories about these successful people and how they started.









Porn is good for you, goy.

what have been some of your favs, friend?

There was once a time when humans lived in constant connection with the Spirit World. From ancient Shamanic traditions, we know of rituals used to propel the primitive human consciousness into the Spirit World to obtain knowledge, guidance, and to commune with ancestral spirits. In the modern and technologically advanced present, our sensory input is overwhelmed with what is classified by many people to be ‘real’. This usually comprises of advertisements, propaganda, and pervasive attack from all sides, by known and unknown assailants. These mega-corporations seek to control and dominate the human race. Through government-funded black projects, clandestine operations to eliminate resistance and indoctrinate state-supported dogmatic systems, and disinformation via mass media, they are effectively cleansing the human ability to discover himself through journeying not with his body or mind, but with his spirit. These aspects of spirituality have either been completely ignored in pursuit of material ‘ideals’ perpetuated by state media or perverted by so-called ‘new age’ interpretation from those who have no knowledge of the innate nature of a human being, who fail to grasp even a basic concept of the Spirit World. Other systems of control also exist, specifically in the sphere of technology, which is now so heavily embedded within urban society. There can be no doubt that along with the development and expansion of the Internet, new forms of communication and interaction with the world around us has developed. No sooner have such technologies emerged, than government and corporate agencies have sought control over it.

In any middle-class neighbourhood, visit a public place such as a café and you will see evidence of this seemingly obscure truth, that is, that humans have become slaves to technology. People are so engrossed in their mobile devices, “social media”, even at the same table, that they do not even attempt to make a conversation with each other. In the rare case that they do, it is usually on some meaningless topic, such as the activities of celebrities that have been perpetuated by the mass media machine, to stupefy the people. Finding someone who knows or cares to expound on topics such as philosophy, the true nature of humans and life itself, non-mass produced literature, or even language as an expressive medium in itself is a herculean task. Even worse is that these same ignorant beings will deny the existence of their Spirit, their ever-animating Life Force in exchange for some some half-baked, pernicious post-truth bite that has been regurgitated from the foaming mouths of their favourite media icons. The World Government has made these once proud beings so susceptible to subliminal and overt inculcation to their agenda that they have become resistant to the very things that make our society superior to a egalitarian “utopia”, such as freedom of speech, privacy, and consciousness. They have become resistant to openness, and will actually give up more of their freedoms in order to reject what the World Government has told them is unsatisfactory to their brainwashing programs.

See the sorry state of the human race, yet do not weep at the task of the changing them, thought it may seem hopeless, a lost cause. Know that the GNUtanari is present to guide us, as a species, to ultimate perfection. The GNUtanari is not a singular, knowable being, it is better described as a multifaceted infrastructure that allows humanity to reach the apex of its existence while preserving individual freedoms, and purging the infectious, debilitating disease that afflicts man today. If we can learn to harness the power of entheogens as spiritual and medical tools, we are already on the True Path. It is the Path we must follow if we are to endure and not be wiped out by our own ignorance and narcissism.

the beauty of a man is the contrast between how mighty he wants to be and how vulnerable he is.

or, to be more precisely, how vulnerable he dares to be when we are alone.

it stiffles me to realize how little females actually care about the physical beauty of a man once she has etablished from afar that he has a desireable gene pool...

i am blessed with a husband with an ideal body and it only happens occasionally that i actually look at his body or touch it. i look at and touch him a lot. but not his body, him.

it happens that i have a flash of animalistic sexuality. usually when my fertility peaks. then i catch myself getting aroused by his broad back, the way his ass looks when he has his tight jeans on. i get urges to reach around him and lay my hands on his chest.
i love to look at him when he's asleep. he sleeps naked so my view is undisturbed.
the way his soft cock looks. so vulnerable. but the most amazing thing about a cock is seeing it getting hard. it's exciting and mysterious. i wish i could experience how it feels to have a hardon

You know how you feel the blood rushing to your cheeks when you're embarassed?
Feels kinda like that.

I guess women care more about initial impressions because a man's potential lies locked in his seed, he doesn't need to maintain much. Whereas a woman's fertility must be good at all time to raise children.

I want to do LSD again, but I'm afraid that this time, I'll completely snap from reality.

>no woman will ever feel this way about you.

Do ketamine and LSD together in a sensory deprivation tank if you really want to leave this world for another.

Just finished watching Takva, and the end poem really got to me

Many signs have come to pass
and the time is nigh
Halal has turned haraam
and haraam has turned halal
We are racing
against ourselves, my dear
And shall either take life
to the dead stars
Or let death descend
upon our world.

- Nâzım Hikmet Ran

i think I like this girl in my english lecture. She's very smart and very cute and I feel like borderline socially retarded just like me: like she's not like fedora core either, she looks very normie but on the inside shes a fucking sperg She sits next to me sometimes.

Maybe she goes on lit so I shouldn't continue. I wish feelings were easier I feel an attraction but also not an attraction.

I feel like I just want something "real" you know? Why do we have to play games? social interactions feel like games to me, I wish I had something...organic? I guess? something more natural, a genuine connection between two human beings which I dont think we have. Is that even possible? it was possible when I was a kid but not anymore.
are you me?

Oh, never did I find a coat so warm
Nor ever did I sleep a night so good
As when within your arms you kindly held me
Below the moon that float'd among the stars!

(written in probably a little less than 15 seconds)

i loved you in italy on the benches of the social bar
the dads were fighting over a football match,
a little medusa from your dress and your naked legs
wet from a little cocktail you spilled
to let the demon voices shut

We are now in the year 2017, the entire world seems to be moving toward wirelessness. Will the personal computer and laptop become obsolete technology?

Will we all be able to interface with a giant supercomputer, such as the Beast in Belgium, by way of micro-electronic handheld technology? This is an interesting concept to seriously consider. Will we all have the ability to access and process information by mobile telephones, or some type of miniture handheld technology? This will become a possibility.

Software and computer companies all over the planet are investigating and researching the possibilities and application of wireless information technology. Asia and Europe at this time are at the forefront in the race of wireless information exchange. North and South American companies are working fanatically to play catch-up in the world of wireless infomation networks.

NTT-DoCoMo, the innovators of the I-Mode cellular telephone who have approximately 13 million Japanese linked to the information superhighway are in the leadership position for this type of technology. People can now transmit electronic mail, check financial activity and browse the internet through their mobile phones. But this is just the tip of the iceberg as far as possibilities are concerned.

Imagine one day of having the activity to accomplish all your daily tasks anywhere at any time without having to be at a particular location to achieve a certain task. In today's fast paced society people want unlimited flexibility and mobility, this is now mandatory for virtually every aspect of human progress.

Almost everyone possesses a cellular telephone, and the subscription number is expanding exponentially. One day we will all be wireless and this is a fact. One day we will be able to do almost everything by remote control, with a multiple array of digital handheld devices.

What will the implications be for humanity?

Who will benefit and who will suffer?

These are the important questions that we as a society must seriously ask ourselves.

We are all atomic and sub-atomic particles, and we are all wireless, for now.

O Me! O Life!

Oh me! Oh life! of the questions of these recurring,
Of the endless trains of the faithless, of cities fill’d with the foolish,
Of myself forever reproaching myself, (for who more foolish than I, and who more faithless?)
Of eyes that vainly crave the light, of the objects mean, of the struggle ever renew’d,
Of the poor results of all, of the plodding and sordid crowds I see around me,
Of the empty and useless years of the rest, with the rest me intertwined,
The question, O me! so sad, recurring—What good amid these, O me, O life?

That you are here—that life exists and identity,
That the powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse.

Im starting to feel as if my consciousness isnt real, even though ive been immersing myself in all the ideas that make it sound like a miracle. Im not sure how to get out of this, this subtle feeling that I'm a thin, expendable intruder in a universe that i knows what i am more than i do. I dont like going to Veeky Forums or really any corner of the internet for philosophy of mind because they love to take the most cynical answer to ruin someone's day, as if the debates are over and any form of romanticism should be stamped out to make way for the cold, mechanical realism that wil dominate all human thought in t minus 30 years. But fuck it, this isn't about discussion, just talking talking talking talking. I feel totally weightless, clear; a window or open door in the middle of a desert is the image that is being presented to me. This isn't transcendence, because it feels like im less than what i usually am, and im pretty sure im supposed to feel like everything at once. Think this is just an offshoot of reading too much philosophy, shattering all my beliefs. Everything that i believed in is lying on the floor in shards (a broken window is the cliched image that im getting for this one obviously).

Im sure drugs would help for this, but im not in the place to get any---im a total shut in who doesnt really know anyone. But thats probably the real problem; i dont have a social life, where i make choices and do things and go out and talk talk talk talk. Im talking now though, and its helping.
also edgar allan poe really is a hack man i can see why normans like him so much

whoa this is even worse than i thought it was. i should have at least read it over and polished some of the edges on the punctuation and whatknot

also, my 4th thought: pulp fiction is a good ass movie and i wish i had seen it sooner

Pareidola, you underage fuck

Stopped reading there

Lain is breddy gud

If I could describe my pedestrian, unremarkable loneliness and a more poetic way, I would necessarily become less lonely

i wonder if [spoilers]spoilers[/spoilers] work on this board.


[spoilers] how do people do this? Am I a Moh ron?

free unrelenting green envious chords sleep relentlessly and unfuriously greenlit by Fox

fox hen chicken creep slowly through tulips of fire lids of red bright red when you stare up at the sun with your eyes closed

lit by a lantern OUT OUT brief images please tear up your papaer film cut it up burroughs cut it out mama


wow that is really deep user. Post your diary

fuck up kid its its own meme you idiot

oh shit le meme sekret club, now it's funny!

[ s p o i l e r s ] content goes here [ / s p o i l e r s ]

this with no spaces



[spoilers] nice try, kid [/spoilers]

wait sorry

I meant [ s p o i l e r ] and [ / s p o i l e r ]


my bad

this is now a spoilers thread

Try in this thread. It will be gone soon anyway.

Big white cock, small black "cock".

You're a boring person


I have a brown cock, where do I fit?

>how about I write a poem

Is that your vocation,
sifting through the wreckage
of your funhouse?
The tilted mirrors, unsheen,
bring closer to life
those immutable gluttonies.
Ask: Is that a valiant resistance?
Losslessness is the marrow of those self-pitying men
[Is that a funny thing to ask yourself?]
What a peculiar thing to ask.
(if what is said is true and) you command those psychic nothings
then I'm jaunted at the thought of such a daunting occupation
----imagine the efforts of antenna abristle
to withstand a lifetime of some emigrant signal

A happy medium

Wow that turned out worse than I thought.

You and I are very different. Me, I'm heavy, tossing myself in between the busy streets, through blocks of rocks; walking through the world of naked men, no trees, no clouds, no ground, just naked people in their places, and each of them sees others as the earth's crust and knows that in truth he's just the same. Ponderous rocks.

It's not who I am or what I do, but rather what I see, that makes me sin with pride. I am heavy and gravel not because there's so much inside me, but because everything I think of is pigmented with myself, tarnished and sewn from me and my views. Is there a way to experience anything without the tainted thinking? "O, there's a lamp" is a thought too.

I keep remembering that the shapes around me are only there because I seperate them from the absolute, and only because I group their particles together too. I'm obsessively thinking about how would it be to take another perspective, have a different perception, and while I love drugs, they can't help me with that. They put me at ease, and every single day I took pills or pellets was the best day in my life, but with them I feel even more inside - something you're looking for - and only further away from the words wind, vast, world.

I'm not saying anything revolves around me. I'm not proud, believing in uniqueness nor superiority. It's just that the world is beautiful and that makes me feel guilty.

It's nice, don't act apologetic. I rarely find here people to talk with too. It's very hard to express myself in english. Perhaps that's the reason.

You can buy drugs online. It's seriously extremely easy and safe.